Season 3 starts on Tuesday November 19th! We've got special guests, exciting storylines and new places to explore through the season.
d20 Dames is a tabletop storytelling podcast powered by Dungeons & Dragons. Every other week a group of five daring ladies comes together to explore a fantastic realm, befriend (or behead) monsters, and punch creeps. Hosted by and starring Kat Kruger, Meris Mullaley, Jen Vaughn, and Jessica Ross. Produced by Brittni Liyanage.
Art by Jen Vaughn Theme music by Middlescence
@d20dames on Twitter Support us on Patreon.
d20 Dames is a production of Misadventure Awaits.
- 節目
- 頻率系列
- 發佈時間2019年11月5日 下午12:09 [UTC]
- 長度3 分鐘
- 年齡分級兒少適宜