17 episodes

With SHE Spotlight, we’re committed to serving the evolutionary impulse of an emerging paradigm where the feminine and the masculine operate in concert, where both are respected, honored, and utilized in establishing a world that works for everyone.

We’re inspired to intersect, magnify, and amplify with boots-on-the-ground comrades throughout the world who are committed to this vision as well. Including magnificent You. Thank you for surfing this wave with us.

SHE Spotlight Kate Rodger and Toni Gripper

    • Society & Culture
    • 5.0 • 5 Ratings

With SHE Spotlight, we’re committed to serving the evolutionary impulse of an emerging paradigm where the feminine and the masculine operate in concert, where both are respected, honored, and utilized in establishing a world that works for everyone.

We’re inspired to intersect, magnify, and amplify with boots-on-the-ground comrades throughout the world who are committed to this vision as well. Including magnificent You. Thank you for surfing this wave with us.

    Episode 16 - New Pisces Moon with Wendy Groomes*

    Episode 16 - New Pisces Moon with Wendy Groomes*

    We’re seven days into Mercury Retrograde at the birthing of this Piscean New Moon.

    Many of you’ve probably felt the initiations of Mercury slowing down the week of February 9th, just before the planet of communication turns “backward.” The pre-Retrograde time period sometimes brings a storm of chaotic energy just before it’s official.  

    We mention this Mercury Retrograde because it’s in dynamic union with this New Moon.

    With both Mercury, the Moon, and the Sun in watery Pisces, we may feel more emotional than usual, or empathically sensitive.

    Bear in mind, soul, + heart - Mercury Retrograde is not bad. It’s only when we as people, culture, businesses, etc. don’t adhere to the calling of retrograde energy that we tend to experience more bumps in the road than usual.     

    Mercury Retro wants us to REST, RENEW, RESTORE, REVISIT, RECONSIDER, REGROUP, i.e., take more naps, go on vacation, get a massage, unwind, breathe more, space out…stop forcing everything into forward motion—go with the FLOW!

    Especially in Pisces - it’s all about going with the flow, AND we may need to have more boundaries to respect the inner sanctuaries that can be created, cultivated, and nourished at this time.

    Although Mercury in Pisces can lack clarity, maybe giving mixed messages, lacking discernment (be mindful about spacing out too much with drink and/or drugs) its conjunction (aka > right up close) to the New Moon brings a new instinctual knowing, which births out of action/reaction to the various milieu of our lives— providing a perfect alchemical time for tapping into intuitive messages from our union with the Divine.

    Mars moves out of fiery Sagittarius and into earthly practical Capricorn on the New Moon, lending ease and grace in establishing our desired changes to come forth, and asking for us to apply some elbow grease action as well towards nurturing our inner vision and our intuition in clarifying our personal role in the collective unconscious (Pisces).

    Mars is also squaring Chiron (the wounded healer—turn into medicine, what your wounds have afforded you to bring forward as medicine - only healed! - into the world).

    Mars wants to initiate. Chiron in Aries (right now) reflects the wounds of the masculine (too aggressive, not assertive enough, how to stand on their own without others). These two in a 3rd quarter square (see definition below) catalyzes a crisis of belief—a questioning of all motivations of prior actions. Detachment from prior social spheres may be required for healing to emerge.

    At the same time, Venus (our inner self, our bodies, our money, our appetites, love desires)is also in Aries (do it my way, independence, hot) in a SQUARE aspect to Jupiter (expansion, benefic, blessings) in Capricorn (stern, knows its limitations, cold).  

    In Evolutionary Astrology, 1st quarter squares are considered, a crisis in action and asks, “what specific form do I take, in this time of great intense activity?”  This is an opportunity to forge foundations, asking who am I?

    Venus will then move into a 1st Quarter SQUARE with Pluto (what we obsess about, what has us hooked, and what our deep, deep - maybe even - hidden desires are) so you may want to consider distancing from that which has a pull on you.  

    Squares create a conflict within or between two people or two organizations – essentially rubbing up against two very different energies. This uncomfortable energy is what drives us to grow, and make changes!  Celebrate if you can. *wink*

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Episode 15 - Modern Feminism

    Episode 15 - Modern Feminism

    “Feminism is becoming an antiquated term for a new awareness of human identity.” -Viva Blanca

    Kate and Toni talk about the F-word: Feminism.

    With all the activation of women’s voices and our increasing presence and power in the political, social, and economic realms in western culture, it seems to us that a new definition of Feminism is needed.

    The outdated understanding of having to become like men in order to prove worth, validate existence, or earn equal pay no longer applies.

    And so – what does apply?

    What’s the definition of Modern Feminism?

    What does Feminism today address? How inclusive is it?  What is feminine energy + how does it operate?

    Join us in this initial dive, as we begin to explore face to face, heart to heart, and soul to soul this modern phenomenon of the “feminine rising.”

    Let us know what your thoughts and experiences are and have been in our ever-evolving world.  You can comment on the various podcast platforms and also find us on social media.

    And don’t forget to subscribe + review us – let’s deepen this conversation and give it some steam. Feel free to drop us a line directly (www.SHEspotlight.com) - we’d love to hear from you!

    • 1 hr 7 min
    Episode 14 - New Aquarius Moon with Wendy Groomes*

    Episode 14 - New Aquarius Moon with Wendy Groomes*

    “The evolutionary intent of the Aquarius archetype is to constantly embrace freedom. Freedom from the past, freedom from the known, freedom from convention, freedom from anything the has already happened. Freedom is the intent.” ~Ari Moshe Wolfe

    What Does Aquarian New Moon offer?

    In looking forward to the Equinox chart (March 21st), which has Aquarius Rising and Saturn @00 Aquarius, the upcoming Aquarius New Moon January 24th is prep and an invitation to rise above the heaviness of the 3D patriarchal Capricorn guise and envision what we want to create.

    Of course, if we have karma or un-embraced areas of life that need attending, the Cap planets will call us to do so first and foremost.

    Basically: what we embrace now and envision, we can move forward with a build (Saturn) by the Equinox.

    Uranus, ruling planet of Aquarius is now direct. ALL PLANETS are in actually direct motion now, so it's full steam ahead for envisioning and establishing our future(s).

    Actual chart
    Aquarius New Moon sextile Chiron in Aries
    Mercury in Aquarius
    Lots of Air - so new ideas, possibilities for addressing our collective wound ideas on how to move forward now— all relative to where this lands in your chart.

    Moon has just crossed over all the Capricorn influences (Pallas, South Node, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Ceres) so build up—the Dark of the Moon (just before the New Moon)—will feel heavy…the energy will lift once the moon moves into Aquarius and joins the Sun.

    URANUS in square to New Moon and Pallas - some kind of radical action(s) will come forward now, effecting the elite, money, humankind.  Aquarius energy shakes things up, so what needs to be loosened up a bit?

    Venus with Neptune - dreams will be heightened and illuminated, or overdoing drugs, drinking, media addiction will be present. What we align with is reflective of reaching for the higher octaves of both Venus and Neptune (Venus is love, Neptune High Love), or standard illusory patterns of love.

    Venus is still trine, though separating, with the North Node (what we are all cultivating now) in Cancer (ruled by the Moon).  How do we want to be nourished, cared for by self and others?  Cancer rules women, nourishment, nurturing, emotions, emotional sensitivity, breasts, and the stomach.

    New Moon inconjuncts (disconnects) the North Node so there may be a disconnect towards our emotional body, emotional needs.  The trick with inconjunctions (called a Finger of God) is to apply attention to make a connection, it doesn’t happen on its own.

    You got this! We got this!

    *New Moon with Wendy Groomes is a recurring segment.

    Website: www.heartmindbodyandsoul.net

    • 1 hr 6 min
    Episode 13 - Prosperity From the Inside Out

    Episode 13 - Prosperity From the Inside Out

    In our last episode, we talked about money. Today, we expand on this tantalizing topic with a powerful teacher of prosperity.

    Prosperity is a big word. It encompasses health, well-being, a sense of purpose - and it also includes money substance.  Kate and Toni invite Candice Gee, a financial consultant with a business management focus and entertainment-based client roster, to facilitate a discussion about the principles of prosperity.

    We begin with the principles and then go deeper to talk about how to apply these principles in our daily lives. Self-inquiry and excavation are required to transform from a mindset of lack to one of abundance.

    Candice is a visionary and has advised and educated innumerable individuals on prosperity, inspirational living, and the ‘how to’ in realizing financial independence.

    This work can help you! And it may even CHANGE you. And if you change, everything in your world may do so also.

    This prosperity work invites souls to excavate murky areas within themselves that have created stagnation, particularly where money is concerned. She brings to light the emotional underpinnings and limiting beliefs that often undergird our behaviors with money.

    Ms. Gee is a graduate of the executive leadership program at the Anderson School of Business at UCLA and is an ordained Minister currently serving as Director of Membership at Agape International Spiritual Center. Rev. Candice teaches workshops on money and finance at spiritual centers and business venues throughout the United States.

    GOOD NEWS: You have an upcoming opportunity to attend the Prosperity From the Inside Out workshop beginning February 12, 2020. Review the course description and register for the online class at www.modernwisdominstitute.com.

    Reference Materials

    The Money Nerve, By Robert Wm Wheeler

    The Answer is You, Michael Bernard Beckwith


    Email: ProsperityFromTheInsideOut@gmail.com

    Facebook: Candice Gee

    Instagram and Twitter: @thecanwhocan

    • 1 hr 3 min
    Episode 12 - Money, Money, Money!

    Episode 12 - Money, Money, Money!

    MONEY: In what will most likely be a topic we revisit because it’s so very hot, Toni + Kate take a dive into What, exactly is Money? How does it operate? And how do we relate to it?

    Both Kate and Toni share about their upbringings, stumbling blocks, and perhaps even - moments of “winning” in their personal relationships with money.

    We explore systems of money, money as a vitalizing force, paradigm constructs like the patriarchy, trickle-down theory, and proving worthiness through excelling at the game of debt.

    We explore moving from living a life of survival to a life of thriving.

    We touch upon soul-purpose and how that might relate to net worth.

    We question humanity’s agreement on what money actually is, what it means, and what it provides.

    And – we’re curious: what is Money to you? What does it mean for you and how do you interact with it? Let us know in the comment sections on your favorite podcast platform or toss us a note via our website or social media.

    Join us for this financial appetizer as we begin to explore Money – a facet of the modern human experience which just about everyone on our planet must engage with.

    • 51 min
    Episode 11 - New Capricorn Moon with Wendy Groomes*

    Episode 11 - New Capricorn Moon with Wendy Groomes*

    The New Moon in Capricorn is Thursday, December 26, 2019

    We have numerous planets now in Capricorn, as we build up to the Solstice (December 21/22, depending on locale) and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 26th.

    Capricorn is Earth, Feminine/Yin. As we step into winter in the northern hemisphere, this is a time to be inward and rest as much as possible to restore the inner yin and Kidney chi. If you can find a Tai Chi or Qi Gong class in your area, it is a wonderful way to nourish and build (Capricorn) your inner resources, as well as the physical body strength--muscles and bones (Capricorn rules the bones).

    Eclipses are windows in time, where endings and beginnings occur that are fated.

    A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon meet in the exact time and space location/degree--what we call a conjunction in astrology.

    The Sun represents soul purpose; the Moon reflects our emotional makeup.

    With both Sun and Moon currently next to Jupiter (the amplification planet) everything is bigger, in addition to a heightened Eclipse energy, we’ll be highly attuned and sensitive for addressing our practical needs and anything that needs solid footing or foundations, particularly in sync with our soul’s directives.

    This partial Solar Eclipse initiates us into 2020 with a clear grasp of what foundations we need to lay to foster our dreams and visions into physical time and space.

    This New Moon is further supported by its trine to Uranus in Taurus (earth changes, definite change in weather patterns, surprising new ways or even eccentric means towards getting our needs met - financially and physically). With all these earth planets in action we can now take the visions we've had all of 2019 (numerology 3 - year of creativity) and put them into practical application.

    Capricorn is all about practical stewardship of anything (our lives, a business, a community). Coupled with moving into the numerology of 4 in 2020 (down to brass tack basics, conscientiousness, responsibility, firm footing and solid foundations), we will all be embracing the basic realities of Capricorn and how we navigate this archetype. There is the consensus reality - mainly patriarchal, and a sovereign reality - empowered consciousness. No astrologer ever says Capricorn is easy, though it's all in how one navigates (ancient Capricorn is the Seagoat, so we do have rudders to assist in this time - more next Podcast about this!).

    The merging of Saturn and Pluto on January 12th, just after the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th, marks significant endings and beginnings on personal and global scale. The archetypes of Saturn/Pluto together can be described as constrained explosion, or an implosion of structures that do not pass the test of time, or are false or superficial, lacking strength and truthfulness. Pluto is volcanic fire and any shaky foundations won't hold up to its power. Pressure (Saturn) will increase and match Pluto's deep velocity. The last conjunct of Saturn/Pluto was 1982 that brought a recession. And the one previous 1914 (which was a triple conjunction not to occur again until 2053) brought WWI.

    Spiritually speaking, because of the planetary merging of these two "malefics," on the cusp of the coming Lunar Eclipse, this is a time to be in prayer and meditation, to be in practice to help lift up your own soul/life – as well as the collective.

    Sending you All Solstice Light and Love,
    Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year!

    *New Moon with Wendy Groomes is a recurring segment.

    Website: www.heartmindbodyandsoul.net

    • 1 hr 5 min

Customer Reviews

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5 Ratings


A Must Listen!!

This is a must listen for anyone who wants to take a deep dive into what’s shifting in today’s world, and how we show up in our own lives and the lives of the people we love. Kate and Toni have great chemistry and touch on important topics that are relevant. This is one powerful pair who are true change makers!!

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