SBJ Morning Buzzcast
Hosted by Abe Madkour, Publisher and Executive Editor of Sports Business Journal, SBJ's Morning Buzzcast is your daily scoop on the biggest stories in sports business.
NHL Expansion
I don’t think the NHL will ever return to Atlanta, they’ve tried it there and both franchises have moved. I don’t think Atlanta is a great hockey market. On the other hand, hockey has worked in the south.
Quick updates of the biggest stories of the day. Always gets to the main points, why they matter, and what it all could mean for the future. Yet, the podcast doesn’t get bogged down in the weeds. This is a perfect way to keep up to date.
Give a listen
Every day, Abe Madkour gives his listeners 4-6 news stories in 8-12 minutes. If you follow the sports world. Even more, if you work in the world of sports, do yourself a big favor and give Buzzcast a listen.
Morning Buzzcast Review
The SBJ Morning Buzzcast hosted by Abe Madkour is one of the top podcast to gain the most up to date information about the sports industry. In a industry filled with new content daily being able to hear Abe discuss these topics will help all young professionals develop more knowledge surrounding sports business. I am looking forward to hearing Abe’s thoughts about the winner of Denver Broncos Ownership group bid and how this will impact the Denver sports area!
- 頻道
- 創作者Sports Business Journal
- 活躍年代2015年 - 2024年
- 集數628
- 年齡分級兒少適宜
- 版權© 2023 Sports Business Journal
- 節目網站