On this episode of the Shift Changer Podcast, I sat down with the lovely and beautiful, Lorna Wells. Native to Houston, Lorna is the wife to Tauren Wells and a mother to 3 with bundle of joy on the way! She's also an amazing singer, a lover of God, her family, and people. I started following her on Instagram and then on her blog, Alive and Wells, where she keeps it real while sharing the goodness of God! What really stopped me in my tracks that lead me to reach out to her was a post she made about Purity. She mentioned in her post about values her and her husband, Tauren, teach their kids monthly and they find a verse that goes along with that value. As a mother trying to do the same thing, I am inspired by her pursuit to instill Biblical values to her children. Lorna shares her wisdom that I believe all women can gleam from, not only mothers.
This episodes Sticky Note Quote is: "Most things are caught not taught." Essentially, good or bad, our children learn by how we live our lives in front of them. Lorna talks about the book to make your kids aware of what pictures they can & cannot see in this digital age: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures, Jr: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds. by Kristen Jensen and Debbi Cox and the advanced copy for older children: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn Proof Today's Young Kids. I highly recommend this book!
S - Spend one on one time with your children. Childhood is a season. Don't let the season and moments pass you by.
H - Hear your kids out. Put your phone down and enjoy the gift of your kids! Savor the moments you have with your children by hearing them out and them desiring to talk with you. Again, childhood is a season.
I - Intentionality. Be intentional with your kids. If you don't plan and think it out, it won't happen. There is some work to be done in the background in teaching your children, but they are worth your time & investment.
F - Fight for your marriage. The health of your marriage or relationships strongly determines the spiritual and emotional health of your children.
T - Train them to love the Word and follow Christ. Commit to the time and consistency.
I hope you enjoyed this episode! Connect with Lorna on Instagram here and her blog, Alive and Wells.
Have a story that inspired change by you or someone else? I would love to share it!
Connect with me: shiftchangerpodcast@gmail.com or Revive.Her and visit our shop: Paloma Blanca.
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Shift happens! We get the opportunity every day to BE THE CHANGE to love, give, and serve the world purposefully!
- 节目
- 发布时间2020年12月10日 UTC 06:00
- 长度44 分钟
- 单集18
- 分级儿童适宜