School of Self-Image

Tonya Leigh
School of Self-Image

School of Self-Image is the go-to podcast for women who desire to transform their self-image so that they can create mind-blowing results in their lives. Join Master Life Coach, Tonya Leigh, as she shares tips, ideas, and inspiring conversations around elevating your mindset, style, and surroundings to create an extraordinary self-image. Episodes are released each Wednesday. Download the School of Self-Image Manifesto at

  1. 4 天前

    412: The Art Of Letting Go

    Finding Peace: Techniques to Release Attachments and Anxiety In the journey of personal growth and freedom, awareness serves as the foundational step. Becoming aware of our thoughts, emotions, and attachments is crucial for breaking free from the cycles of worry and anxiety that often trap us. Host Tonya Leigh dives into the transformative art of letting go, a topic she has passionately coached and personally navigated. Drawing from her own experiences and insights, Tonya emphasizes the importance of releasing attachments to ideas, people, and things, which can often lead to suffering and anxiety. She shares a pivotal moment during a vacation in Paris, where a friend's advice and the book "Awareness" by Anthony de Mello sparked a profound realization about the roots of unhappiness. Tune in to discover powerful techniques and wisdom from spiritual teachers and psychologists that can help you cultivate calm and break free from the cycle of worry. Talking Points: 01:19 - The Concept of Letting Go 01:39 - Awareness by Anthony DeMello 02:02 - Attachment Causes Suffering 03:29 - Happiness and External Factors 05:37 - Embrace Reality as It Is 06:19 - Importance of Self-Observation 07:34 - Love Without Attachment 09:10 - Letting Go of the Ego 10:19 - Letting Go of the Need for Approval 14:15 - Embracing Uncertainty 18:16 - Dedication vs. Attachment 20:55 - Fall in Love with the Practice 21:59 - Let Go of the Rope Quotes: "All of my suffering was because of attachment." "Happiness doesn't come from things outside of you." "I want everything for you. I need nothing from you." "All I need to do is let go. Just let go. And yet it's so hard." "The ability to just show up in the world as you truly are, sharing the things that you truly love, expressing yourself in a way that feels true to you, is the most freeing thing in the world." "The reason why you're suffering right now is most likely because you are attached to something or you fear losing something, which is also an attachment." Useful  Resources: Click HERE to join the Membership  Click HERE for a FREE download  Click HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Edit   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Click HERE to follow our Instagram Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to visit our Facebook group Click HERE to follow our TikTok Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube channel

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  2. 10月16日

    411: Signature Work Habits with My Executive Assistant

    Mastering Productivity: Signature Work Habits with My Executive Assistant Beginning and concluding your day effectively are essential practices that can significantly influence your productivity and overall mindset throughout the workday. Tonya Leigh and her executive assistant, Abigail Schroeder, explore the importance of these two bookends of the day and how they contribute to a more effective and fulfilling work experience. Tonya opens the conversation by addressing a common question she receives: how she manages to get so much done. Tonya shares the story of how she found Abigail amidst over 500 applicants and highlights the importance of having a supportive team. Together, they explore effective work strategies, insights on collaboration, and the value of intuition in hiring.  Tune in to discover how to enhance your productivity and learn from Abigail's expertise in managing tasks and supporting a busy, thriving  executive by creating a positive, effective work environment. Talking Points: 01:53 - Role of an Executive Assistant 02:27 - Abigail's Responsibilities 07:04 - The Four Ds Framework 09:16 - Abigail's Signature Work Habits  10:51 - Starting Your Day Well 13:26 - Self-Awareness and Acceptance 16:01 - Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses 20:10 - Writing Everything Down 25:08 - Prioritize with Focus and Rest 31:14 - Diffuse Mode of Thinking 37:58 - Most Impactful Work Habit 39:33 - Company Culture  Quotes:  "My two main goals in my role is to optimize your time and to support the overall vision you have for the company." "If you're going to do it, don't do something and then be struggling and arguing with it."  "At any moment, you can do a U-turn and recommit, do whatever you need to do to get yourself back on track."  "It's just part of the human experience. We're not supposed to be great at everything." "You wouldn't expect yourself to be able to run a marathon without training for it, you know? And so we have to treat our brain the same way." "Ending your day well can look like, I don't know, cooking, hanging out with friends, going on a walk, playing a game." Useful  Resources: Click HERE to join the Membership  Click HERE for a FREE download  Click HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Edit   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Click HERE to follow our Instagram Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to visit our Facebook group Click HERE to follow our TikTok Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube channel

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  3. 10月9日

    410: How to Create Productive Surroundings

    Transform Your Workspace: Tools and Techniques for Enhanced Focus and Creativity Creating a productive environment involves establishing "micro-environments" tailored to different types of work, such as deep creative tasks or administrative duties. This concept is based on the understanding that our surroundings can significantly impact our ability to focus and produce high-quality work. Tonya Leigh shares her personal journey of navigating a busy season filled with travel, program launches, and the joy of productivity. After a summer of significant changes and commitments, including the SOSI tour and the launch of the style experience, Tonya reflects on the importance of creating a productive environment to enhance focus and effectiveness. She introduces the concept of "productive surroundings" and discusses strategies that have helped her manage her workload and achieve her goals. Tune in to discover how you can set yourself up for success and engage in deep, quality work amidst the distractions of the digital age. Talking Points: 00:39 - Life Update: Busy Season and Achievements 02:04 - Concept of Productive Surroundings 04:00 - Personalizing Productivity Strategies 04:43 - World of Constant Distractions 05:57 - Deep Work and Distractions 07:02 - Specific Goals for Deep Work Sessions 09:11 - Micro-Environments for Different Tasks 11:01 - Office as CEO Time 13:09 - Creative Brainstorming at Breakfast Table 16:00 - Asana for Project Management 18:29 - Power of Routine and Music 19:24 - Getting Dressed for Productivity 22:04 - Collaborative Work for Productivity 24:46 - Importance of Downtime Quotes: "There are seasons where you may work more, there may be seasons where you work less, but there is a harmony that I feel like we're all seeking." "I used to jump from task to task, always busy, but never really accomplishing anything substantial." "I went from being completely unproductive to being the most productive I've ever been and creating the most results I've ever created from the process that you teach." "Put your downtime on the calendar first, because if you don't, you will continuously push it to the back burner." Useful  Resources: Click HERE to join the Membership  Click HERE for a FREE download  Click HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Edit   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Click HERE to follow our Instagram Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to visit our Facebook group Click HERE to follow our TikTok Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube channel

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  4. 10月2日

    409: How to Belong

    Finding Your Place: The True Meaning of Belonging True belonging begins with the acceptance and love of oneself, enabling you to show up authentically in any situation. This concept is central to the podcast episode, where Tonya Leigh emphasizes that belonging is not merely about fitting in or conforming to the expectations of others. Instead, it is about embracing your true self and cultivating a profound sense of acceptance from within. Tonya shares her recent experiences at the SOSI tour stop in L.A., highlighting the joy of connecting with a supportive community. She reflects on the common feelings of insecurity and social anxiety many of us face, especially when entering new environments. The episode is inspired by her journey to cultivate a sense of belonging and acceptance, starting from within.  Tune in to discover valuable insights on overcoming feelings of isolation and building genuine connections with yourself and others. Talking Points:   00:01:48 - The Essence of Belonging 00:03:25 - Need for Confidence and Connection 00:05:13 - Misconceptions About Belonging 00:05:45 - Authenticity and Confidence 00:08:47 - Vulnerability and Connection 00:10:04 - Embracing All Parts of Yourself 00:13:00 - Rejection is God's Protection 00:16:26 - Thoughts That Nurture Belonging 00:17:32 - Developing a Belonging Mindset 00:19:08 - Belonging in Luxurious Environments 00:20:26 - Taking Responsibility for Your Own Belonging 00:23:35 - Cultivating Belonging in Daily Life 00:25:09 - Celebrating Differences 00:26:13 - Challenge for the Week Quotes:  "It's like this is the essence of what we are all about. Women celebrating each other, sharing and supporting." "You will never belong in a group of people if you don't first belong to yourself."  "When you show up in that fullness of who you are, that's what really creates connection and true belonging." "You belong because you exist." "True belonging starts with you accepting yourself exactly as you are." Useful  Resources: Click HERE to join the 5-Day Style Challenge  Click HERE to join the Membership  Click HERE for a FREE download  Click HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Edit   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Click HERE to follow our Instagram Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to visit our Facebook group Click HERE to follow our TikTok Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube channel

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  5. 9月25日

    408: 5 Signs You're Ready for a Style Renaissance

    From Ruts to Renaissance: How Style Can Change Your Life A style renaissance is not merely about updating your wardrobe or following the latest fashion trends; it is a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In her podcast episode, Tonya Leigh emphasizes that true style comes from within and reflects who you are at your core. A style renaissance can help you rediscover your true self and use style as a powerful tool for self-expression. Tonya invites listeners to embark on a transformative journey through their style. She introduces the Style Experience, an annual program designed to help women redefine their approach to fashion and personal expression. Tonya shares her own struggles with understanding style, highlighting a common experience of trying to mimic trends without a true sense of self. The episode emphasizes the importance of an inside-out approach to style, encouraging listeners to explore how their wardrobe can empower and elevate their lives. Tune in to discover how this unique experience can facilitate personal growth and unlock your authentic style. Talking Points: 01:08 - Style Experience Transformation Journey 02:24 - The Deeper Questions of Style 04:10 - The Importance of Style in Personal Development 05:33 - Defining a Style Renaissance 06:16 - Rediscovering Your True Self Through Style 06:49 - Sign 1: Major Life Transition 08:14 - Sign 2: Being in a Rut 11:16 - Sign 3: Getting Dressed is a Chore 13:00 - Finding Joy in Getting Dressed 14:14 - Sign 4: Envy of Other Women's Style 15:30 - Sign 5: Hitting an Upper Limit 24:00 - No More Waiting for the Perfect Time 29:20 - Speeding Up Your Style Journey   Quotes:   "It never answered the deeper questions that come with a style journey, which is, who are you really?" "A style renaissance is a personal awakening, a rejuvenation, a rebirth of who you are in relationship to style." "Getting dressed is a form of self-care and self-expression. It shouldn't be a burden."  "I literally crawled out of my hole. I overcame an upper limit with style as one of the major tools in doing so." "I can look back and see how style has been responsible for so many of the opportunities that I have been blessed with."  "A style journey really is a journey back home to yourself." Useful  Resources: Click HERE to join the 5-Day Style Challenge  Click HERE to join the Membership  Click HERE for a FREE download  Click HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Edit   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Click HERE to follow our Instagram Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to visit our Facebook group Click HERE to follow our TikTok Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube channel

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  6. 9月18日

    407: My Top 5 Style Mistakes (and What They Taught Me)

    Dressing for You: How to Break Free from Style Myths and Embrace Authenticity Many individuals find themselves standing in front of a closet full of clothes, yet feeling as though they have nothing to wear. This common frustration often arises from a mindset that prioritizes an ideal body weight or shape over the current self. The belief that one must wait until they achieve a certain physical state before investing in their style is not only limiting but also counterproductive. Tonya Leigh discusses her own experience with what she describbes as the "waiting game." She recalls how she spent years convincing herself that she would invest in her style once she lost a certain amount of weight or reached a specific body shape. This mindset creates a cycle of negativity, where individuals continuously reinforce a narrative rooted in self-doubt and dissatisfaction.  As she explores her past and the lessons learned, Tonya encourages listeners to consider their own style choices and what they may have outgrown.  Join her for an inspiring discussion on embracing your unique style and stepping into your authentic self.   Talking Points: 00:00:37 - Tonya's Morning Motivation and Style Journey 00:01:43 - The Deep Connection Between Style and Self-Image 00:02:59 - The Style Experience: A Unique Approach 00:04:05 - Enrollment for The Style Experience 00:05:08 - Style Mistake #1: The Waiting Game 00:09:23 - Style Mistake #2: The Numbers Game 00:13:25 - Style Mistake #3: The Label Trap 00:18:25 - Style Mistake #4: Trapped by a Self-Image 00:22:40 - Style Mistake #5: The Knowledge Gap 00:28:18 - Conclusion: Embrace Your Style Journey Quotes: "Style may seem superficial on the surface, but in reality, it's so deep." "Everything you choose is confirming a story about yourself." "Waiting for the perfect body is like waiting for a train that never arrives." "The moment you stand up and you say, I'm no longer waiting to feel beautiful, to live the life that I want to live, that's when you get all of your power back." "Your style isn't defined by the quantity of your clothes, but how well they reflect and serve you." "Style is a skill. Like any skill, it can be learned, practiced, and improved upon." "True style is about being comfortable in your own skin and your life, not in someone else's expectations."   Useful  Resources: Join the 5 Day Style Challenge:  Join the Membership: FREE Download: Sign up for the Weekly Edit:   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Instagram: @schoolofselfimage Website: Facebook: TikTok:   YouTube:

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  7. 9月11日

    406: Sauntering Beyond Your Limits

    Gentle Persistence: A Journey of Sauntering Towards Success Sauntering beyond your limits is a powerful approach that involves combining ambition with ease, playfulness with purpose, and approaching obstacles with curiosity rather than frustration. In the podcast episode, Tonya Leigh discusses how sauntering involves walking with purpose yet unhurried, being playful yet focused, and curious yet determined. This approach allows individuals to maintain a sense of calm and gratitude while pursuing their goals, even in the face of challenges. By sauntering beyond your limits, you are encouraged to adopt a mindset that values the journey as much as the destination. Instead of constantly pushing yourself to go faster and do more, sauntering allows you to explore your limits with a sense of curiosity and openness. When faced with obstacles, the sauntering approach encourages individuals to stop, assess the situation, and consider alternative paths or solutions. This contrasts with the typical hustle culture that promotes pushing through obstacles without taking the time to reflect or adjust course. Join Tonya as she discusses the power of taking a more relaxed and enjoyable approach to personal development and life. Talking Points: 01:41 - The Concept of Sauntering 02:24 - Visualization Exercise 03:17 - Sprinting vs. Sauntering 05:02 - Curiosity Over Frustration 06:28 - Expanding Limits 07:43 - Playful Exploration 08:46 - Creative Problem Solving 11:02 - Detaching from the Outcome 16:02 - Lessons from Nature 20:36 - Micro-Adventures 22:02 - Style Challenge  Quotes: "You know, we live in a world that's always telling us to push harder, go faster, do more. It's all hustle culture and no pain, no gain." "What can I learn from this obstacle? How can I work with it rather than against it?" "But a lot of successful people in the world have become successful because of their playful approaches to overcoming their limitations." "To truly saunter beyond your limits, you must practice detaching from the outcome." "You have the power to saunter beyond your limits. You can be ambitious and enjoy your life. You can make progress without burning out. You're capable of so much more than you know." Useful  Resources: Soul Style Quiz: Join Now: FREE Download: Sign up for the Weekly Edit: Follow School of Self-Image on IG: @schoolofselfimage   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Website: Facebook: TikTok:   YouTube:

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  8. 9月4日

    405: 5 Life Lessons Learned from Interior Design

    Interior Design for the Soul: 5 Life Lessons to Elevate Your Self-Image One crucial aspect of embracing contrast in life is recognizing and integrating all facets of oneself, including the shadow side. Tonya Leigh explores the significance of embracing contrast in interior design and how it can be applied to life. Just as in design, where contrasting elements can add depth and richness, embracing the diverse aspects of our personalities enables us to explore neglected or denied facets of ourselves, fostering personal growth and self-acceptance. Tonya stresses the concept of the shadow side, a term introduced by psychologist Carl Jung, which refers to the darker, less desirable aspects of our personalities that we often try to conceal or suppress. She underscores the importance of not only showcasing our positive traits but also acknowledging and accepting the parts of ourselves that may not always be bright and cheerful. Tune in to explore the parallels between interior design choices and self-image transformation. Talking Points: 00:52 - Chaotic House and Podcast Recording 01:45 - Interior Design Lessons for Life 02:06 - First Impressions and Self-Image 03:09 - Designing Your Environment for Self-Image 04:40 - Creative Brief and Future Vision 06:10 - Curating Elements of Life 07:04 - Intentional Curation Beyond Physical Spaces 08:19 - Five Key Interior Design Principles 09:12 - Lesson 1: Embrace Contrast 13:20 - Lesson 2: Create Focal Points 19:15 - Lesson 3: Functionality is Essential 25:00 - Lesson 4: Embrace White Space 31:07 - Lesson 5: Don't Be Afraid of Making Mistakes 37:02 - Ongoing Process of Life Design 38:40 - Conclusion and Application 38:50 - Invitation to Soul Style Quiz Quotes:  "Just as we thoughtfully curate our living spaces, we can intentionally design our lives to reflect our truest selves and support our personal growth." "The key is to recognize that these contrasts aren't contradictions. They are complementary aspects of your whole self."  "We try to be good at so many different things versus really focusing and harnessing on the things that we're naturally good at." "Remember, just as white space and design allows important elements to stand out, creating space in your life allows priorities to shine through very clearly." Useful  Resources: Soul Style Quiz: Join Now:  FREE Download:  Sign up for the Weekly Edit:  Follow School of Self-Image on IG: @schoolofselfimage   Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh: Website: Facebook: TikTok:   YouTube:

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School of Self-Image is the go-to podcast for women who desire to transform their self-image so that they can create mind-blowing results in their lives. Join Master Life Coach, Tonya Leigh, as she shares tips, ideas, and inspiring conversations around elevating your mindset, style, and surroundings to create an extraordinary self-image. Episodes are released each Wednesday. Download the School of Self-Image Manifesto at








