She Walks Worthy ] Bible Study for Women, Bible Study for Beginners, Bible Study for Seekers, Bible Journey,

Penni Quitsch, Lover of God, Seeker of the Kingdom
She Walks Worthy ] Bible Study for Women, Bible Study for Beginners, Bible Study for Seekers, Bible Journey,

Hello and welcome to the She Walks Worthy Podcast! Are you a follower of Jesus but you struggle with your Bible Study time? Do you find the Bible overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start? Have you tried to read it but you don’t really understand it, or maybe even find it a little bit boring? Or are you super busy with all-the-things and you think you can’t possibly add anything else - so Bible Study gets put on the shelf until life slows down? If you said yes to any of those questions, Sister, you are in the right place! My name is Penni, and at one time or another I have answered yes to all of those questions, too. What I was stunned to find out was that I had never been taught how to read the Bible! I was in my 40s when someone finally gave me the keys that unlocked scripture. And I don’t want you to have to spend any more time struggling with your Bible time. You don’t have to think the Bible is overwhelming or boring or you don’t have time for it. I am here to help you learn to LOVE your Bible! You CAN learn to read it!! It is living and active, and it can be the best part of your day. This is a Bible Study for Women who have been believers for a long time, this is a Bible study for new Christians, this is a great Beginners Bible Study. This is a Bible Study for anyone who wants to know God more and love God more. So I hope you’ll join me on this journey and we will be a community of women who seek to walk worthy.

  1. قبل يوم واحد

    Ep 147. Daniel Chapter 8: A Ram, A Goat, and another Little Horn (Women's Bible Study)

    A history lover's dream. That's what Daniel 8 is. And while the setting is a backdrop of ancient world history, God has written it into his Bigger Story. As Cyrus' Medo-Persian Empire takes shape as the greatest superpower the world had known up to that point, God's story is BIGGER than that. As epic as Alexander the Great's story is, God's story is BIGGER. As big as Antiochus Epiphanes thought he was, God's story is BIGGER.  Daniel witnesses almost unthinkable things in his second vision, things that once explained to him, leave him ill. But God has not abandoned his throne, and it's all part of his BIGGER story. Sometimes that's hard for us to understand. We don't have a compartment in our mind for "the sufferings of this world aren't worth comparing to the glory that awaits us." But that is where Daniel's faith carries him, and that is where our faith must carry us. And while we wait, there is kingdom work to be done. For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram: SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,  Daniel chapter 8 | Daniel's second vision | Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat | Alexander the Great | Antiochus Epiphanes | The Little Horn | Daniel's visions |

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  2. قبل ٦ أيام

    Ep 146. Re-Release of Ep 94 - Summer Mini Series, The Intertestamental Period (Women's Bible Study)

    OK, so this is a little extra for no charge. This is a re-release which I think will be a helpful tool for Daniel Chapter 8, which partly covers the time frame of the Intertestamental Period. Right up front, I will tell you that I mispronounce the word "Intertestamental" not once...not twice...but through the entire episode. (insert facepalm emoji!!) So, yes, I am aware of it, but there's nothing I can do about it now, so please just overlook that part. That was just my brain playing a cruel trick on me. But back to the content...This episode covers the timeframe from the Babylonian exile (a little bit before the Intertestamental period) all the way through the early 1st century. We talk about the two Greats: Cyrus and Alexander, who are specifically referred to (not by name, but by nation) in Daniel 8. And also, Antiochus Epiphanes, who I don't mention by name (I think I was afraid to pronounce it. lol), but I do mention by reputation and deed. And he is a big part of Daniel chapter 8. So yeah, I think this episode will be insightful as you put the pieces together for this weeks Bible Study. For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram: SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,  Intertestamental Period | Cyrus the Great | Alexander the Great | Hellenization | Roman Roads | Bible History

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  3. ٢٢ شعبان

    Ep. 144. Daniel Chapter 7: Daniel's Vision of the 4 Beasts (Women's Bible Study)

    Alrighty, we swim right on into deeper waters today, but I've tried to make the surface as smooth as possible for you. Daniel chapter 7 is the first of Daniel's apocalyptic visions (and you'll learn the real meaning of apocalypse in this episode!). He sees a lion, bear, and leopard...and he sees a beast he has no earthly reference for, and for a change, Daniel doesn't understand this vision. He receives some heavenly assistance to make sense of all of it, and in the end, he's left weak with the knowledge he receives. I know apocalyptic literature is something not everyone is keen on, so I've tried to make it as simple as possible without watering it down, so give Daniel chapter 7 a read if you haven't already, then have a listen to this episode and see if helps give YOU a clearer vision. For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram: SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,  Daniel chapter 7 | Daniel's vision of four beasts | Apocalyptic visions | Ancient of  Days | Son of Man | Little Horn |

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  4. ١٥ شعبان

    Ep 142. Daniel chapter 6: The One With Daniel in the Lion's Den (Women's Bible Study)

    Ohhhhhh, is this the one you've been waiting for? It's Daniel 6 for this episode of our Women's Weekly Bible Study. Maybe you just call it Daniel in the Lion's Den. Do you remember how old you were when you first heard this story? Do you remember all the drama? There's jealousy, conspiracy, deception, espionage, dark night of the soul, vindication and retribution. Whew!! (The Bible is NOT boring!) We take a peek into ancient history and learn who the Medes were, how Cyrus became great, the mystery behind Darius the Mede, a little bit about Medo-Persian law, and an interesting little tid-bit about Belshazzar.  Finally, we plug the story of Daniel into the bigger picture of the Bible and get one step closer to THE end of the story.  For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram: SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,  Book of Daniel | Daniel 6 | Daniel in the Lion's Den | Darius the Mede | 3rd Ruler of the Kingdom | Babylonian Exile | Daniel in Exile | Daniel as a type of Christ |

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Hello and welcome to the She Walks Worthy Podcast! Are you a follower of Jesus but you struggle with your Bible Study time? Do you find the Bible overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start? Have you tried to read it but you don’t really understand it, or maybe even find it a little bit boring? Or are you super busy with all-the-things and you think you can’t possibly add anything else - so Bible Study gets put on the shelf until life slows down? If you said yes to any of those questions, Sister, you are in the right place! My name is Penni, and at one time or another I have answered yes to all of those questions, too. What I was stunned to find out was that I had never been taught how to read the Bible! I was in my 40s when someone finally gave me the keys that unlocked scripture. And I don’t want you to have to spend any more time struggling with your Bible time. You don’t have to think the Bible is overwhelming or boring or you don’t have time for it. I am here to help you learn to LOVE your Bible! You CAN learn to read it!! It is living and active, and it can be the best part of your day. This is a Bible Study for Women who have been believers for a long time, this is a Bible study for new Christians, this is a great Beginners Bible Study. This is a Bible Study for anyone who wants to know God more and love God more. So I hope you’ll join me on this journey and we will be a community of women who seek to walk worthy.

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آسيا والمحيط الهادئ


أمريكا اللاتينية والكاريبي

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