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  1. 22/06/2022

    How to Negotiate with Ransomware Hackers

    Original Article: How to Negotiate with Ransomware Hackers Convert your long form article to podcast? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- Minder soon found more work. Sometimes it was a prominent company facing a multimillion-dollar ransom demand, and the negotiation took weeks. Sometimes it was a small business or a nonprofit that he took on pro bono and tried to wrap up over the weekend. But GroupSense rarely made money from the negotiations. Some ransomware negotiators charge a percentage of the amount that the ransom gets discounted. “But those really profitable approaches are ripe for fraud, or for accusations of fraud,” Minder said. Instead, he charged an hourly rate and hoped that some of the organizations that he helped would sign up for GroupSense’s core product, security-monitoring software. Last March, after GroupSense’s office shut down, Minder paced in circles in his four-hundred-and-seventy-five-square-foot apartment. “I was, like, I need to go hike,” he said. He towed two motorcycles to a rental house in Grand Junction, Colorado. As the world fell apart, the ransomware cases kept coming. Minder handled the negotiations himself; he didn’t want to distract his employees, and he found that the work required a certain emotional finesse. “Most of our employees are really technical, and this isn’t a technical skill—it’s a soft skill,” he told me. “It’s hard to train people for it.” The initial exchange of messages was crucial. People advocating on their own behalf had a tendency to berate the hackers, but that just riled them up. Minder aimed to convey a kind of warm condescension—“Like, we’re friends, but you don’t really know what you’re doing,” he explained. His girlfriend, who speaks Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, and some Lithuanian, helped him find colloquialisms that would set the right tone. He liked to call the hackers kuznechik, Russian for “grasshopper.” Occasionally, Minder was called in to try to rescue negotiations that had gone off the rails. If hackers felt that a negotiation was moving too slowly, or they sensed that they were being lied to, they might cut off communication. Following the advice of Chris Voss, a former F.B.I. hostage negotiator who is now a negotiation consultant, Minder tried to establish “tactical empathy” by mirroring the hacker’s language patterns. Most of the time, Minder found himself dealing with a representative from one of the syndicates. “The first person you talk to is, like, level-one support,” he told me. “They’ll say something like ‘I want to work with you, but I have to get my manager’s approval to give that kind of discount.’ ” GroupSense partnered with CipherTrace, a blockchain-analysis firm, which allowed Minder to see that a particular cryptowallet had been created and to trace its transactions. Determining the average payments flowing into a wallet gave him a sense of the going rate, so he could avoid overpaying. He came to understand that syndicates were working from a script. “Oftentimes, we can go to the client and say how it’s going to go before it starts,” he told me. The clients themselves could be more challenging. Minder ran all communications by them, through a secure portal. Some wanted to edit every message to the hackers. “It’s like a spy game to them,” Minder said. Others erupted in anger or frustration. “Sometimes you’re negotiating in two directions at once—with the hacker and with the victim,” he said. “You have to have a personality type where you can be empathetic but also give directions in a way that isn’t confrontational.” Minder has already seen pressure tactics and ransom demands escalate. In 2018, the average payment was about seven thousand dollars, according to t...

  2. 21/06/2022

    The Lazarus heist: How North Korea almost pulled off a billion-dollar hack

    Original Article: The Lazarus heist: How North Korea almost pulled off a billion-dollar hack Convert your long form article to podcast? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- In 2016 North Korean hackers planned a $1bn raid on Bangladesh's national bank and came within an inch of success - it was only by a fluke that all but $81m of the transfers were halted, report Geoff White and Jean H Lee. But how did one of the world's poorest and most isolated countries train a team of elite cyber-criminals? It all started with a malfunctioning printer. It's just part of modern life, and so when it happened to staff at Bangladesh Bank they thought the same thing most of us do: another day, another tech headache. It didn't seem like a big deal. But this wasn't just any printer, and it wasn't just any bank. Bangladesh Bank is the country's central bank, responsible for overseeing the precious currency reserves of a country where millions live in poverty. And the printer played a pivotal role. It was located inside a highly secure room on the 10th floor of the bank's main office in Dhaka, the capital. Its job was to print out records of the multi-million-dollar transfers flowing in and out of the bank. When staff found it wasn't working, at 08:45 on Friday 5 February 2016, "we assumed it was a common problem just like any other day," duty manager Zubair Bin Huda later told police. "Such glitches had happened before." In fact, this was the first indication that Bangladesh Bank was in a lot of trouble. Hackers had broken into its computer networks, and at that very moment were carrying out the most audacious cyber-attack ever attempted. Their goal: to steal a billion dollars. To spirit the money away, the gang behind the heist would use fake bank accounts, charities, casinos and a wide network of accomplices. But who were these hackers and where were they from? According to investigators the digital fingerprints point in just one direction: to the government of North Korea. SPOILER ALERT: This is the story told in the 10-episode BBC World Service podcast, The Lazarus Heist - click here to listen. This article is a 20-minute read. That North Korea would be the prime suspect in a case of cyber-crime might to some be a surprise. It's one of the world's poorest countries, and largely disconnected from the global community - technologically, economically, and in almost every other way. Image source, Getty Images And yet, according to the FBI, the audacious Bangladesh Bank hack was the culmination of years of methodical preparation by a shadowy team of hackers and middlemen across Asia, operating with the support of the North Korean regime. In the cyber-security industry the North Korean hackers are known as the Lazarus Group, a reference to a biblical figure who came back from the dead; experts who tackled the group's computer viruses found they were equally resilient. Little is known about the group, though the FBI has painted a detailed portrait of one suspect: Park Jin-hyok, who also has gone by the names Pak Jin-hek and Park Kwang-jin. It describes him as a computer programmer who graduated from one of the country's top universities and went to work for a North Korean company, Chosun Expo, in the Chinese port city of Dalian, creating online gaming and gambling programs for clients around the world. While in Dalian, he set up an email address, created ...

  3. 20/06/2022

    Pearl Leff | In Praise of Memorization

    Original Article: Pearl Leff | In Praise of Memorization Try to add your own article? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- I once worked at a small company of insanely productive engineers. They were geniuses by any account. They knew the software stack from top to bottom, from hardware to operating systems to Javascript, and could pull together in days what would take teams at other companies months to years. Between them they were more productive than any division I've ever been in, including FAANG tech companies. In fact, they had written the top-of-the-line specialized compiler in their industry — as a side project. (Their customers believed that they had buildings of engineers laboring on their product, while in reality they had less than 10.) I was early in my career at the time and stunned by the sheer productivity and brilliance of these engineers. Finally, when I got a moment alone with one of them, I asked him how they had gotten to where they were. He explained that they had been software engineers together in the intelligence units of their country's military together. Their military intelligence computers hadn't been connected to the internet, and if they wanted to look something up online, they had to walk to a different building across campus. Looking something up online on StackOverflow was a major operation. So they ended up reading reference manuals and writing down or memorizing the answers to their questions because they couldn't look up information very easily. Over time, the knowledge accumulated. Memorization means purposely learning something so that you remember it with muscle memory; that is, you know the information without needing to look it up. Every educator knows that memorization is passé in today's day and age. Facts are so effortlessly accessible with modern technology and the internet that it's understanding how to analyze them that's important. Names, places, dates, and other kinds of trivia don't matter, so much as the ability to logically reason about them. Today anything can be easily looked up. But as I've gotten older I've started to understand that memorization is important, much more than we give it credit for. Knowledge is at our fingertips and we can look anything up, but it's knowing what knowledge is available and how to integrate it into our existing knowledge base that's important. You Can't Reason Accurately Without Knowledge You know a lot of things. A lot of life involves reasoning: taking this information you have and making hypotheses that connect different pieces in a way that provides a deeper understanding of them. The more information you have muscle memory for, the more you can use to reason about. But you can't draw connections between things you don't know exist, or don't have a good "feel" for. The problem with not memorizing is that you're limited by the lack of data points, or nodes that you can make connections between. In short, you're limited by your lack of understanding of what to look up. Here's a small illustration. Many would argue that there is no point for kids to memorize the world map today. But if you know basic geography, you will hear all kinds of political analysis that only works because the person arguing it doesn't have any idea where anything is on a map. This is the problem with not making school kids learn basic geography. You can look up any country on Google, but if you've never had to memorize approximately where they are, either voluntarily or in school, you'll never get a sense of why things are the way they a...

  4. 19/06/2022

    How I got to 200 productive hours a month

    Original Article: How I got to 200 productive hours a month Convert your long form article to podcast? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- Two years ago I could spend a week not working because I was avoiding some task. One year ago it was 100 to 120 hours of work monthly. Nowadays I do around 200 productive hours each month, which is over six hours of productive time daily. All this time I have been working from home, mostly on the same project. This guide describes how I achieved these results. As a former game designer, I organized my daily routines by applying the same behavioral psychology principles that are used to create video game experiences. Some of my advice is trivial, and you have definitely heard it before, but when used in a right way, it will create a robust framework to change ineffective habits. The framework is built from three tiers: the environment, the body and the mind. It goes exactly in this order because a well-maintained body can't do much in a distraction-polluted environment, and a trained mind won't help an exhausted body. You don't need to perfect each element before starting to work on the next one, but consider them foundations for each other and direct your efforts accordingly. While it's my personal technique, I believe it will work for you too. There's a high chance that I have undiagnosed ADHD: I have been expelled from two schools as a result of behavioral problems coming from inattention, and I still match most of the symptoms. So if you have a better natural attention span, this approach should be even more effective for increasing your concentration power. Caution: The mentioned amount of hours is not advisable for people working on someone else's business for illusory stock options, with no payment for overtime. There's also no point in going beyond this number because working over 50 hours a week actually decreases productivity. Life should come first in the "work-life balance." Environment A properly organized environment shapes a path to your goals while preventing accidental turns that lead to procrastination. Because our levels of willpower, motivation and self-awareness are not constant, setting a safeguard in advance is essential to overcome the low points. The core principle of a productive environment is increasing the friction required to slip into distracting activities, so that it takes a significant effort to get distracted. A basic example would be erasing leisure sites from your internet history and start using them in a separate browser — it will both prevent the autocomplete from doing you a disservice and increase the number of actions you need to get to distractions. Or if you have problems with gaming, uninstall everything after each session so you will need to wait for a game to download when you want to play the next time. But in my experience, this is not effective compared to eliminating everything distracting from your workstation and using a separate device for leisure in another room. This is where behavioral psychology shows up: you anchor different types of behaviors to locations with classical conditioning. They do not overlap, and it's clear for your brain where you do what. It's also much easier to feel that something is wrong when you sit in a "leisure place" all day. Even George R.R. Martin has a similar setup for writing his books. You can also optimize your leisure device by unsubscribing from excessive emails, u...

  5. 18/06/2022

    Atomic Habits for Product Managers

    Original Article: Atomic Habits for Product Managers Convert your long form article to podcast? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- James Clear's Atomic Habits provides a compelling rationale for why frequently practicing small and easy to do atomic habits consistently compounds in benefit to ultimately generate incredible results. It then goes on to provide a comprehensive guide for reliably forming such atomic habits, regardless of the level of self-discipline or willpower you may naturally have. While many of his ideas naturally appeal to those seeking to develop lifestyle habits like exercising, losing weight, or quitting smoking, I found his ideas to be equally relevant for product managers looking to accelerate their career. There is a whole host of skills that product managers seek to develop that can only truly be built through deliberate practice. This includes everything from honing your analytical rigor, to building your product intuition, to becoming more strategic. You can't just attend a class or read a few blog posts and expect to become great at any of these. At the same time, simply doing your product role the same way you've always been doing it is also unlikely to help you develop the specific skills you're after. Instead, the formula for mastering these types of skills requires first developing atomic habits to encourage daily or weekly practice and then performing the habit with deliberate practice. For example, building your analytical rigor requires setting aside time every day to critically review dashboards and form hypotheses from the trends that you see, running weekly ad-hoc queries to deep dive into specific user behavior, putting together metrics recaps a week after every feature launch, as well as spending time each month determining how to improve or augment the dashboards you currently have. Yet the daily demands of a product management role are already so taxing that if you aren't already performing these activities, you'll find it difficult to incorporate them into your weekly routine. That's why to successfully build any of these skills you'll need to first develop the right atomic habits to support them. I wanted to share three of my favorite strategies for doing just that from the book. Start with a habits scorecard The right way to start any new habit is to first put together a habits scorecard of your existing habits. The idea is to detail every activity you do in a given day and then to score each as positive, neutral, or negative. For product managers, the best way to do this is to spend one week tracking every activity you do on your calendar. This means beyond your existing meetings, add events for every single thing you spend time on: checking email, grabbing coffee, writing specs, updating JIRA tickets, reviewing designs, lunch, etc. Once you've put this together for an entire week you can score each activity and develop a clear picture of where your time is being spent. This creates the necessary awareness to help you figure out where there may be time you are spending on negative habits that you can re-purpose to the new habits you are seeking to build. Maybe you feel like you are spending too much time in unproductive meetings and you can look at ways to either ma...

  6. 17/06/2022

    Why is selling software so weird?

    Original Article: Why is selling software so weird? Try to add your own article? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. If you squint enough, building software looks a lot like building a house. In both cases, you start with a problem and Frankenstein together various components using rules of thumb until you have something that looks like a solution. Because the crafts look so similar, you’d be forgiven if you thought the business models behind building software and houses were similar. They couldn’t be more different. When you’re building a house, you have a pretty good idea of how many people that house will impact. The market has already demonstrated that they’ll pay for a roof and a walk-in shower and a state of the art heated toilet seat. If you erect a sturdy 4 bedroom, 2 ½ bathroom house with these amenities in a desirable neighborhood, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll be able to sell it. This is not how software works. The main problem here is that houses and software have wildly different marginal costs. If I build a house and my neighbor really likes it and wants to live in a house that’s exactly the same, it will cost them almost as much to build as it cost me. Sure, they might be able to save a few thousand dollars on architectural fees, but they’ll still need wood, wires, and boatloads of time from skilled plumbers, electricians, and carpenters to assemble those raw materials into something resembling a house. Marginal cost is just the cost to produce one more unit of something - in this case, one more house. Contrast this with software, which lives in the realm of often-near-zero marginal costs. I can’t make a living building Zoom for someone because Zoom already did that. The marginal cost to Zoom of onboarding a new customer is almost zero, whereas the fixed cost to me of recreating Zoom is astronomical. Building houses is a great business because those high marginal costs for each new house are paid to you. The work you do correlates pretty linearly with the value you provide, providing you with a steady stream of income and feedback that the thing that you’re doing is actually useful. The trade-off is that it’s hard to gain much leverage in your work, with leverage meaning something like “how much impact can I have for every hour I work”. Whether you work on a small project with a small impact with a small team or a big project with a big impact with a big team, the amount of impact per person might vary by 1x or 1.5x or even 10x, but the physical nature of the work makes it hard to stretch the impact much beyond that. Software is a great business because, if you can build something that’s useful and provides $10/month of value to someone, it’ll probably cost you a lot less than $10/month to provide that value to a second person. Multiply that by 1,000 and you’re getting paid to do a full time job, even if you only work 5 hours per week. Multiply that by 10,000 and you can retire in a few years. It’s an extremely high leverage business. This makes software a weird anomaly. Paging back through history, there have been very few opportunities for near-zero marginal cost goods. Probably the closest parallel to present day software in history is publishing companies, where additional prints are cheap compared to the cost of creating the content in the first place. Unfortunately, there are three significant downsides to software’s low marginal cost structure: First is that software takes a lot of time to write up-front. By the time you’ve signed up your first customer at $10/month, there’s a good chance you’ve spent 100s or 1000s of hours writing that software. Low volume software is not a good business to be in. The ...

  7. 16/06/2022

    Ideas Want to be Shared

    Original Article: Ideas Want to be Shared Try to add your own article? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- I have contrarian ideas on intellectual property. I’ve come to think that the natural home of ideas is in the commons, that they should not be “owned” for very long. My perspective is neither widespread, nor part of current law, nor have I seen it articulated elsewhere, but I think it might be a better alternative, so I am presenting it here. The default metaphor for intellectual property in modern times is “ownership.” In this model of ownership, all ideas, stories, inventions, characters, product names, techniques are understood to be inherently born as the property of their creator. These thoughts-made-real are seen to be owned by the mind that births them. You think them, you own them. With this status of ownership, intangible creations such as a novel, a musical melody, a plot, a phrase, formula, etc — all things created by a mind — are given a monopoly of rights in order to encourage further creations by the same creator. And to spur others to create. This lawful monopoly — such as copyright, patents, trademarks — protects the creation from being used by others for gain. By current law, this inherent monopolistic ownership is held strongly for long periods of time, ranging from decades to a century, depending on the conceptual type (patents may be 17 years while copyright may exceed lifetimes). This awarded monopoly has a few exceptions for very limited special cases, such as “fair use” and public domain. In these modes anyone can fairly use the invention for their own purposes. Certain restrictions may apply, like if the use might need to be for education, or for parody, or so used in a transformative way, or bettered by the use. These exceptions were to be kept to an absolute minimum in order to maximize the monopoly of the hard working creator. This framing plays into both the modern idea of ownership as the sacred foundation of wealth and prosperity, but it also plays into the idea of creator as a hero, or at least as the bedrock of progress. I believe this arrangement is misguided. The whole framework should be inverted. Public domain and fair use should be the default, and an IP monopoly should be the exception. We have tons of evidence today that independent simultaneous invention is the norm for ideas in science and technology and even to a surprising extent in literature and art. Most technical things, often even artistic things, are invented by more than one person, at the same time, independently. In other words if X did not create it, Y will soon afterwards, if he/she has not already invented it before. Further, we now know almost all “new” things are recombinations of old things (a new book is a recombination of pre-existing dictionary words), and even the most inventive creative work is still mostly older ideas, concepts, patterns borrowed from others. Breakthrough ideas are usually made with the addition of one small idea to a mountain of other, older ideas. In that way ideas are really ecosystems. Ideas can not stand alone; they depend on other ideas for their force. Of course there can be a gem of a really original idea in a work but it is deeply entangled in a deep web of old patterns. More importantly, we have a mistakenly romantic notion of how those crucial key ideas arrive. The popular notion is the hero creates the key idea with immense struggle alone, and if it were not for them, this greatness would otherwise never appear. We tend to believe that Einstein’s, or Picasso’s, or Tolkien’s ideas or patterns would have only come to them, but that is incorrect. The evidence shows otherwise ...

  8. 15/06/2022

    Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda

    Original Article: Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda Convert your long form article to podcast? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- I've long believed that the most innovative products are built by teams who innovate on the very process by which they develop those products. And it's why I've always been a student of companies that consistently deliver innovation to the market. It's no wonder I loved reading The Everything Store sharing the story of Jeff Bezos growing Amazon to the e-commerce juggernaut that it is today. Or Creativity, Inc. that provided an inside look into Pixar's consistently creative hit machine. And that's precisely what excited me about diving in this weekend into Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda, a new book providing a detailed look inside the design process at Apple. Creative Selection did not disappoint. While much has been written about Steve Jobs and Apple, I found Creative Selection particularly insightful because it provided a vignette into the development of the first iPhone, and in particular, one of it's most critical features - the keyboard - from the perspective of Ken Kocienda, the software engineer ultimately responsible for developing it. Ken goes through the many challenges and subsequent iterations to address those challenges with building the first keyboard to be presented only on a glass display. And in doing so, it showcased how Apple's design and development process was different from traditional Silicon Valley companies in subtle yet incredibly important ways. Ken distills the Apple development approach that ultimately made them successful to seven elements: inspiration, collaboration, craft, diligence, decisiveness, taste, and empathy. And he walks through what each of these elements means to him with detailed stories exemplifying each. But I wanted to share some personal observations I took away from the book on how Apple built products in such a fundamentally different way. Ken describes the process by which they would prepare product demos for their own team and then for various leaders, use that demo as the primary avenue for feedback, and then continue to iterate to the next demo, followed by more rounds of demo feedback, and so on. He calls this process creative selection. While at the surface this may sound like a typical product review process that many companies have, there was so much that was different about it. First, demos were done early and often, even at the prototype stage. These were not just reviews at the end of the process to get final approval, but instead they were done to show early progress, determine viability of the project, and make fundamental design decisions. The goal was to produce an initial prototype to demo as quickly as possible and then continually refine the prototype through subsequent feedback sessions. ...

  9. 14/06/2022

    Miscellanea: Understanding the War in Ukraine

    Original Article: Miscellanea: Understanding the War in Ukraine Convert your long form article to podcast? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- This week, I want to break from our usual format and respond to the fairly unusual global events. I expect a lot of my readers are trying to get a grasp on what is happening right now in Ukraine and in my own experience the traditional news media often struggles to adequately explain complex issues that go beyond simply describing events. So I thought that, as a professional thing-explainer (also known as a teacher) who also, as a military historian makes an effort to follow these events as closely as I can, I might try to explain some of the elements of the conflict, particularly questions I’ve seen pop up on social media. (Thanks to AGreatDivorce, our kind reader-narrator, this post is now available in audio-format here.) I should note of course that I am not a Ukraine or Russia expert, though as a military historian I am at least a little familiar with both the history of the region and also the IR and military theory that guides a lot of the decision-making. And of course, since I teach on warfare, I try to stay well read on current conflicts. While I am not an expert here, I will reference people who are. If you just want to tune this out…well, I’d ask you not to. This is important, even if it is painful to watch. But if you’d rather be reading something else, my analytics tell me that y’all still mostly haven’t read my analysis of Thucydides’ Fear, Honor and Interest (which is actually quite relevant here) or the three primary source analyses on medieval military aristocrats: Dhuoda, ‘Antarah ibn Shaddad, and Bertan de Born (which are much less relevant here). And finally, if you want to support what I’m doing here – well, this week, support something else. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is almost certain to create a refugee crisis both within Ukraine and in neighboring countries. Consider donating to Ukrainian aid organizations like Razom for Ukraine. You could also donate to the UNHCR or other international aid groups and charities that support refugees. There are going to be a lot more refugees that need help and they will need your money more than me. For those who instead want to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine itself, ArmySOS raises funds to supply Ukrainian soldiers with much needed equipment and the Ukrainian army itself has a crowd-funding page. I also must note that I wrote this during the day on the 24th of February 2022, with some light editing in the very early hours of the 25th, so it reflects what I knew as of then. I have tried, where applicable here to indicate where there are points of real uncertainty in unfolding events, especially when it comes to the course future events may take. Confidence about outcomes in war is mere delusion, but some outcomes are more probable than others. Alright? Onward. I am not going to pretend to be neutral her...

  10. 13/06/2022

    Why founders end up unemployable

    Original Article: Why founders end up unemployable Try to add your own article? Visit SendToPod Follow me on Twitter to find out more. ---- In most entrepreneurs’ lives, there comes a point where they jokingly claim to be “unemployable.” It usually happens in the middle of a conversation about the benefits and drawbacks of having a boss. After setting out on their first self-directed business journey, many founders have a hard time imagining themselves back on the clock as an employee. They feel like they can’t handle the restrictions of a regular job. I feel very much the same way. Building my own businesses has liberated me from several ideas and conceptions that I believed to be true in the past. Most of it has to do with how we work, what we should work on, and how we organize ourselves. And I am not alone in that: many indie hackers find that after building a business, they have a very different perspective on how they want to spend their working hours. Why is that? Why does the reality of our lived entrepreneurial experience clash with our expectations? It starts with our educational upbringing. I vividly remember a day in my 9th grade English class. We were given the assignment to write a story, a page or two. In what I recall to be an extremely enjoyable flow state, I penned a 20-page narrative with multiple characters and a whole plot arc. It probably won’t surprise you that instead of being praised for creating something that could be rightfully considered a piece of written art, I got reprimanded for not following the structural expectations of the task. The story that was a deep and honest expression of myself received a failing grade. Over-delivering was punished, and severely so. School teaches us that compliance with someone else’s expectations is desirable. At the same time, we’re asked —and through grades, forced— to suppress our creative impulses. We are told that overstepping the formal boundaries of a task is failing the task itself. The fact that teachers have the power to dish out punitive grades at any point creates a power dynamic where we are expected to submit to external pressures and absorb them into self-imposed limitations: a good student is a student that has trained themselves to stay in their lane. This compliance may have been helpful in a world of factories where the safety of everyone involved required workers that would blindly follow orders, but the knowledge economy needs a different mindset. Most Indie Hackers operate solidly on this digital side of the knowledge economy, and they struggle to break the bonds of self-imposed creativity suppression. Now, let’s get one thing straight: teaching dozens of students simultaneously needs formal requirements to avoid chaos and a lack of measurable results. But what are we really measuring in school? What do grades convey, and who is looking at them? This is where the compliance moves beyond the educational system. Because it’s not just parents and teachers who care about grades. For some reason that escapes me, employers to this day are interested in seeing the school grades that I received several decades ago. In a way, it’s not surprising: systems change slowly. Even modern corporate businesses don’t operate in a vacuum: their internal processes result from many decades of managerial and operational experience. It’s not that strange to think that someone who has been working in HR for 30 years would apply some of ...

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