The Shamrock Green Room Podcast

Scotus Central Catholic High School/Columbus Catholic Schools
The Shamrock Green Room Podcast

The Shamrock Green Room Podcast is a podcast dedicated to all Shamrocks. Whether that's a current student, a teacher, an alum, or supporter, we want to hear their stories on why this is such a special place in education. Columbus Catholic Schools consists of four schools, Scotus Central Catholic High School, St. Anthony Elementary, St. Bonaventure Elementary, and St. Isidore Elementary.

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4개의 평가


The Shamrock Green Room Podcast is a podcast dedicated to all Shamrocks. Whether that's a current student, a teacher, an alum, or supporter, we want to hear their stories on why this is such a special place in education. Columbus Catholic Schools consists of four schools, Scotus Central Catholic High School, St. Anthony Elementary, St. Bonaventure Elementary, and St. Isidore Elementary.

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