Ray Edwards Show

Ray Edwards
Ray Edwards Show

Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.

  1. 10月18日

    Now Is The Time To Start A Business

    I know not everyone who listens to my podcast is over 50, but God willing, someday you will be, so stick with me. ​ ​50 doesn't seem old these days (depending on who you're asking), but for many of us, it's when our bodies begin to show a little wear and tear. In our twenties, we might pull a muscle if we lift something too heavy...In our 50's, that same injury could be caused by a sneeze. ​ ​My point is, some of the freedom we earn by being entrepreneurs becomes more of a necessity than a luxury. For instance, in the past few years, I have had a couple of surgeries that required substantial recovery time. I'm not sure how an employer could have accommodated my needs (not wishes...needs).  ​ ​There are some other advantages to this digital-business lifestyle (especially for the 50+ crowd) that I'll dive into in this week's episode.  Key Insights Has this come without challenges? Nope.​ ​Weather could interrupt my business, but not destroy it Monthly recurring revenue (the joy of not starting at $0 each month) All I need to do business is a laptop and access to the internet Video and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/667 Links ​Charity Navigator: Looking to donate to hurricane relief efforts? Check out what these organizations are doing to help victims of hurricane Helene How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  2. 9月17日

    The Key Skill

    Even with the often overwhelming amount of skills required to run a successful business, I still maintain that Writing is the one to rule them all...but, why? Before I answer, let me point out the fact that I'm calling this a "skill", not a "talent". Talents are innate, whereas skills can be learned. This is an important distinction to note because it is a common misconception that great writers are born, not made.  I do agree that this skill is easier to develop for some, tougher for others, but nonetheless, whatever your starting point, you can intentionally improve your ability to write persuasively, and THAT is an incredible skill to possess. Listen and I'll explain it all in less than 5 minutes. Key Insights ​Why am I sure that Writing is the most important skill? ​Writing is the engine that drives your business Robert Caro's book The Power Broker is an incredible example of writing skill (and care, and dedication) Having the "Gift of Gab", or ability to drop witty quips on social, is not the same as persuasive writing Share valuable information that intentionally leads people to your product or service Improve your skills next week (9/23) at the free Words Into Wealth Challenge Get people to pay you to help them by helping them first. Develop this skill and it will pay you back for the rest of your life VIP tickets for the challenge are available for only $47 - Click Here To Get Yours Video And Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/666 Links The Words Into Wealth Challenge starts Monday, 9/23. I guarantee this will improve your ability to write persuasively, and I'll show you how to use AI to multiply your productivity while maintaining your creativity, personality, and voice (that's the part that nearly everyone is getting wrong). The Challenge is 100% Free, but I am offering a VIP upgrade for only $47. VIP's get an extra hour with me each day, live via Zoom, to get ALL of their specific questions answered. Even at this low price, I'm still offering a money-back guarantee. Details Here. ​The Power Broker: The amazing Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Robert Caro. Check it out Here How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  3. 8月9日

    $100 Million in Debt at 62

    What would you do if you found yourself over $100 Million in debt at the age of 62? Would you just wait to die, and let the living deal with the aftermath...Or would you start digging yourself out of the hole? ​In this episode, I want to share the story of Karl Eller. It's a quick story with a powerful message about possibilities, and not giving up. It's also a great reminder about the thing we mostly see as a handicap, age, and how it can give us an incredible power - Experience. Key Insights Karl started work at an outdoor advertising company​ ​After learning and building for 16 years, he sold his company to Gannett - the company that owned USA Today He spent 3 years running Columbia Pictures While looking for something to do, Karl and a small group of investors decide to get into the convenient store business He built Circle K to be the 2nd biggest chain of convenient stores in the world, second only to 7-11 Circle K began losing money, eventually costing Karl his entire personal fortune (over $500m), and leaving him $100M in debt. Karl headed back to Arizona where he purchased a small outdoor advertising company In 5 years, he was able to sell that company to Clear Channel Communications for over a billion dollars Video And Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/665 Links Karl Eller on Wikipedia How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  4. 8月5日

    A Year's Income... In a Day? (Anita Anello with Ray Edwards)

    I've known this week's guest for many years...Long enough to have seen her go from financial struggle, to now having a day's revenue that surpasses what used to be her annual income. How did she do it? One of the big "secrets" involves a struggle that I see in nearly every class I teach, or mastermind I participate in: Facing the fear of "high-ticket offers". Most people seem to have settled on an arbitrary number that defines the value of their product or service as they see it. Any significant amount above that number seems impossible. They'll sell products for less than a hundred bucks with the hopes of maybe selling something special for $500 (or whatever arbitrary number they have chosen). Anything higher than their magic number causes panic. I can almost hear the objections: "But Ray, I don't have anything that I could offer for more than $500. That's a primo price for me." That's what you have decided, but Anita has some ideas that may change your mind. Key Insights When a medical emergency put the primary earner out of commission, Anita had to make a change​ Understand the value ladder, prioritize high ticket offers, and focus on delivering results to attract high ticket clients and build a successful business (pretty much the inverse of what most people are doing) Hard work isn't the key to making more (thank God...we only have so many hours in a day) Understand the 4 levels of wealth Focus on level three and level four activities for wealth creation, create high ticket offers, have fun in business, and understand terminology in online communities to maximize success and avoid financial issues Focus on serving your past self, acknowledge progress, invest in self-education, surround yourself with high-level thinkers for personal and business growth Learn how to target millionaires, create high ticket offers, and attract the right buyers to build a successful business and attract clients with higher expectations. Learn how to use copywriting and entrepreneurial skills to create high ticket offers and virtual events Collaborate with partners to expand your audience Craft engaging content that leads to buying decisions. Video And Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/664 Links Elite Entrepreneurs Events Masterclass - Come join Anita and me for this FREE masterclass and discover how to Unlock 6 & 7 Figure Months (and then days) with High-Ticket Offers & Virtual Events VIP Upgrade for Elite Entrepreneurs Events Masterclass - If you're joining us for the masterclass, I strongly suggest you upgrade to join us in the VIP room. This gives you the chance to interact, ask questions, and get answers! (only $47) How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  5. 7月23日

    5 Keys To Your Business Miracle

    Some businesses seem to be stuck on the Struggle Bus. They putter along as far as they can go until...Poof. The ride is over. The business is no more.  ​ ​Why is this? How can it be so easy for some and seemingly impossible for others? ​ ​I believe there are 5 things you must recognize and control if you want to ditch the struggle and enjoy success - And that's what I'm sharing with you on this week's episode. 5 Momentum Makers That Move Mountains ​Mindset - This is not some new-aged hooey. Your mindset determines who you are, and who you are capable of becoming. You must nurture it if you want to be successful (and have the ability to enjoy that success) ​Mastery of a High Value Skill - Commit to the path of Mastery - Be hard to replace! Mechanism - What is the "tool set" you use to get the work done. Marketing - Marketing is NOT selling or promotion. Marketing is the act of intentionally influencing the beliefs of your niche through content that you create, that aligns with your offers Money - The result of amplifying the problem you solve for your people, and the pain you relieve. Video and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/663 Links ​Words Into Wealth Challenge: Discover How Words Create Wealth, Changing Your Words Can Change Your Income, and How Using AI the Right Way Can Help You Do It 100X Faster. This Challenge beings Monday, 7/29. Click Here for the full schedule and details. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  6. 7月2日

    She Went From Teacher to Copywriter

    I've certified many copywriters who hold degrees in professions not associated with writing – Physicians, attorneys, engineers... In fact, I've had relatively few students with any professional writing experience. If you've ever thought about trading your current career for a writing career, but the transition seemed impossible, my guest this week may inspire you to follow your heart. Camille Pardo abandoned her "draining" teaching career to pursue a profitable passion – Copywriting. Camille has had this passion for writing since childhood, but those around her encouraged her to choose a career that was more practical. That's understandable since the odds of your child being the next J. K. Rowling are slim to none. Why not point them in a direction that leads to a more practical and sustainable career?  Listen to Camille Pardo share the story of leaving her practical, sustainable teaching profession, and becoming a successful, work-from-anywhere, full-time copywriter.  Key Insights ​An early passion for writing was squelched for the sake of practicality ​Entering the respectable, dependable, and always-in-demand profession of teaching The book that changed her path (okay, it was probably more than the book, but I'll take partial credit) Leaving a career when you're in your 30's - What will your family and friends think? Can copywriting satisfy the desire to be a great storyteller, or is it all Open Rates and Clicks? Certification required work - was it worth it? Dealing with month one's discouraging, zero-dollar income How (and why) to Show up and Serve "There's something really cool about going all in." How Camille can help you improve your emails (link below) Video And Transcript  https://www.rayedwards.com/662 Links Become a Certified Copywriter - Ready to start your own writing journey? My accelerated Certification Program is the fastest way to a profitable new career in writing. Great copywriters are in demand! Learn how to properly use the latest AI tech to enhance your productivity. Plus, get a chance to experience my private Mastermind, live in Spokane, WA (details here) - This opportunity disappears 7/4/24, so don't wait! Camille's 7-Step Guide to Writing Better Emails - Want more opens? More clicks? Camille's guide is easy-to-follow and full of excellent advice. Grab it now! How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  7. 6月18日

    How to Have More Money, Margin, and Meaning in Your Life

    Who are you, and why are you here? That’s the question my podcast guest, Graham Cochrane, is helping us answer today. “Most of us,” Says Graham, “are living a life crafted by other people: family, social media, societal expectations, etc. We’ve conformed to the patterns of everyone around us without even meaning to.” Graham shows how to truly create YOUR life of freedom, joy, and meaning—on your terms, not someone else’s. During this conversation, he walks us through his simple five-part framework, and you will discover how to create the life you’ve always wanted. Key Insights Wake up from the world’s sleepy autopilot way of living Leave behind a legacy that others will want to emulate Stick to a set of values as you navigate the big decisions in life Determine what your ideal life looks like (in your work, business, relationships, finances, health)--and chart a path to get there Dismantle harmful mental scripts and limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck (potentially for years) Figure out what your dreams really are (or perhaps dream for the first time) Video and Transcript Links Rebel: Find Yourself by Not Following the Crowd - The upcoming book from Graham Cochrane. Like I said, this guy is the real deal and I can't wait to get my hands on this book. There are some great reasons to preorder - Check Them Out Here How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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  8. 5月21日

    He Makes $1,500 per Hour Using A.I.

    Many technological advances come with a healthy dose of fear, and that has definitely been the case with AI - especially with writers and artists. "Why would someone pay me when they can just ask an AI to generate something for them at virtually no cost?" This week, I have an answer...one that gives me the right to gloat a bit. Since the beginning of the A.I. craze, I have maintained that A.I. is a tool...An extremely powerful tool that works best when wielded by a skilled artist. On this episode, you'll hear about an "A.I. Artist" who is making $1,500 an hour using this tool - and he's completely upfront about who (or what) is doing the heavy lifting. Key Insights ​​A.I. will help us, not hurt us (IF we use it correctly) ​My earlier email from the Daily Ray (details below) ​Use A.I. as your "Unfair Advantage" ​The article about the titular artist (linked below) ​Why didn't the company just use the same tools the artist used? ​"We don't care how he makes it. We only care that the end user enjoys our game." (let that soak in)​ ​Sign up for our upcoming free workshop about building your writing business  Transcript and Video https://www.rayedwards.com/660 Links ​Yahoo News Article: On which this episode was based ​Writing Business Roadmap: This FREE Online Class is hosted by Ray Edwards, who writes and creates marketing campaigns for top leaders like Michael Hyatt, Amy Porterfield, Stu McLaren, Donald Miller, Jeff Walker, Tony Robbins, and many more. Ray will “pull back the curtain” and reveal how to run your own writing business, based on the proven systems and tools that he uses himself. Register now and get a free BONUS report: 10 Copywriting Packages You Can Sell to Clients (and pricing strategy & suggestions) ​The Daily Ray: Every day, my goal is to send you something that you're glad you took the time to read. Subscribe at the bottom of this page (No spam...unsubscribe anytime if you're not a fan) How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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Ray Edwards is a sought-after Copywriter, Author, Speaker, and Communications Strategist. His clients include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Robert Allen, and more. On this show, Ray helps you start, run, and grow their Internet-based businesses. The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Dan Miller, Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Don Miller, and many others.








