Smörgåsbord Podcast

Halo Halo Productions

Welcome to the Smörgåsbord Podcast! A show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. Join the neverending silliness of hosts Angel and Mik as they discover strange rituals like bread and wine turning to the body and blood of a God, or holding carp as pets in bathtubs during Christmas.

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    Smörgåsbord Podcast Episode 051: Girl Guide Cookies

    In today’s episode of Smörgåsbord, Angel and Mik talk about their favorite snack of all time, girl guide cookies. Angel also shares her experience as an “honorary girl guide” during her youth.    00:00 Opening Song  00:11 Show introduction  04:32 What’s in your palette? 09:59 History of the Girl Guides 12:48 History of the Girl Guide cookies 22:49 Girl Guide cookies vs Girl Scout cookies 23:52 Girl Scout cookies 28:09 Cookie facts 33:54 The Girl Guide controversy 37:22 Girl Guide cookies around the world 39:25 Is it healthy? Is it good? 01:02:35 What’s the next course?     Resources from today’s episode: Wikipedia “Cookie History” by Girl Guides of Canada “Girl Guide Cookies FAQ” by Girl Guides of Canada “Selling Girl Guide cookies” by Lisa Kadane “Girl Scout Cookie History” by Girl Scouts “The U.S. has s'mores?! A look at Girl Guide cookies around the world” by Laura Brown “Girl Guide Biscuits” by Girl Guides Ballarat “Biscuits Update From Chief Commissioner” by Girl Guides Australia  “Meet the Cookies” by Girl Scouts “Girl Scout Cookie History” by Girl Scouts “The Sweet Prairie History of Girl Guide Cookies” by Lisa Jackson “History” by Girl Guides   Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at

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    Smörgåsbord Podcast Episode 050: You’re Just A Tater (The Celebratory Potato Episode)

    Angel, Mik and Mari celebrate the Smörgåsbord Podcast’s 50th episode! In this episode they talk about all the fun things about potatoes. They also present a surprise at the end of the episode.   You can listen to Mar Emanuel on Spotify wand find his music video in YouTube   00:00 Opening Song  00:11 Show introduction  02:40 What’s in your palette? 08:36 The origins of potatoes 12:20 Potatoes in history 18:17 Potato facts 21:09 Scientific facts about potatoes 34:38 Cooking potatoes 38:48 Is it healthy? Is it good? 43:22 Mari’s plugs 44:18 The big surprise     Resources from today’s episode: Wikipedia “10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Potatoes” by Food Republic “Potato Facts” by Andreajn “10 Profound Facts About Potatoes” by Shash Wighton “10 Fun Facts About Potatoes!” by Mavis Butterfield “7 Facts About Potatoes That You Didn't Know And Will Now Want To Tell Everyone” by Rachel Wilkerson Miller “Potato Facts” by Idaho Potato Museum “15 Interesting Facts About Potatoes” by Kickass Facts “60 Tantalizing Potato Facts Everyone Should Know” by Samantha “The Ultimate Potato Cheat Sheet: Which Potato Goes Best with What?” by Kris Wu “ Potato Battery Can Light Up a Room For Over a Month” by Tuan C. Ngyuyen   Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at

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    Our Favorite Dishes - Episode 017: Bat Food? Don't Eat the Guano!

    In preparation for a new episode of the Smörgåsbord Podcast, we're reliving some old episodes of the show.   This week, we look back at the time when Angel and Mik discover the many different ways to eat bats.   In today’s episode of Smörgåsbord, Angel and Mik explore bat food! With all the madness in the world happening, these fearless podcasters enter the pandemic to discover if bat food is at all edible! We also discover today Angel’s obsession to deep fry everything into nuggets or popcorn. This episode of Smörgåsbord also features the first time we are recording a video of ourselves too. If you’d like to see our horrible quarantine faces, find us in Geek Happy Network’s YouTube channel! Stay safe, everyone. 00:00 Opening Song 00:43 Show introduction 01:15 A note on the COVID-19 pandemic 03:10 What are bats? 07:19 Difference of megabats compared to microbats 09:06 The polarizing perceptions towards bats in human history 13:08 Where in the world do people eat bats? 24:30 To catch a bat 27:41 How to cook bats 31:29 Examples of dishes that use bat 40:13 But how about eating guano? 41:45 Health benefits of bat food 44:10 Is it good? 45:08 What’s in your palette?   Resources from today’s episode: Wikipedia “Don’t Blame Bat Soup for the Coronavirus” by James Palmer “Is bat soup a delicacy in China? We debunk a rumour on the origin of the coronavirus” by Liselotte Mas “No, Coronavirus Was Not Caused by 'Bat Soup'–But Here's What Researchers Think May Be to Blame” by Korin Miller “The Hazards of Eating Bats” by Bryan Lowder “Are bats a delicacy in some countries?” by Cristen Conger “Ebola Outbreak: Why do People Eat Bat Meat?” by Hannah Osborne “Just a matter of taste. The most disgusting dishes in the world” by Orange Smile “Gross or Great? 27 Unexpected Delicacies from Around the World Slideshow” by The Daily Meal “Midnight Remedy: Bat Soup” by Amy Jurries “Bat soup in Palau is pretty intense” by Master Blaster “Is bat guano dangerous?” by GetBatsOut “Is Bat Guano Dangerous?” by Bill Cowley “How Many Species Of Bats Are There?” by John Misachi “Bats” by Defenders of Wildlife “Flight” by The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica “The Differences Between Megabats and Microbats” by Virginia “Meet the Microbats: Winged Creatures' Secrets Revealed” by Rachel A Becker “A Flying Fox in Africa Escapes Extinction” by David Max Braun “Paniki” by Taste Atlas   Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at

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    Our Favorite Dishes - Episode 037: Angel and Mik Go To A Carnival (Part 1)

    In preparation for a new episode of the Smörgåsbord Podcast, we're reliving some old episodes of the show.   This week, we look back at the time when Angel and Mik travel to an American carnival and take a deep dive in all the wild foods you can eat there!   In today’s episode of Smörgåsbord, Angel and Mik finally go to an American carnival! Well, digitally speaking. They explore the history of the carnival and all the usual food you can eat at a carnival. Popcorn, corndogs, funnel cakes, you name it!    They also contemplate burning an old robot friend, theorize on the history of the 401 error and Angel shares her new favorite ice cream.    If you want to catch our previous episode on the Carnival in Brazil you can find it on our podcast page under episode 36 or on YouTube below:   00:00 Opening Song  00:11 Show introduction 01:51 What’s in our palette? 04:48 What is a carnival? 07:17 The history of carnival 14:22 Carnivals today 15:55 Carnival food 17:41 Popcorn 21:54 Candy apples 27:02 Sno-cones 31:01 Corndogs 38:26 Cotton candy 45:26 Mini-donuts 53:17 Funnel cake    Resources from today’s episode: Wikipedia “A History of Your Favorite Carnival Foods” by Celebration Source “The delicious history of your favourite carnival foods (10 Photos)” by Martin “The Dying Art of Speaking Ceazarnie” by Kelley Fisher “History of Traveling Shows In America Is Rich And Colorful!” by Showmen Museum “Why Is Popcorn the Default Movie Theater Snack?” by Maura Lieberman “The History of Popcorn” by Bethany Moncel “The History of Popcorn: How One Grain Became a Staple Snack” by Michelle Delgado “The History of Caramel and Candy Apples” by Gold Meal “The Colorful History of Shaved Ice” by Mariel Synan “How Do You Make a Snow Cone?” by Wonderopolis “5 Things to know about the corn dog” Constance Gibbs “The Short, Sad History of the Corn Dog” by Robet Sietsema “10 Things You Never Knew About Corn Dogs” by Katie Orlady “History of Cotton Candy” by Candy History “10 Sweet facts about cotton candy” by CBC Kids  “What Is a Mini-Donut?” by Laura Metz “The History of the Donut” by The Mini Donut King “The History of Funnel Cake and a Traditional Recipe” by Tori Avey “How to Make the Crispiest, Crunchiest Funnel Cake at Home” by Jessica Gentile “31 Deep-Fried Treats That You Have to See to Believe” by Cooking Channel “World's Craziest Carnival Foods” By Cooking Channel “12 Crazy Carnival Foods You Can Try This Summer” by MapQuest “America’s 50 Most Outrageously Insane State Fair Foods (Slideshow)” by Dan Myers “Popcorn as a snack: Healthy hit or dietary horror show?” by American Heart Association News “Are Caramel Apples Healthy?” by Sara Ipatenco “Why Are There Two National Doughnut Days?” by Jake Rossen “National Funnel Cake Day” by La Ronde “How to Make a “Traditional Rainbow” Hawaiian Shaved Ice” by Alana Brophy “Truth About Ice Cream Snow Cones May Be Hard to Swallow” by Health Day “10 Things You Never Knew About Corn Dogs” by Katie Orlady “The 15 Unhealthiest Junk Foods in America” by Franzika Spritzler “The History of Cotton Candy – A Dentist's Summer Gift” by Gerard Paul “Cotton Candy, A Medical Wonder?” by NPR “Stunning Health Benefits of Cotton Candy Discovered” by David Katz “Do-It-Yourself Midway: Homemade Mini Donuts” by Julie “The Health Risks of Eating Doughnuts” by Andra Picincu “Top 5 Unhealthy Theme Park Foods” by Nina Elias “Funnel Cakes vs Elephant Ears: Which Is Better for You?” by Emily Weaver Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give

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    Our Favorite Dishes - Episode 036: Carnival?! In 2021?!

    In preparation for a new episode of the Smörgåsbord Podcast, we're reliving some old episodes of the show.   This week, we look back at the time when Angel and Mik attend Carnival, digitally speaking!   Welcome, 20201! In today’s episode of Smörgåsbord, Angel and Mik talk about the world’s largest party that is not happening this year: Brazil’s Carnival! Known today for its elaborate costumes and dance parties, did you know that Carnival actually roots from food?    Angel and Mik also try and determine the etymology for men’s bikinis while mourning their inability to dance.    Tune in next week when Angel and Mik actually cover carnival food.  Cotton candy, funnel cakes and more!   Also here is the link to the SNL skit of Black Jeopardy referenced during the episode.   Pardon the screeching sound during the episode. Mik clearly needs a less screechy pen to fiddle with.    00:00 Opening Song  00:11 Show introduction 02:47 What’s in our palette? 06:34 What is Carnival? 07:41 Origins of Carnival 14:37 Carnival today  22:57 The food of Carnival 27:17 Street food in Brazil’s  34:54 Carnival food around the world 38:27 Is it healthy?   39:50 Is it good?    Resources from today’s episode: Wikipedia “How Did Brazil's Carnival Start?” by Sarah Brown “The history of Carnaval in Brazil” by About Brasil “History of Carnival in Brazil” by Christopher Muscato “Carnival season: great global food traditions” by Ren Behan “Brazil Carnival Food” by Brazilians Food “Rio 2016: The Top 10 Brazilian Street Foods” by Clare Gazzard “How Brazilian Traditions Work” by Melanie Radzicki Mcmanus “Inside The Revelry and Rituals of Rio’s Carnaval” by Azamara “What Is Ash Wednesday? & Why Christians Celebrate It” by Kelly GIvens “The Romans had a festival where the roles of master and slave were reversed …” by Brad Smithfield “A Brief Introduction To Feijoada, Brazil’s National Dish” by Sarah Brown “Brazilian Fish Stew (Moqueca Baiana)” by Nagl “Caruru” by TasteAtlas “Quindim, A Brazilian Dessert” by Nicoletta “Brazil’s Acarajé Dish & It’s Fascinating History” by Amigofoods   Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at

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    Our Favorite Dishes - Episode 005: Bowel Movements and Poop -Based Coffee (Civet Coffee)

    In preparation for a new episode of the Smörgåsbord Podcast, we're reliving some old episodes of the show.   This week, we look back at the time when Angel and Mik discover civet coffee! In today’s episode of Smörgåsbord, Angel and Mik talk about poop. Edible poop. Specifically civet coffee. What is civet coffee? Does it really involve poop? How many poop puns will Angel and Mik make this episode? And most importantly, is civet coffee ever really good?    00:00 Opening Song 00:43 Show introduction 02:30 Mik discovers a new job 03:00 What is coffee? 08:50 The process of making coffee 10:40 Coffee consumption in the world 12:20 The different kinds of coffee 20:45 The good and the bad health effects of coffee 31:11 The history of civet coffee 38:30 Is it good? 40:20 What’s in your palette?   Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at    Resources from today’s episode: “What Is Coffee – Coffee Facts, Statistics And Effects Of Coffee On Health” by Dorian Bodnariuc “What Is Coffee? A Basic Explanation From Seed to Cup” by A. Weiss “13 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science” by Kris Gunnars “Why Does Coffee Make You Poop?” by Anna Almendrala “Why Does Coffee Make You Poop?” by Ryan Raman “Here’s why coffee makes you poop” by Rachel Feltman “Kopi Luwak” by Wikipedia “What Kopi Luwak is and why you should avoid it.” by Chris Kolbu “REVEALED: how kopi luwak was found” by AsiaSentinel “History of Kopi Luwak Coffee” by Kopiluwak Direct “The Disturbing Secret Behind the World’s Most Expensive Coffee” by Rachel Bale “It's time to put down the civet-poop coffee” by Patrick Winn “Civet coffee: why it's time to cut the crap” by Tony Wild “30 Interesting African Civet Facts That You May Not Know” by Linda Crampton

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    Our Favorite Dishes - Episode 016: Bird's Nest Soup Bird Spit, Human Drink

    In preparation for a new episode of the Smörgåsbord Podcast, we're reliving some old episodes of the show.   This week, we look back at the time when Angel and Mik discover that even bird spit can be made into food!   In today’s episode of Smörgåsbord, Angel and Mik explore bird spit. In certain parts of the world, there is a dish called bird’s nest soup, which is made out of the spit of a small bird, a swiftlet. Strange as it is, this soup is also known to hold some healthy properties once consumed. But does it taste good at all? In other news, Mik shares a story about a very big Nicki Minaj fan 00:00 Opening Song 00:43 Show introduction 03:38 An introduction to swiftlet nests  06:15 Harvesting bird’s nests 07:46 The kinds of bird’s nests 10:58 Urban farming of birds nests  12:00 The history of bird’s nest soup 14:38 Preparing bird’s nest soup 16:48 Health benefits of bird’s nest soup 24:36 Is it good? 26:35 What’s in your palette?   Resources from today’s episode: Wikipedia “Bird Saliva: The Premium Delicacy in Southeast Asia” by Golden Nest Inc “Here’s why edible nests made of bird spit are a delicacy in China” by Agence France-Presse “Would you pay Big Bucks for a bowl of Bird saliva?” by Danielle Fong “Fair or fowl? New soft drink contains bird saliva” by Colin Simpson “7 Things to know about bird’s nest” by Eu Yan Sang “Waiter, There's Spit in My Soup: A Review” by Erik Trinidad “This Expensive Soup Is Made From Bird Saliva” by Now This “Inside the dangerous process that goes into collecting one of the most expensive food products in the world” by Talia Avakian “Kota Kinabalu: What does bird saliva taste like?” by Emma Thomson “Bird’s Nest Soup Is An Expensive Delicacy And It’s “Mm! Mm! Weird!”” by Katie Serena “Travel: The truth about bird's nest soup” by Graham Hoyland “Bird's Nest Soup” by Liv Wan    Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at

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    Our Favorite Dishes - Episode 001: The Hawaiian Controversy

    In preparation for a new episode of the Smörgåsbord Podcast, we're reliving some old episodes of the show.   This week, we look back at the very first episode of Angel and Mik: The Hawaiian Controversy. In this episode they discuss the origins of an American pizza staple, the Hawaiian pizza.   In the show’s pilot episode Angel and Mik explore the controversy brought upon by one pizza: the Hawaiian pizza. Join us as we explore the origins, pros, and cons of all things Hawaiian pizza. Is Hawaiian pizza really from Hawaii? Can science shed light into the debate? Why does Angel love Hawaiian pizza so much?   00:00 Opening Song 00:43 Angel gets personal about pineapples 04:59 Show introduction 06:06 History of pineapples 17:15 Pineapple facts 25:36 Pineapple science 31:58 History of the Hawaiian pizza 42:16 The controversy of Hawaiian pizza 50:30 What’s on your palette?   Smörgåsbord Podcast is a show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. If you like what you hear, remember to subscribe to the show to get new episodes automatically downloaded to your device! Want to connect with us? Give us a follow on Instagram @smorgiespod and leave us a message. We'd love to hear from you. This podcast is presented by Halo Halo Productions. Come check out their other shows at    Resources from today’s episode: “Blame Canada for Pineapple on Pizza” by Merideth Bethune “Canadian Sam Panopoulos created the Hawaiian pizza” by Tom Hawthorn “Do Hawaiians Eat Hawaiian Pizza? Plus, a Little History” by Sarah DiGregorio “Everything You Want to Know About Pineapples” By Peggy Trowbridge Filippone “Gordon Ramsay Just Shut Down The Pineapple Pizza Debate” by Clara Herre ria “I'm Enraged By Peeps On Pizza And You Should Be Too” by Jenna Amatulli “Pineapple Pulling Is the Internet’s Newest Viral Fixation” by Greg Morabito “Pizza” by YouGov “Science Says Pineapple and Savoury Food Works” by Hayley Morgan “Sotirios (Sam) Panopoulos” by Logan Evans Funeral Home “These Are The Most Popular Pizza Toppings In The U.S.” by Caroline Bologna “The History of Hawaiian Pizza” by Devon Scoble “The Internet's Debate Over Pineapple on Pizza Is Heating Up” by Raisa Bruner “The Man Who Invented Hawaiian Pizza Has Died” by Mahita Gajanan “The real story behind the world's most controversial type of pizza is an inspirational tale of international triumph” by Kate Taylor “The Top 10 Most Popular Pizza Toppings” by LIFE “You can get Disneyland's famous Dole Whip in Vancouver and WE'RE FREAKING OUT” by DH Vancouver Staff

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    Welcome to the Smörgåsbord Podcast! A show where we explore the rituals, myths and all things strange about the world of food. Join the neverending silliness of hosts Angel and Mik as they discover strange rituals like bread and wine turning to the body and blood of a God, or holding carp as pets in bathtubs during Christmas.

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