SCHEANA SPILLS: Why I Still Have My Ex-Husband’s Last Name…

Scheananigans with Scheana Shay

This week, Scheana is in the studio solo and answering all of your juicy questions! Why does she still use her ex-husband’s name, and how does Shay feel about her new book? Does she think anyone will be upset about how they are portrayed in the book, and how does Scheana think her VPR co-stars will react? What would she do differently on VPR if she could go back in time? And what did she think about Kristen’s recent comments on the “Hot Mic” podcast? Plus, what acting roles might people be surprised to learn Scheana was up for back in the day? Tune in to find out!

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The video version of this episode will be available on Scheana’s YouTube page on Friday, January 31st.

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