Separation September

The Six Minute Divorce Podcast with Emma Heptonstall

Leaving a relationship is a difficult decision and one that often arises in September. When the children are back at school and you have some space. The thoughts don't necessarily become things but engaging with your feelings helps you process them. My Amazon Best Selling book How To Be a Lady Who Leaves The Ultimate GuideTo Getting Divorce-Ready contains a whole section on how to make the right decision for you. You can get your copy here: (Audible) (Amazon paperback 3rd edition) (Amazon Kindle 3rd edition)

Next week the Book Club From Overwhelm and Doubt to Confidence and Clarity starts and over 10 weeks we'll be exploring How To Be a Lady Who Leaves and starting your journey to getting divorce-ready. You can find out more about that here: If you'd like to book a no-obligation free consultation with me to find out more about how divorce coaching can help you, you can book here:

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