Shelly's Sizzling Odyssey

Sharing Plate 팟캐스트

Foodie Shelly cooks up a storm in his East London kitchen, treating Lara to dishes from India, Turkey, the Caribbean and Nepal. The stories that accompany his Sharing Plate are as diverse as the dishes themselves. Shelly, we thank you for launching the series, for your openness, vulnerability and for trusting us.

Special thanks to Mummy Pat for her contribution, to both the podcast and for being Shelly's second mum.

This is the first Sharing Plate podcast we recorded. Until Shelly opened his door to us, it was just an idea, based on a belief that food connects us to memories, to people and places. Following an afternoon in Shell's kitchen, that belief is an absolute certainty.

Please be advised, there are references to domestic violence in this podcast.

Sharing Plate is a Watts Where Media production.

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미국 및 캐나다