Is there someone in your past that you would like to reconnect with or someone you have seen recently that you haven't seen in decades? The divas discuss why we need to revisit our past and ask our listeners to help us find some friends with whom we would like to reconnect. Six degrees of separation, we have all been in situations where we think, it really is a small world. Also, a brief conversation about why some people are put in our lives even if it is for a short period of time. How close are the divas to Brad Pitt? Catherine Keener? and Mohammid Ali? Listen as they talk about six degrees of separation.
What should we "tweet"about? Email us with suggestions as we attempt to put together a clip "the best of TheDivaCast." We would love to hear your opinion.
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PodSafe Music by Natalie Brown - Queen of Me
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- Publiée2 juin 2023 à 09:01 UTC