Space Patrol TV
Humphrey Camardella Productions
Space Patrol a 1950s TV and Radio Show follows the adventures of Commander Buzz Corey (Ed Kemmer) of the United Planets Space Patrol and his young sidekick Cadet Happy (Lyn Osborn) â yes, Cadet Happy â as they faced nefarious villians with diabolical schemes. Not surprisingly for the time, some of these villians had Russian- or German-sounding accents. Cmdr. Corey and his allies were aided by such nifty gadgets as "miniature space-o-phones" and "atomolights." Episodes had titles like "Revolt of the Space Rats" and "The Menace of Planet X".
The Vital Factor . . .
I hope there are more where these came from. :D The episode: "The Vital Factor" is a nice find. I had not seen it until now. -Thanks.
Space Patrol a 1950s TV and Radio Show follows the adventures of Commander Buzz Corey (Ed Kemmer) of the United Planets Space Patrol and his young sidekick Cadet Happy (Lyn Osborn) â yes, Cadet Happy â as they faced nefarious villians with diabolical schemes. Not surprisingly for the time, some of these villians had Russian- or German-sounding accents. Cmdr. Corey and his allies were aided by such nifty gadgets as "miniature space-o-phones" and "atomolights." Episodes had titles like "Revolt of the Space Rats" and "The Menace of Planet X".
- 创作者Humphrey Camardella Productions
- 活跃年份2008年 - 2024年
- 单集50
- 分级儿童适宜
- 版权© 2005 Radio Memories Network LLC
- 节目网站