Shubham Garg - Junior Growth In Oil

Tav’s 2 Cents

Another fantastic, oil focused pod with Shubham Garg  @WhiteTundraSG ! Shubham puts on a clinic with every interview and this latest appearance does not disappoint!

In this episode, Shubham and I discuss;

00:55 White Tundra Investments and White Tundra Petroleum Limited

06:06 The relevance of geology

12:15 A summary of Shubham’s X space “Case study on junior growth Canadian E&P’s of the past”

20:13 Shubham’s thoughts on Prospera Energy $PEI.V

34:10 Do junior energy companies have higher regulatory risk?

39:10 Macro Oil 48:18 What oil price do junior energy companies need to be successful?

53:26 What impact does the USD have on North American oil companies?

All in all a great discussion! Hope you enjoy the show! You can find more of Shubham's content/research at

I highly recommend anyone interested in O&G check out his site, there is a ton of great information there including WhIte Tundra Investment's holding and Shubham's personal portfolio.

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