Magnify Your Miracles Podcast

Rev. Frances Fayden
Magnify Your Miracles Podcast

Lightworkers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs need inspiration on a regular basis to nourish their spirits so they can keep sharing their light with the world. Each Wednesday, join Rev. Frances Fayden, a long-time Spiritual Entrepreneur & Interfaith Minister, as she shares miraculous stories, messages, meditations, book reviews and interviews to help you stay in the highest vibration possible! If you are a lightworker who wants to magnify your impact AND intuition, this podcast is for you!

  1. قبل ٤ أيام

    The Transformative Power of Spiritual Journaling

    Would you love a direct line to Spirit? How about a reliable tool to help you solve all your problems? Welcome to the world of Spiritual Journaling! Journaling is one of my core spiritual practices, and one of the main practices I teach my coaching clients to help them ‘shift their energy’ and experience miracles! In this episode, I will share how Spiritual Journaling has the power to transform your life from the inside out and get you fast results! I will also share a bit about my new program, Write Your Miracle, where I teach you how to heal the past, change the present and create your future through journaling! PS – for more information about the Write Your Miracle program, click here Key Learnings: Writing is a powerful practice, especially for manifesting. Many success gurus talk about the importance of writing down your goals, but there is SO much more to writing and journaling than that! When you journal, you are seeing your own brainwaves on paper! It slows down your mind and helps you become more receptive to your OWN inner guidance. Spiritual Journaling is a quick and easy way to connect with Spirit, but it is also a potent tool to heal your past, change your present and create your future!   “Spiritual Journaling is a powerful tool to help you heal your past, change your present and create your future.”   Click here to register for the Write Your Miracle Program Click here for the simple Blank Journal I recommend Looking for a coach to help you realize your dreams? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  2. ١٣ ربيع الآخر

    The Affirmations ALL Women Need

    If you want to manifest more abundance, love and success into your life, affirmations can help you do that more easily. But if you are a woman, there are affirmations that you should do before any others, affirmations that will lay the foundation for your abundance, love and success! In this episode, I will share the affirmations that I use to magnify my results, and why these affirmations are crucial for women and highly sensitive souls! The affirmations are typed out in the show notes.  How do you feel after saying these affirmations? Leave a comment and let me know. Ps- I have two spots open in my private coaching practice, so if you want support to manifest your dreams even faster, click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me Key Learnings: Because we live in a world that does not honor the feminine, women tend to have lower self-esteem. That is why saying affirmations about deserving the things you desire is so important. Louise Hay, author of the classic book You Can Heal Your Life, wrote the Deservability Treatment I read today. When you affirm your worth, your deservability, that sets the stage for all your other affirmations to manifest. The Deservability Treatment is from page 12 in the Love Yourself, Heal Your Life workbook. Here is my adapted version: I am deserving. I deserve ALL good. In my mind, I have total freedom.  I am now moving into a new space of consciousness where I am willing to see myself differently. I am willing to change. I am willing to create new thoughts about myself and about my life.  My new thinking becomes new experiences. I know and affirm that I am one with the Prospering Power of the Universe. As such, I now prosper in all ways.  The totality of possibilities lies before me.  I deserve a miraculous life. I deserve an abundance of love. I deserve good health.  I deserve joy and happiness. I deserve to live well and to prosper. I deserve peace and ease. I deserve freedom to be all that I can be. I deserve ALL good! The Universe is now manifesting my new beliefs! I accept this abundant life with joy, pleasure and gratitude.  am deserving. I accept it. I know it to be true.   “When you affirm your worth, your deservability, that sets the foundation for all your dreams to manifest.”   Ready to work with a coach to manifest your dreams?  Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles Membership If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  3. ٦ ربيع الآخر

    Book Review: Goodbye Autoimmune Disease by Dr. Brook Goldner

    Last week, I introduced you to Dr. Brook Goldner, author of Goodbye Lupus and Goodbye Autoimmune Disease. This week I am taking a deep dive into her second book, Goodbye Autoimmune Disease, which deals with both the physical AND the emotional aspect of healing. In my own experience as a healer, I have found that the emotional aspect of healing is crucial, especially for women and highly sensitive souls. Although there can be many causes of an autoimmune condition, the habit of being self-critical is often one of them. In this episode, I share Dr. Goldner’s 6 Steps to reversing autoimmune disease AND her powerful chapter on “healing is love.” This chapter applies to every person struggling with a health condition, regardless of what it is. Prioritizing yourself is the key!  If you missed last week’s interview with Dr. Goldner, click here to listen. PS- if you prefer to listen to your books, click here for a FREE 30 Day Trial to!    Key Learnings: There are six steps in Dr. Brook Goldner’s protocol to reverse autoimmune disease: 1) eliminate all animal products, as they are very inflammatory 2) eliminate any added oils, except for flax oil or chia seed oil 3) eliminate all processed foods 4) hyper-nourish with raw plant foods 5) consume omega-3s every day 6) water, water, water! Knowing what to do is the first part of the healing process, but most of us know what to do. Doing it is the issue. Dr. Goldner takes us through the process she uses with her own clients to help them stay on track to heal quickly. A big step is to clarify your ‘why.’ This will help to keep going when you feel like quitting. The chapter I read, chapter 5, Healing is Love, is one I re-read often. It addressed the issue most women have…not putting themselves first. Being ill is often the only time a woman will give herself permission to prioritize her own needs. This chapter offers invaluable advice, encouragement and support for putting your needs first. “Give yourself the time, love and nurturing you truly need. Your body will do the rest.” Dr. Brook Goldner, author of Goodbye Autoimmune Disease I recommend listening to this book! Click here for a FREE 30 Day Trial of Audible Click here to purchase Goodbye Autoimmune Disease by Dr. Brook Goldner Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles membership If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  4. ٢٩ ربيع الأول

    Reverse Autoimmune Disease with this Proven Protocol with Dr. Brook Goldner

    Have you, or someone you love, been told you have an incurable condition? Or that you have an autoimmune disease that you need to ‘learn to live with?’ If you have been praying for a healing miracle, THIS episode is for you! It’s not often that I get to meet someone who has experienced a medically verified miracle… and even rarer for that person to be helping thousands of others to experience their own healing miracles every day! That is why I am SO excited to introduce you to today’s guest, Dr. Brook Golder. Her story is truly miraculous! Diagnosed at 16 with lupus, she was sick for over 12 years, and when she met her future husband, her illness had progressed to the point where she was suffering from daily migraines and mini strokes! Very much by accident, she and her husband discovered a way to reverse her lupus with nutrition! She has been lupus-free for over seventeen years, and she now spends most of her time educating people on how they can heal themselves with nutrition. For many years I had been searching for a healing approach that was verifiable and effective. I have experienced miraculous results with her protocol, which is why I had to introduce you to her! In this episode, Dr. Goldner shares her personal journey of healing from lupus, as well as real-life success stories from her clients.  Discover the science behind her approach, the importance of nutrition, and how lifestyle changes can lead to remarkable health improvements. Whether you are struggling with conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s disease, or multiple sclerosis, I hope this episode gives you both hope and practical solutions.   Ps- For access to all her resources, including her Free Class, 6 Steps to Reversing Autoimmune Disease with Supermarket Foods, click here   Key Learnings: Growing up eating the standard American diet led to Dr. Goldner being diagnosed with Lupus when she was just 16 years old. Her condition was so bad that she was put on experimental chemotherapy for two years, which was the only thing that put her lupus into remission. She went on to college and even medical school, but the stress of medical training made all her symptoms return. And then it got even worse. She was suffering from daily migraines and mini strokes. She met her future husband, Thomas Tadlock, around that time. They quickly fell in love and wanted to get married. She thought she would only live into her early forties, but he would rather spend a short time with her than a lifetime without her! He was a fitness trainer and she asked him to put her on his fitness plan so she would look great at their wedding. Unbeknownst to them, the change in diet to an all-raw, vegan diet, high in omega-3 fatty acids began to heal her lupus. When she got her blood checked a few months later, all lupus indicators were gone! Lupus is considered an incurable disease, yet Dr. Goldner has reversed her lupus. She even went on to have two children, which is impossible for someone with lupus! Once she and Thomas had repeatable and verifiable proof that the protocol worked, she has been sharing it with the world for free in an attempt to help as many people as possible. The entire protocol can be found online, but if you want to be personally guided by Dr. Goldner, you can register for her Rapid-Recovery program.   “Never give up before your miracle happens.” Dr. Brook Goldner, author of Goodbye Lupus Coach   Click here to connect with Dr. Goldner, including how to access her free course 6 Steps to Reversing Autoimmune Disease with Supermarket Foods Looking for a coach to magnify your results? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  5. ٢٢ ربيع الأول

    Decoding the Spiritual Messages of the Solar Eclipse!

    Did you know that there are at least three major spiritual events happening at the time of the solar eclipse? It’s no coincidence that three different spiritual traditions have a major event happening at this auspicious time! But what does it mean??   In this episode, I explain the hidden messages of the solar eclipse and how YOU can access these amazing blessings! I also pick an oracle card for the eclipse to give you deeper insight into this sacred time. If you want to experience the powerful Angel initiation on October 2nd, click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles Membership   Key Learnings: Three of the world’s spiritual traditions have major events that coincide with the solar eclipse this year: Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year; Navaratri, the nine days celebrating the Divine Mother, and the feast of the Holy Guardian Angel. All of these holy events are being magnified by the solar eclipse! The solar eclipse happens during the New Moon in Libra, a time to set intentions, especially around relationships. What if you could magnify your spiritual relationship? The best way to do that is through the angels! The oracle card I picked is from the Sacred Traveler Oracle deck by Denise Linn. The card is Vast Vistas – Expand Your Horizons. The solar eclipse is inviting us to expand our vision of ourselves and what we think is possible, to step out of the box we think defines us and use the eclipse energy to propel us forward. “The Solar Eclipse invites you to step out of the box of limitations and into a new version of yourself.”   Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles Membership Seeking a metaphysical coach? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  6. ١٥ ربيع الأول

    How Women Can Walk the Path of Miracles

    Did you know there is a way to experience miracles on a regular basis? 🤔 The key is to follow a proven path! It’s not always easy for women to find spiritual role-models who have successfully walked the spiritual path. That is why I LOVE following Mother Mary’s Miraculous Path. She left us a path to follow that is simple, proven and highly effective for women. In this episode, I will share how I follow the Path of Miracles that Mother Mary walked, and how YOU can begin to walk this path too. Spoiler alert: It begins with an encounter with an angel! Let me know if this message resonated with you!    Ps- If you want to experience the 7-part Path of Miracles journey, click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles Membership Key Learnings: Mother Mary’s path is a path of miracles, from the meeting with Archangel Gabriel to Her coronation as Queen of Heaven. The 7 joyful mysteries are actually initiation points that every woman can experience. It all begins with a ‘holy yes.’ The 7 joyful mysteries are part of the Franciscan Crown rosary. When we strip away all dogma and religion, we can see the metaphysical meaning of these mysteries as spiritual initiations. How does each one apply to you on your spiritual journey? The Path of Miracles begins with a yes, and expands with every yes we tell ourselves. Joy is the frequency of miracles. The more joyful we are, the more we walk the path of miracles.   “The Path of Miracles has 7 Spiritual Initiations, known as the 7 Joyful Mysteries.” Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles Membership Seeking a metaphysical coach? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  7. ٨ ربيع الأول

    Healing Miracles of the Black Madonna with author Alessandra Belloni

    Imagine healing from surgery in a miraculous way…or seeing a vision of the Black Madonna over your bed and hearing instructions for your life’s purpose... These might seem like far-fetched stories to you and me, but for today’s guest, this is the story of her life. Last week I shared her book, Healing Journeys with the Black Madonna. This week I am thrilled to introduce you to the author of that landmark book, the one and only Alessandra Belloni! Let me tell you a bit about her:  Alessandra Belloni is an internationally acclaimed award-winning singer, percussionist, author & teacher, artistic director of the Italian Folk Music Dance Theater Company I Giullari di Piazza, and artist in Residence at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York City. For the last 20 years she has been leading special workshops, tours and pilgrimages in the South of Italy and in Sicily teaching drumming and ritual dance and taking people from around the world to the sacred sites of the Black Madonna. She discovered that the ancient practice of ritual drumming can help women heal both physical and emotional issues. In this episode, she will share her miraculous journey of discovering the Black Madonna and the path of the Great Goddess, including her own miraculous physical healing! Alessandra shares amazing stories of healing, as well as the origin of the Black Madonna and how connecting with Her connects us to everything. I hope this interview inspires you as much as it inspired me!  Ps- if you want the link to her book, click here for the show notes. And to listen to it in her own voice, click here for a FREE 30 Day Trial to!    Key Learnings: The Black Madonnas pre-date Christianity. They are based on the original mother image from Africa, the Great Cosmic Mother, the darkness from which all life emerges. Alessandra, though born in Italy, came to live in the United States as a teenager. She had a powerful connection with the Divine Mother since she was a child, she shares with us her miraculous encounters with the Black Madonna and how she learned how to help women heal. The Black Madonnas want to be seen. Go on pilgrimage to visit them, and see them with your own eyes, this is the path. Many people make annual pilgrimages to Italy and other places where the Black Madonnas reside as part of the spiritual path.    “The Black Madonna represents the Great Cosmic Mother and the darkness from which all life emerges.” Alessandra Belloni To find out more about her work, visit You can also find her on Facebook at On IG: I recommend listening to her book! Click here for a FREE 30 Day Trial of Audible Click here to purchase Healing Journeys with the Black Madonna by Alessandra Belloni Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles membership If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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  8. ١ ربيع الأول

    Spiritual Book Review: Healing Journeys with the Black Madonna by Alessandra Belloni

    A woman’s spiritual path is a healing path. Having an image of the Divine that looks like you, sounds like you, lived like you…and IS you, is the heart of this healing path. There is no better book that I can recommend to support your healing journey than Alessandra Belloni’s miraculous book, Healing Journeys with the Black Madonna. She takes us on her own miraculous journey of discovering the Black Madonna and the path of the Great Goddess, and how she discovered an ancient way to help women heal both physical and emotional issues. In this episode, I share the chapter that Divine Mother asked me to read to you! It is about the Black Madonna of Tindari, a very powerful and healing form of the Black Madonna. I am so excited to share that next week my special guest will be the author, Alessandra Belloni!    Ps- if you want the link to the book, click here for the show notes. And click here for a FREE 30 Day Trial to!    Key Learnings: 1. The Black Madonnas are statues and icons that are believed to originate in Africa and have traveled north to areas of Europe. There are seven of them in southern Italy that are referred to as the Seven Sisters. 2. Alessandra, though born in Italy, came to live in the United States as a teenager. She had a powerful connection with the Divine Mother since she was a child, but in this book, she shares with us her miraculous encounters with the Black Madonna and how she learned how to help women heal. 3. The chapter I read, chapter 7, is about the Black Madonna of Tindari, Sicily. It takes us through her first encounter with this Madonna, including experiencing the magic of the earth in this magical area. Miracles are in every chapter of this book, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about the ancient path of the Goddess!    “The Black Madonna is the female embodiment of God because God is a woman, and She is black. She embraces everyone with Her unconditional love as Universal Mother.” Alessandra Belloni   I recommend listening to this book! Click here for a FREE 30 Day Trial of Audible Click here to purchase Healing Journeys with the Black Madonna by Alessandra Belloni Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles membership If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at

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Lightworkers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs need inspiration on a regular basis to nourish their spirits so they can keep sharing their light with the world. Each Wednesday, join Rev. Frances Fayden, a long-time Spiritual Entrepreneur & Interfaith Minister, as she shares miraculous stories, messages, meditations, book reviews and interviews to help you stay in the highest vibration possible! If you are a lightworker who wants to magnify your impact AND intuition, this podcast is for you!

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