Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt

The Iron Age of Comics

Still bummed that Kraven the Hunter’s solo film career failed to launch? We ease the pain with a look at the celebrated 1987 storyline by J.M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck that made the character’s reputation in the first place. “Fearful Symmetry” (later known as “Kraven’s Last Hunt”) is an unusually dark and generally atypical adventure for Aunt May’s favorite nephew, but it speaks to the central appeal of the hero and remains one of the most celebrated Spider-Man stories of all time. We’ll look at the genesis of this story as a Wonder Man pitch, DeMatteis’ love of Russian literature and interest in making Peter Parker’s recent marriage add some emotional heft to the proceedings, and Zeck’s moody and cinematic storytelling. Plus, don’t miss the podcast’s first (and probably last) edition of “Poetry Corner”!

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