Learning Little Lessons

Trudie Schar
Learning Little Lessons

The Learning Little Lessons podcast is where we talk about the little lessons God is teaching us. Learning how to fill up on Jesus, so we can pour out to others. All the while bringing Him more glory. Grab a salted-carmel hot cocoa (my favorite), put your feet up .... okay, okay, I know all that sounds blissful, but reality is you got work to do ... so what ever you’re doing put in those headphones and let’s tune it all out and have a chat.

최고 5점
13개의 평가


The Learning Little Lessons podcast is where we talk about the little lessons God is teaching us. Learning how to fill up on Jesus, so we can pour out to others. All the while bringing Him more glory. Grab a salted-carmel hot cocoa (my favorite), put your feet up .... okay, okay, I know all that sounds blissful, but reality is you got work to do ... so what ever you’re doing put in those headphones and let’s tune it all out and have a chat.

무삭제판 에피소드를 청취하려면 로그인하십시오.

이 프로그램의 최신 정보 받기

프로그램을 팔로우하고, 에피소드를 저장하고, 최신 소식을 받아보려면 로그인하거나 가입하십시오.

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