Scam Likely, B*tch

It's Not That Serious With Andrea & Lina

Welcome back, Diva Queens. Please sit back and enjoy this. Lucy Goosey rendition of the episode! 

This week, the girls have a big official podcast announcement to start the episode. Later on, they get into a story of how they were almost scammed, a big problem going on in the luxury, good business, and they attempt to authenticate a super fake Birkin bag. 

In the second half of the episode, the girls discuss the Grammys, of course, and then they transition into a sports podcast where of course they discuss the Super Bowl a.k.a. the concert of the year!

We’re on YouTube now!! Watch our video episodes HERE!

Much love to the INTS Diva Queens, as always if you have a topic you want us to discuss, a question for us to answer, or your own “Was it a Bad Day or Are They Just a Piece of Sh*t” story for us to read please drop a line on IG or send an email to please drop a line on IG or send an email to

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@dreatheangel on Instagram

Follow Lina:
@linagosh on Instagram

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@itsnotthatseriousthepod on Instagram

And Be Sure To Follow @dearyoungqueen To Find More Podcasts Just Like This!

©2024 Dear Young Queen

This episode is presented by Dear Young Queen Podcast Network.

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