Starting Out Cheap

Interior Design Business

Are you setting yourself up for long-term success in your design business? In this episode of Interior Design Business, we’re tackling the most common pricing mistakes that keep designers stuck in underpaid projects and how to fix them.

Learn how to charge what you’re worth, avoid budget pitfalls, and create a profitable business model that attracts ideal clients. From avoiding the “cheap client trap” to setting clear financial expectations upfront, this episode is packed with actionable strategies to boost your profitability and confidence.

In this episode, I cover:
✔️ Why discounting your services leads to long-term financial struggles
✔️ How to shift your money mindset and attract high-value clients
✔️ The dangers of “hoping” for referrals and why you need a strategy
✔️ The importance of clear budgets and agreements before taking on projects
✔️ A proven system to ensure profitable design and remodeling projects

If you’re ready to build a profitable design business and stop undercharging, tune in now!

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