Sithty Second - Nuclear Energy with Assistant Minority Leader Winter

Sithty Minutes

Welcome aboard Kyber Squadron! This week, Andrés sits down with Assistant Minority Leader Rep. Winter to discuss a bipartisan bill that tackles the energy crisis from an often overlooked angle—Nuclear Power. It's a conversation that starts with energy concerns and how Rural communities got left behind, but ends with a discussion on how the way forward for all of us will require different communities coming together for the good of all.

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Show Notes:

Co House Republicans

Hugh McKean's Energy Feasibility Study

Modular Reactors

Molten Salt

Xcel Power Pathway

The Problem with Cobalt

Severance Tax, What is It?

HB25-1040 Adding Nuclear Energy as a Clean Energy Resource

Trump and Nuclear Power

PEW Research: Urban and Rural - more similar than different

2024 Election: By The Numbers

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