The Recharge Zone Podcast

Edwards Aquifer Authority
Podcast The Recharge Zone Podcast

The Recharge Zone Podcast is the official podcast for the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA), a regional water management agency, which protects the portion of the Balcones Fault Zone Edwards Aquifer – a jurisdictional area that provides water to approximately two-and-one-half million South Central Texans, and covers more than 8,000 square miles across 8 counties! Tune in to charge up your knowledge on all things Edwards Aquifer from the EAA.

Giới Thiệu

The Recharge Zone Podcast is the official podcast for the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA), a regional water management agency, which protects the portion of the Balcones Fault Zone Edwards Aquifer – a jurisdictional area that provides water to approximately two-and-one-half million South Central Texans, and covers more than 8,000 square miles across 8 counties! Tune in to charge up your knowledge on all things Edwards Aquifer from the EAA.

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