SSGS Nick Panagopulos - Executive Producer - BBQ USA / Simple Alien

So Smokin' Gooder BBQ and Brews Show

What up #goodergang!?!

We are back on podcast! Thanks for sticking with us! This podcast from 7/12/23 is good one with Nick Panagopulos, the Executive Producer of the Food Network's BBQ USA and the founder of Simple Alien. We have a great visit detailing what all it takes to put on a show like this that promotes competition BBQ. We also talk about some of the venues and teams featured, what the future of Season 3 may be, what Nick has enjoyed about our sport and many other subjects.

Nick has also started a BBQ podcast. It's a behind the scenes of BBQ USA podcast and is a great listen. BBQ321

We hope you enjoy this podcast as we get back in the swing of things.

So Smokin' Gooder Show

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