60 episodes

How loud is your inner critic?

Would you love to silence the inner critic and develop the skills to Speak in Flow?

After a decade of studying the state of flow, Melinda Lee has found the actionable and practical steps for heart-centred leaders to develop their communication confidence. Melinda helps leaders like you overcome their fear of public speaking and transform self-doubt into confidence & freedom, so they can exponentially increase their impact with heart and ease.

We all have an internal dial of authentic strength, and when we learn to turn it up in spite of our circumstances, people feel and hear us, and our world changes.

That is the power of our voice. When we Speak in Flow:

· We feel free to be ourselves.
· We speak from the heart.
· We can connect with our audience
· We feel more in alignment with our purpose.
· Other people are attracted to us, and more opportunities show up!

There are many ways to manifest authority, abundance and influence. What I stand for and love doing is empowering others to get in touch with their heart, tune into their intuition, and communicate their truth. This is Speak in Flow.

Speak In Flow Melinda Lee

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 10 Ratings

How loud is your inner critic?

Would you love to silence the inner critic and develop the skills to Speak in Flow?

After a decade of studying the state of flow, Melinda Lee has found the actionable and practical steps for heart-centred leaders to develop their communication confidence. Melinda helps leaders like you overcome their fear of public speaking and transform self-doubt into confidence & freedom, so they can exponentially increase their impact with heart and ease.

We all have an internal dial of authentic strength, and when we learn to turn it up in spite of our circumstances, people feel and hear us, and our world changes.

That is the power of our voice. When we Speak in Flow:

· We feel free to be ourselves.
· We speak from the heart.
· We can connect with our audience
· We feel more in alignment with our purpose.
· Other people are attracted to us, and more opportunities show up!

There are many ways to manifest authority, abundance and influence. What I stand for and love doing is empowering others to get in touch with their heart, tune into their intuition, and communicate their truth. This is Speak in Flow.

    Bridging Worlds - Communication Mastery with Meric Ipek

    Bridging Worlds - Communication Mastery with Meric Ipek

    Bridging Communication Gaps in Scientific Environments. Melinda Lee introduces the episode, sharing her excitement about today's guest, Ipek Meric, a trailblazer in scientific communication.
    1: From Labs to Clinical Research: Meric's journey in science.
    - Merec shares her transition from working with animals and tissues in the lab to engaging in clinical research.
    - She discusses the critical role of effective communication in scientific settings, ensuring clarity and precision to avoid misunderstandings and errors.
    2. Adapting Communication Styles for Different Personalities: Tailoring communication strategies at Roche Diagnostics.
    - Ipek delves into the use of personality tests to understand team dynamics.
    - She explains how these tests help in crafting communication strategies that resonate with different team members, particularly introverts and analytical thinkers.
    - Practical tips on adjusting communication styles to enhance collaboration and productivity.
    3: Navigating Cultural Differences in Communication: Communicating across cultures
    - Drawing from her personal experiences, Merec offers insights into managing cultural differences.
    - She talks about her multicultural marriage and living in various countries, emphasizing the importance of being aware of cultural nuances.
    - Strategies for fostering an inclusive environment where diverse voices are heard and valued.
    4: The Importance of Preparation in Effective Communication: Preparation is key.
    - Ipek stresses the significance of thorough preparation for important discussions and presentations.
    - She shares tips on how to prepare effectively, especially when addressing diverse audiences with varying communication preferences.
    - Real-life examples of how preparation has led to successful outcomes in her career.
    5: Building Strong Relationships through Curiosity and Respect: Leadership through connection.
    - Merec's leadership philosophy centers on spending personal time with team members, showing genuine interest in their lives.
    - She discusses how fostering a culture of respect and gratitude can build strong, cohesive teams.
    - The importance of curiosity in understanding and valuing each team member's unique perspective.
    About the guest: Meric, a native of the beautiful Mediterranean, is a very curious person. Her curiosity took her to many places around the world. Meric lived in Istanbul, Boston, Berlin, Dusseldorf, and Basel. Meric moved to San Francisco in Feb 2014 with her job. Since then, Meric calls San Francisco her new home. Meric loves spending time reading, traveling, hiking, listening podcasts and eating delicious food.
    Website/social handles: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ipekmerickutlu
    Fun facts: I have strong intuition. Magic happens once I tap into it.
    About Melinda:
    Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.
    She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of...

    • 27 min
    Navigating Change with Effective Communication With Janet Uhrig

    Navigating Change with Effective Communication With Janet Uhrig

    In this dynamic episode of Speak in Flow, Melinda Lee sits down with change management expert Janet Uhrig to dive into the intricate world of effective communication during organizational change. This conversation unravels the essential strategies needed to foster a transparent, inclusive, and psychologically safe environment that eases the complexities of change for employees.
    Key Takeaways:
    1. Clear Communication Channels:
    Janet emphasized the critical role of establishing clear communication channels to ensure that all employees are informed and aligned with the organization's changes. Regular updates and accessible information reduce uncertainty and speculation.
    2. Active Listening:
    Both Melinda and Janet highlighted the importance of active listening. Leaders must genuinely listen to employee concerns and feedback, which helps in addressing issues promptly and making informed decisions.
    3. Psychological Safety:
    Creating a psychologically safe environment is crucial. Employees should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns without fear of retribution. This openness fosters trust and collaboration.
    4. Transparency in Change Management:
    Transparency is key to mitigating fears associated with organizational change. Janet discussed how sharing the reasons behind changes, the benefits, and the potential challenges can help in gaining employee buy-in and reducing resistance.
    5. Employee Involvement:
    Involving employees in the change process not only empowers them but also provides valuable insights that can enhance the implementation of changes. This collaborative approach ensures that the changes are practical and well-received.
    Action Items:
    1. Establish a Communication Task Force:
    Create a dedicated team responsible for ensuring transparent and timely updates throughout the organizational change process. This task force will be the central point for disseminating information and addressing queries.
    2. Partner with HR and Financial Teams:
    Collaborate with HR and financial departments to communicate budget statuses and projections openly. This transparency allows employees to understand the financial aspects of changes and plan accordingly.
    3. Engage Resistors:
    Identify and engage employees who resist changes. Understand their specific concerns and provide alternative explanations to reduce speculation and misinformation. Addressing these concerns head-on can turn resistance into support.
    4. Raise Leaders and Foster Open Communication:
    Continue the critical work of developing leaders who value and practice open communication. By fostering an environment of trust and transparency, organizations can navigate changes more smoothly and effectively.
    Join Melinda and Janet as they explore these insightful strategies and share practical advice on managing change through effective communication. This episode is packed with valuable tips and actionable steps to help your organization thrive in times of change.
    Don't miss this enlightening episode that will equip you with the tools to enhance communication and manage organizational change effectively. Subscribe to Speak in Flow for more expert insights and inspiring conversations!
    About Janet Uhrig: Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources with over 20 years of experience. Demonstrated experience with Operations and all phases of HR Services and recruitment, selection, retention, workforce development, succession planning, career development, training, diversity training, employee relations, organizational effectiveness, inclusion and workplace access, process improvement, data management, audits, data analysis,...

    • 17 min
    Mastering Direct Communication: Key Strategies For Leaders With Geraldine Serrano

    Mastering Direct Communication: Key Strategies For Leaders With Geraldine Serrano

    Welcome to *Speak In Flow*! In this episode, Melinda Lee chats with the brilliant Geraldine Serrano, a leading Specialty Tax Consultant, about the vital role of effective communication in professional settings. Discover the secrets to being direct and concise, mastering active listening, and valuing word economy. Whether you're navigating complex tax strategies or simply trying to get your point across at work, this episode is packed with practical tips and insights to enhance your communication skills.
    Key Takeaways:
    1. Effective Communication is Essential:
    - Direct and concise communication helps convey messages clearly and efficiently, crucial in professional settings.
    2. Active Listening is Key:
    - Learn how to listen attentively, even to long-winded individuals, and extract key points to ensure thorough understanding.

    3. Word Economy Matters:
    - In our fast-paced world, brevity is valued. Communicate succinctly and clearly to ensure your messages are promptly received and acted upon.

    Why You Should Listen:
    - Enhance Your Professional Communication:** Learn practical tips to be more direct and concise.
    - Improve Listening Skills:** Master the art of active listening to better understand and engage in conversations.
    - Communicate with Clarity:** Discover the importance of brevity in ensuring your messages are effective and impactful.

    Tune In To Learn:
    - How to be more direct and concise in your professional communication.
    - Techniques for active listening and extracting key points from lengthy discussions.
    - The significance of succinct communication in today's fast-paced environment.

    About Geraldine Serrano:
    For the past decade, the Specialty Tax Consultant Geraldine Serrano has been helping real estate investors, tenants and CPAs use a strategic tax planning tool called cost segregation that allows companies and individuals who have constructed, purchased, expanded or remodeled any kind of real estate to increase cash flow by accelerating depreciation deductions and deferring federal and state income taxes.

    She has been a member of the Council of Business Advisors, Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW), the International Council of Shopping Centers and ProVisors.

    Her company Veritax Advisors is a sponsor of the Northern California Certified Commercial Investment Member Chapter and California Association of Boutique & Breakfast Inns.

    She has written articles for CREW about the indoor skydiving venue iFly and parking technology in the Bay Area.

    She has also written articles on the changes in the tax law affecting real estate owners for commercial real estate brokers.

    She has given presentations to CPAs for CPE credits, real estate brokers, bankers, attorneys, financial advisors and real estate investors.

    She is a Bay Area native, located in the East Bay.

    She is a thrill seeker. She has gone bobsledding at the Utah Olympic Park, sand boarding at the dunes in Florence, Oregon and land sailing in New Zealand.
    My company's website is: https://veritaxadvisors.com/
    My company's Facebook page can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/veritaxadvisors/
    My LinkedIn profile & URL is: www.linkedin.com/in/geraldine-serrano-a2934252

    About Melinda:
    Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds...

    • 20 min
    Authenticity in Interviews: The Key to Landing Your Dream Job With Geo Aguas

    Authenticity in Interviews: The Key to Landing Your Dream Job With Geo Aguas

    In this episode of the Speak In Flow podcast, host Melinda Lee dives deep into the evolving landscape of talent acquisition and recruitment with expert guest Geo. Together, they uncover the impact of transformative trends like the "great resignation" and the pandemic-induced redefinition of labor dynamics.
    Key Discussion Points:
    1. The Great Resignation Phenomenon:
    - Geo provides insights into the widespread trend of the "great resignation," exploring its causes and implications for both job seekers and employers.
    - Melinda and Geo discuss how this phenomenon has reshaped traditional job market dynamics and the strategies individuals can employ to navigate these changes effectively.
    2. Authenticity in Interviews:
    - Emphasizing the importance of honesty and transparency during job interviews, Geo shares practical tips for candidates to authentically communicate their skills, experiences, and potential contributions to prospective employers.
    - Melinda and Geo delve into the significance of presenting one's true self during the interview process and how authenticity can foster genuine connections between candidates and hiring managers.
    3. Demonstrating Long-Term Value:
    - Geo and Melinda explore strategies for candidates to showcase not only their immediate capabilities but also their potential for long-term value creation within organizations.
    - They discuss the importance of aligning personal values with company goals and demonstrating a genuine interest in contributing to the organization's mission beyond short-term objectives.
    4. Strategic Communication:
    - Geo advises candidates to conduct thorough research on prospective employers, understand their values and objectives, and tailor their communication to demonstrate alignment with the company's vision.
    - Melinda and Geo dissect the art of strategic communication, highlighting the power of conveying a clear understanding of how candidates can contribute to the organization's success and meet its evolving needs.
    In a job market characterized by rapid change and shifting dynamics, authenticity, long-term value creation, and strategic communication emerge as indispensable tools for job seekers aiming to stand out amidst competition. Join Melinda Lee and Geo as they unravel the keys to navigating this transformative landscape with confidence and clarity.
    Guest Bio:
    Geo Aguas, Operations | HR | Talent Acquisition & Recruitment | Business Development | Brand Management | Occupational Safety & Health

    • 28 min
    Navigating the Skies of Construction Communication: Insights from Aviation Expert Chris Wong

    Navigating the Skies of Construction Communication: Insights from Aviation Expert Chris Wong

    Welcome back, flow-seekers! In today's high-flying episode of Speak In Flow, your host Melinda Lee takes you on an adventure through the world of aviation construction with the incredible Chris Wong, founder and principal of Richmond Construction Consulting. Buckle up as they soar through tales of construction challenges, stakeholder juggling, and the art of relationship building at 30,000 feet!
    In This Episode:
    ✈️ Flying High: Chris shares his fascinating journey into the aviation construction world, revealing his passion for building amidst the clouds and the unique experiences that have shaped his expertise.
    🚧 Navigating the Runway: Get ready for a turbulence-free discussion on the complexities of aviation construction. Chris delves into the challenges of working in live airport environments, where precision and coordination are key amidst continuous operations.
    🤝 Building Bridges: Discover the importance of effective communication and relationship building in the construction game. Chris lays down some serious wisdom on fostering cooperation among stakeholders and championing their interests.
    🔊 Clear for Takeoff: Listen in as Chris shares his top-notch communication strategies tailored specifically for construction projects. From one-on-one pow-wows to proactive communication, he's got the insider tips to ensure your project lands smoothly.
    About Chris Wong:
    Aviation industry construction expert that specializes in client/stakeholder management and operations coordination. Experience with phased construction delivery, construction in operating environments, and tenant improvement projects. Effective communicator that develops relationships with personnel in all levels of an organizations and project teams.

    Key aviation experience:
    -Airport operations (landside and airside)
    -Airline coordination (United, American, Alaska, Southwest, Delta, and SFOTEC*)
    -Airport concessions (retail and food & beverage)
    -Federal Agency coordination (FAA, TSA, & CBP)
    -Security Screening Checkpoints
    -Checked Baggage Inspection System and baggage handling
    -Airport Facilities and Engineering coordination
    -Signage and wayfinding
    *SFOTEC is the airline consortium responsible for managing the operations of the International Terminal at SFO.
    Website/social handles: www.richmondconstruction.co

    Fun facts
    - I'm a fourth generation Chinese American, my maternal great grandparents immigrated through Angel Island
    - I like to cook and road bike around the Marin headlands
    - I like spending time outdoors. My wife and I got married in Yosemite.
    - I'm a new dad, my daughter was born earlier this year in February

    About Melinda:
    Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.
    She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.
    Website: https://speakinflow.com/
    Facebook: a...

    • 21 min
    From Camera Shy to YouTube Star: Fanny Comota's Journey to 10K Subscribers

    From Camera Shy to YouTube Star: Fanny Comota's Journey to 10K Subscribers

    In this episode of the Speak In Flow Podcast, we delve into the inspiring journey of Fanny Comota, who transformed from a camera-shy individual to a thriving YouTube sensation with over 10,000 subscribers. Join us as Fanny shares her insights, strategies, and personal growth experiences that propelled her to success in the world of content creation and financial education.
    1. Overcoming Camera Shyness:
    Discover Fanny's remarkable transformation from being camera shy to becoming a confident content creator. She candidly shares her initial reluctance to step in front of the camera and the empowering journey of personal growth that enabled her to overcome her fears. Fanny offers encouragement and valuable advice for individuals facing similar challenges, highlighting the power of resilience and self-belief.
    2. Building a Successful YouTube Channel:
    Learn the strategies and tactics that Fanny employed to grow her YouTube channel to an impressive 10,000 subscribers. She provides insights into the importance of consistent content creation, audience engagement, and staying adaptable to evolving trends in video content. Fanny's journey exemplifies the power of perseverance and strategic planning in achieving success on YouTube.
    3. Innovations in Budgeting and Financial Education:
    Explore Fanny's innovative approach to budgeting and financial education, which combines creativity and practicality to make finance management both enjoyable and accessible. She discusses the pivotal role of her blog and YouTube channel in offering valuable financial advice, setting her apart in a competitive niche. Fanny's colorful and engaging content resonates with audiences seeking practical solutions to financial challenges.
    4. The Role of Authenticity in Content Creation:
    Fanny emphasizes the importance of authenticity in building a loyal audience and fostering meaningful connections. She shares insights on staying true to oneself and maintaining genuine interactions with viewers, which ultimately contribute to long-term success in content creation. Fanny's commitment to authenticity serves as a guiding principle for aspiring creators striving to make a genuine impact.
    5. Tips for Aspiring YouTubers:
    Get practical advice from Fanny for aspiring YouTubers embarking on their own content creation journey. She highlights the necessity of persistence, resilience, and continuous improvement in the face of challenges. Fanny also emphasizes the value of seeking feedback, honing video production skills, and consistently elevating the quality of content to attract and retain viewers.
    6. Future Directions and Continuing Growth:
    Looking ahead, Fanny shares her vision for the future and her plans to focus on teaching video production, reflecting her passion for empowering others with the skills that propelled her own success. Her dedication to helping others excel in creating impactful video content underscores her commitment to ongoing growth and contribution to the community.
    Join us as we explore Fanny Comota's inspiring journey and glean valuable insights for personal and professional growth in the dynamic world of content creation.
    Guest Bio:
    Fanny helps busy people elevate everyday living through GOURMET MADE SIMPLE and SAVING WITH STYLE.
    Website/Social handles:
    Blog: https://www.livingrichlyonabudget.com/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LivingRichlyonaBudget
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livingrichly/
    Fun Facts: I have a degree in Radio/TV Broadcasting. I was a wedding videographer for 5 years. I learned how to skateboard in my 40s. I enjoy watching mysteries and doing escape...

    • 19 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
10 Ratings

10 Ratings

CAMJLA0918 ,

Excellent podcast for professionals

Melinda is an expert in her field and has so much to teach professionals looking to increase their confidence and achieve their goals. This podcast offers quick bites of her incredible wealth of knowledge with some episodes even offering insight from like-minded professionals with noteworthy accomplishments. Highly recommend listening in, subscribing, and staying connected to this podcast!

LauraL_Coach ,

So much more than public speaking!

Melinda and this podcast help teach us that public speaking is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to being an effective leader. There’s so much she shares about public speaking but it’s also about helping you become an authentic, confident, effective communicator. The skills she teaches are a must for any heart centered leader who wants to grow in their career. I’ll keep listening, thank you Melinda!

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