9 episodes

Welcome to the She's Hungry Podcast, here we explore the space between what we think we know, what we feel like we "should" know, and what has yet to be discovered that we've actually known all along.

I'm Cait Pearson, your host, a self-proclaimed philomath. At any given time I no-doubt have a minimum of 20 tabs open on my web-browser. Exploring topics ranging from easy recipes for nomadic, van-life living to research on correlative studies of neuropsychological fear responses as related to societal conditioned milestones deemed appropriate for women. The breadth is wide, and the depth gets real deep, and just like my web browser history on the show, anything goes. We will unravel common curiosities like shadow-work, facing fears, and what does it actually mean to do "the work." I'll talk about modern dating, travel recs, and the latest fiction books I'm loving.

Come along for the ride of your everyday 30-something having a passionate love affair with what it means to be human and live fully alive.


She's Hungry Podcast Cait Pearson

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Welcome to the She's Hungry Podcast, here we explore the space between what we think we know, what we feel like we "should" know, and what has yet to be discovered that we've actually known all along.

I'm Cait Pearson, your host, a self-proclaimed philomath. At any given time I no-doubt have a minimum of 20 tabs open on my web-browser. Exploring topics ranging from easy recipes for nomadic, van-life living to research on correlative studies of neuropsychological fear responses as related to societal conditioned milestones deemed appropriate for women. The breadth is wide, and the depth gets real deep, and just like my web browser history on the show, anything goes. We will unravel common curiosities like shadow-work, facing fears, and what does it actually mean to do "the work." I'll talk about modern dating, travel recs, and the latest fiction books I'm loving.

Come along for the ride of your everyday 30-something having a passionate love affair with what it means to be human and live fully alive.


    The End of an Era - Embracing New Beginnings

    The End of an Era - Embracing New Beginnings

    Welcome to the final episode of the She's Hungry podcast! In this heartfelt farewell, I reflect on the journey of the podcast and announce an exciting new chapter.
    0:00 – Opening Reflections
    - I dive into the power of dreams and hope.
    - Discuss the importance of dreaming beyond practical constraints.
    0:23 – For the Tired Dreamers
    - Introduction to the episode and its themes: expectations, conditioning, fear, and shame.
    - I give a warm welcome and acknowledge your support.
    0:54 – Announcement: The Final Episode
    - I reveal this as the last episode of She's Hungry.
    - Explanation of why I’m ending this chapter and what lies ahead.
    1:22 – Embracing Change
    - Encouragement to embrace new beginnings.
    - I share my deep connection to you, my audience, and reflect on the impact of the podcast.
    2:09 – Integrity and Growth
    - Discussion on maintaining integrity and authenticity.
    - I talk about overcoming internal resistance and the fear of change.
    3:29 – Challenges and Expectations
    - Addressing internal expectations and ego.
    - My journey of self-discovery and learning to trust the process.
    4:47 – Living in Integrity
    - The importance of living true to oneself.
    - I am inviting you to join me in my new endeavor.
    5:51 – Facing Fear and Doing the Work
    - My commitment to personal growth and leading by example.
    - Encouragement to release old frameworks and get curious about new possibilities.
    7:06 – Dreaming Big and Starting Fresh
    - Reflecting on how trauma shapes identity and the importance of choosing to move forward.
    - Invitation to explore new ideas without fear of consequences.
    11:25 – Gratitude and Community
    - I express gratitude for your support and the community we’ve built through the podcast.
    - Reflect on how the podcast has changed my life.
    12:51 – Introduction to the Next Chapter
    - Announcement of my new podcast: The Problem Is You – A Mindset Podcast.
    - Overview of the new podcast’s focus on mindset, psychology, and personal growth.
    16:45 – The Exciting Journey Ahead
    - I share my excitement for the new podcast and read the intro.
    - Encouragement to follow me on this new adventure.
    18:48 – Join the New Community
    - Information on how to stay connected with me through Instagram, Substack, and my email list.
    - Details on where to find the new podcast when it launches.
    Links Mentioned:
    - Follow me on Instagram: @she_runs__wild
    - Join the 12th House of Wild on Substack
    - Sign up for my monthly newsletter!
    Thank you for being part of the She's Hungry journey. My new adventure awaits, and I hope you’ll join me in discovering the limitless potential within us all. Until next time, stay hungry!

    Get full access to 12th House of Wild at www.12thhouseofwild.com/subscribe

    • 20 min
    Gratitude: It's an Actual Feeling

    Gratitude: It's an Actual Feeling

    Introduction: Welcome back to another soul-stirring episode of the She's Hungry podcast! I'm your host, Cait Pearson, and today, we're delving deep into the realm of gratitude—a journey from the mind to the heart.
    Setting the Scene: As we navigate life's twists and turns, it's easy to get lost in the chaos of our minds. But amidst the noise, there's a profound truth: gratitude has the power to anchor us, to ground us in the present moment. Join me as we explore this transformative force.
    Gratitude in Unexpected Places: Picture this—a weary traveler, wandering through the breathtaking landscape of Smith Rock. Amidst the steep trails and rugged terrain, a moment of clarity emerges. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and gratitude, where the beauty of nature mirrors the beauty within.
    Feeling Gratitude in Your Bones: Gratitude isn't just a concept—it's a sensation that pulses through our bodies, reminding us of the miracle of existence. From the pounding of our hearts to the rhythm of our breath, every sensation is a testament to the power of gratitude. Let's learn to feel it in every fiber of our being.
    Embracing Imperfect Perfection: In a world obsessed with perfection, it's easy to forget the beauty of imperfection. But here's the truth: you are perfectly imperfect, equipped with everything you need to create a life filled with love and purpose. Embrace your flaws, for they are the building blocks of your unique journey.
    A Call to Action: Are you craving deeper connection and self-discovery? Join me for a transformative journey in my upcoming coaching project. It's not just about unlocking your potential—it's about rediscovering the power within you. Book your free 75-minute call today and take the first step towards a life filled with purpose and passion.
    Closing Thoughts: As we conclude today's episode, remember this: you are enough, just as you are. Allow gratitude to be your guiding light, illuminating the path towards a life of abundance and joy. Until next time, stay hungry for growth, stay hungry for love, and always stay hungry for gratitude.
    That wraps up today's episode! Tune in next time for more insights, inspiration, and heartfelt conversations. Stay tuned, stay grateful, and stay hungry for more. 🎙️✨

    Xx, C
    Just in a few days I start the Coaching Project: Facing Your Fears: Get all the details here: Coaching Calls Start April 17th!
    Follow me on Tiktok: @she_runs__wild
    Follow me on Instagram and Join the Daily Brave Broadcast Channel: @she_runs__wild

    Get full access to 12th House of Wild at www.12thhouseofwild.com/subscribe

    • 21 min
    In Our LET THEM Era

    In Our LET THEM Era

    Welcome back to another episode of the She's Hungry podcast! I'm your host, Cait Pearson, and today's episode is like that unexpected plot twist in your favorite book—the one you never saw coming but can't stop thinking about.
    Skipping the Routine: Ever had those days where inspiration hits like a bolt of lightning, and your morning routine gets tossed out the window? Yeah, that was me today. No coffee, no journaling—just raw, unfiltered thoughts straight from the heart.
    Advice Column You Never Asked For: From intrusive thoughts to skipping coffee, I'm diving deep into a topic that's been nagging at me lately. It's time we stop boxing in dreams and start embracing the messy reality of human behavior.
    Let Them Be: Picture this: you're on a radio show, doling out advice like there's no tomorrow. Well, that's me today. Let's talk about the power of "letting them be" and how it can transform your relationships.
    Communicate or Bust: Communication—it's like the secret sauce of healthy relationships. Whether it's setting boundaries or calling out uncomfortable truths, I'm all about that full-chalant energy.
    Falling for Potential: Warning: this episode contains truths you might not want to hear. Say goodbye to falling for someone's potential and hello to embracing reality, boundaries, and the gray areas in between.
    Practice Being Uncomfortable: Life's not always rainbows and butterflies, but that's where growth happens. It's time to embrace discomfort, have those tough conversations, and stand firm in your values.
    The Bedrock of Self: Know thyself. It's not just a catchy phrase—it's the foundation of everything. When you're crystal clear on your core values and boundaries, the gray areas disappear, and decisions become crystal clear.
    Coaching Project: Ready to dive deeper into self-discovery? Join me for a 30-day coaching project starting in April. It's 20 calls, 75 minutes each, and completely free. Because everyone deserves support and space to be heard.
    Coaching Porject: Facing Your Fear - Deets Found Here
    Closing Thoughts: As we wrap up, remember: you are powerful, you are limitless, and you are enough. Until next time, keep living your fantastic f*****g life and always stay hungry for more.
    That's a wrap for today's episode! Tune in next time for more real talk, unexpected twists, and unapologetic authenticity. Until then, stay hungry, my friends. 🎙️✨

    Xx, C

    Follow me on TikTok: @she_runs__wild
    Follow me on Instagram and Join The Daily Brave Broadcast Channel: @she_runs__wild

    Get full access to 12th House of Wild at www.12thhouseofwild.com/subscribe

    • 20 min
    Just a Girl Building Colosseums

    Just a Girl Building Colosseums

    Hey there, tired dreamers! It's Cait, and I'm back with another episode that's sure to ignite your imagination and spark some introspection.
    In today's show, I'm diving headfirst into the boundless realm of dreams and the incredible power they hold. But before we get too deep, let me tell you about this quirky mood I'm in—yes, it's the one where I desperately need my morning coffee but decided to hit the record button first. Classic Cait move, am I right?
    So, picture this: we're strolling through the cobblestone streets of Italy, marveling at the majestic Colosseum. But instead of just admiring its grandeur, I'm pondering the hands that painstakingly built it centuries ago. Those hands belonged to ordinary folks, just like you and me, yet their legacy endures through the ages. It's a humbling reminder that our actions, no matter how small, can leave a lasting imprint on the world.
    As I sip my imaginary espresso (seriously, I need that caffeine fix), I invite you to ponder the ripple effect of your own actions. Even the tiniest pebble can create waves that reach far beyond our wildest imaginations.
    Now, let's talk about the Coaching Project—a passion project close to my heart. If you're feeling stuck in a rut or craving a change, I'm here to offer my guidance and support. Together, we'll explore your beliefs, values, and aspirations, setting you on a path toward fulfillment and purpose.
    But wait, there's more! I'm here to remind you that you are enough, just as you are. In a world that often feels overwhelming, remember that your mere existence is a miracle—one in 400 trillion, to be exact. Embrace your resilience, your bravery, and your inherent worth.
    So, whether you're sipping coffee on your morning commute or pondering the mysteries of the universe, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Because in my world, there's always room for one more tired dreamer.
    Grab your favorite mug, hit play, and let's embark on this adventure together. Until next time, stay hungry for life's adventures!
    Xx, C
    Follow me on TikTok: @she_runs__wild
    Join the Coaching Project - Facing your Fears: Calls Start April 17th!
    Follow Me on Instagram and Join the Brave Daily Broadcast Channel: @she_runs__wild

    Get full access to 12th House of Wild at www.12thhouseofwild.com/subscribe

    • 18 min
    Empower Your Dreams: Unleashing Vulnerability, Healing Trauma, and Activating Life Transformation

    Empower Your Dreams: Unleashing Vulnerability, Healing Trauma, and Activating Life Transformation

    Welcome back to another episode of She’s Hungry Podcast, where I'm your host, Cait. This is no ordinary podcast; it's a sanctuary for tired dreamers like you and me. In this episode, I delve into the untamed realm of dreams, breaking free from the confines of societal expectations and the fear of judgment. Brace yourself for my raw and unapologetic journey as I unpack the conditioning, expectations, and fears that often cage us.
    Where soul meets source, my intuitive connection with the subconscious plane alongside my spirit guide council and powerful coaching tools we get to uncover where the conditioning overpowers your connection to purpose.
    Book your Soul Alchemy Session Here

    💪 Embracing My Vulnerability
    I want to open up about the vulnerability hangover I experienced after sharing my true self in the previous episode. This episode becomes a safe space for tired dreamers to acknowledge their fatigue while navigating through life's expectations.
    🌈 Navigating My Healing and Purpose
    Let's talk about the energy-intensive journey of healing. I'll share insights into the transformative power of therapy and coaching, emphasizing the importance of taking breaks to replenish my energy. I'll reflect on the ebb and flow of the healing process and the value of creating space for personal growth.
    🌪️ Confronting My Trauma and Creating Choices
    A powerful visualization exercise becomes the focal point of this episode. I want to take you on an introspective journey where I confronted past versions of myself that trapped me in a cage of trauma. Let's explore the intricate process of integrating past traumas, making choices, and activating values that lead to personal empowerment.
    👊 Empowerment and My Life Transformation
    Let me conclude with a passionate call to action. I urge you to take responsibility for your lives, emphasizing that nobody else will fight for us. I'm introducing a transformative offering, Soul Alchemy Sessions, designed to guide individuals through self-discovery and empowerment. My commitment to you echoes through this podcast, creating a bond that goes beyond the airwaves.
    🌌 Closing My Thoughts
    As I wrap up this episode, the message resonates: life is full of challenges, but you're never alone in your journey. This podcast is a testament to the power of self-love, resilience, and the unyielding belief that every listener is capable of creating a life that aligns with their dreams. Stay hungry, stay empowered, and always remember: you're worth fighting for. 🚀
    Follow Me on TikTok: @she_runs__wild
    Subscribe to the 12th House of Wild: A Substack community with resources, inspirational stories, and powerful coaching tools and prompts to support you on your path to purpose.
    Cait Pearson is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to 12th House of Wild at www.12thhouseofwild.com/subscribe

    • 33 min
    Why you might be the problem + How to match your energy to the solution.

    Why you might be the problem + How to match your energy to the solution.

    Hey there, fellow tired dreamers! It's Cait, and I'm excited to dive deep into some mind-bending topics in today's episode. So, let's buckle up for a wild ride as I spill the beans on my recent experiences, thoughts, and discoveries.
    Snowy Reflections and Behind the Scenes: Alright, so I'm back in Bend, and the snow situation is driving me nuts. It's messing with my creativity, but hey, a silver lining—I've been sharing more behind-the-scenes stuff on Instagram and TikTok. It's been a cool way to connect with you all.
    Exploring Energetics and Frequency: Let's talk about energy. Everything in the universe has its unique frequency, from plants to crystals. I'm getting into the power of visualization and manifestation, emphasizing how aligning thoughts with desired outcomes is a game-changer.
    The Magic of Crystals and Herbalism: Now, things get interesting as we explore crystals, herbs, and apothecary studies. These objects carry stable frequencies, and their magic lies in how we charge and transmute them. I'm genuinely excited about the potential of these practices and their connection to personal growth.
    Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: From my coaching experience, I can't stress enough the importance of addressing root beliefs and values buried in the subconscious. Changing external outcomes requires transforming internal thought patterns—a holistic approach, you know?
    Soul Alchemy Sessions: Time for a personal revelation—I'm thrilled to introduce "Soul Alchemy Sessions." These sessions aim to bridge the gap between societal conditioning and personal authenticity, guiding you to connect with your soul. And for the first 10 sessions, I'm offering a discounted rate. Exciting, right?
    A Message of Empowerment: Here's a powerful message: seek purpose and support ruthlessly. You're worth fighting for. If you're feeling lost, take those first steps towards self-discovery and healing.
    Closing Words: Expect more mind-expanding discussions from me in future episodes. Until then, remember, "I love you. I mean it 100%. My inbox is always open. Until next time, always stay hungry."
    Book a Soul Alchemy Session with Me by Clicking the Button Below!
    Also, follow me on TikTok for more esoteric content, tarot readings, and daily practices to align yourself with the divine.
    TikTok: @she_runs__wild

    Get full access to 12th House of Wild at www.12thhouseofwild.com/subscribe

    • 27 min

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