Session 401: A Conversation on Black Girlhood and Womanhood with Dr. Lauren Mims

Therapy for Black Girls

How is Black girlhood defined these days? As we see fewer depictions of Black girls in the media, limited spaces for them to shop, and continuing adultification bias, it seems more difficult than ever to answer this question. Joining me to discuss the ways Black girlhood is defined is Dr. Lauren Mims, an assistant professor at NYU's Steinhardt School. Her research focuses on how sociocultural stressors impact Black children's development, and identifying strengths that can buffer the negative effects of bias and discrimination. She also served as Assistant Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans during the Obama Administration. During our conversation we discuss girlhood and womanhood through education, media representation, psychology, and even TikTok.

About the Podcast

The Therapy for Black Girls Podcast is a weekly conversation with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, a licensed Psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia, about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves.

Resources & Announcements

Did you know you can leave us a voice note with your questions for the podcast? If you have a question you'd like some feedback on, topics you'd like to hear covered, or want to suggest movies or books for us to review, drop us a message at and let us know what’s on your mind. We just might share it on the podcast.

Grab your copy of Sisterhood Heals.

Where to Find Dr. Mims

Instagram: @DrLaurenMims

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Twitter: @therapy4bgirls

Instagram: @therapyforblackgirls

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Our Production Team

Executive Producers: Dennison Bradford & Maya Cole Howard

Senior Producer: Ellice Ellis

Producer: Tyree Rush

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