"Sometimes we think, 'when I get to heaven someday, then I'll get to meet Jesus, and it's going go be this glorious introduction.' No the reality is that it should be a glorious reunion because we walk with him so much now...that when we get to heaven someday, it'll be like we're embraced by the one we've known our whole life."
— Jennifer Rothschild
Today's Episode: Want to know more about heaven?
Listen in on one of Natalie's favorite conversations. She's talking about heaven with Jennifer Rothschild, who just released HEAVEN: When Faith Becomes Sight. Find out about what Jennifer had to un-learn about heaven. Discover more about what heaven is like, how we get there, why it matters now, and how heaven is like Neapolitan ice cream. It's such an encouraging conversation, one that will impact not only your tomorrow, but your right now.
This month's memory verse: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” — Phil 3:14
Today's guest: Jennifer Rothschild is known for her substance and down-to-earth teaching style and has shared her inspiring messages to audiences across the country. She is host of the 4:13 Podcast with Jennifer Rothschild and the author of numerous books and Bible studies. She has been blind since age fifteen and says the greatest lesson she’s learned in the dark is that it doesn’t have to be well with your circumstances to be well with your soul. Her newest Bible study book, HEAVEN: When Faith Becomes Sight is available wherever books are sold.
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Links from today's show:
- Go deeper in your study of Heaven in Jennifer's new Bible study, HEAVEN: When Faith Becomes Sight.
- Memorize and meditate on God's Word in 2025 with a Dwell Differently membership. Sign up in January to get all of the 2025 verses!
- Dig even deeper into God's Word (and memorize it!) in Natalie and Vera's new Bible study, Dwell on These Things and book, Dwell Differently.
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Follow Natalie & Vera at DwellDifferently.com and @dwelldifferenly.
- 节目
- 频道
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2025年1月23日 UTC 08:00
- 长度39 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜