Association of Cancer Care Centers

CANCER BUZZ features fresh perspectives on hot topics in oncology care delivery. CANCER BUZZ is where stakeholders from the front lines of care to the C-suite, from research to the registry, from chairside to benchside, talk about top-of-mind questions and real-world impact.

  1. -6 ДН. · ВИДЕО

    Key Takeaways from a National Quality Improvement Initiative to Address Disparities in Bladder Cancer Care

    Bladder cancer remains a prevalent disease with significant disparities in care, particularly in underserved populations. To address this, ACCC launched a national quality improvement initiative in three phases: 1. assessment and preparation, 2. action plan implementation, and 3. monitoring for continuous improvement. Dr. Samuel Washington, from the University of California, San Francisco, discussed the initiative’s early findings, highlighting site-specific approaches.   Sustainability was a key consideration, ensuring a balance between short-term wins and long-term impact. Action plans need to be both ambitious and practical to drive meaningful change. Continuing outcome monitoring will refine strategies, and the initiative could serve as a replication model in other clinical settings and cancer types. An important opportunity exists to expand multidisciplinary collaboration to include patient advocates and ensure the long-term integration of these improvements. Despite varied site objectives, all participants were committed to improving cancer care. This initiative highlights the power of structured, collaborative efforts to address disparities and enhance patient outcomes.   "Now we have an opportunity to bring in patients and advocates… and expand this type of work in a structured way to other cancers and other institutions, other sites in an already national program." – Dr. Samuel Washington   “The feasibility of the program overall was important, the fact that we could engage leadership champions at the clinic level and then multi-disciplinary team buy-in at each institution with this goal across oncology, urology, practices, radiation oncology, nursing, to all come together for each of these visits to help develop an action plan, it is something that I have not seen much of in recent years." – Dr. Samuel Washington   Samuel L. Washington III, MD, MAS  Assistant Professor of Urology,   Goldberg-Benioff Endowed Professorship in Cancer Biology  University of California, San Francisco  San Francisco, CA    Additional Resources: Implementing Shared Decision-Making in Bladder Cancer Care eCourse (*1l9u2ab*_ga*MTU3NjkxMTU5Mi4xNzM2MTc4MTQy*_ga_HW05FVSTWC*MTczODk0Mjk3OS41MC4xLjE3Mzg5NDMyOTAuNTUuMC4w#tab-product_tab_overview) Understanding and Mitigating Disparities in Bladder Cancer ( Providing Equitable Care for Patients With Bladder Cancer ( Effective Practices in Bladder Cancer Care: Multispecialty Clinics (

    7 мин.
  2. 20 ФЕВР.

    ACCC Capitol Hill Day

    Members of the Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) are preparing for a day of cancer care advocacy on Capitol Hill during its 51st Annual Meeting and Cancer Center Business Summit (AMCCBS) in Washington, DC between March 5-7, 2025. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Nicole Tapay, JD, director of Cancer Care Delivery & Health Policy at ACCC about key policy issues that members will address during ACCC’s Capitol Hill Day, including drug shortages, Medicare reimbursement for patient navigation, and concerns over the Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on provider reimbursement for infused medications. “[Capitol] Hill Day is a chance for cancer care providers to directly engage in the policymaking process—it's not part of their normal day jobs, but they find it incredibly rewarding." –  Nicole Tapay, JD   "When cancer care providers visit the Hill in person, it’s a very valuable part of the process; they share firsthand experiences that truly illustrate the impact of policy decisions." –  Nicole Tapay, JD   Nicole Tapay, JD Director, Cancer Care Delivery & Health Policy Association of Cancer Care Centers   Additional Resources ACCC Capitol Hill Day ( 2024 Policy Wrap-Up – Oncology Issues, Vol.40, No 1, 2025 (*ael8au*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3Mzg2OTM3MDUuQ2owS0NRaUFrb2U5QmhEWUFSSXNBSDg1Y0RPekNiaW1WYkJ0TGw1dEtwV0s3ZzFtbWZ3b0tFMkxENTUwMVRkZGZUQzByOUFCS1FUeVpVSWFBa3dvRUFMd193Y0I.*_ga*MTIxNzU0NTA2MC4xNjkxNzY0Mjg0*_ga_HW05FVSTWC*MTc0MDA2NjkzMS41Ni4xLjE3NDAwNjc2NzEuNTIuMC4w) Register for the 51st Annual Meeting and Cancer Care Business Summit ( View Agenda for the 51st Annual Meeting and Cancer Care Business Summit (*1k3a1eu*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3NDAwMDE0ODcuQ2p3S0NBaUFuOWE5QmhCdEVpd0FiS2c2ZmhPZjFmekRkT2NpLUJVOEFkSWp0UzlZOWRvbXdpVmtTbGFzTlZLN2pWYVlFMnl2Nzk5Y0hSb0NfazRRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_ga*MTU3NjkxMTU5Mi4xNzM2MTc4MTQy*_ga_HW05FVSTWC*MTc0MDAwMDc4NS43Mi4xLjE3NDAwMDE0ODguNDQuMC4w)

    5 мин.
  3. 11 ФЕВР.

    Implementing Bispecific Antibodies: The Blueprint for Community Oncology Excellence

    Bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) have the potential to transform cancer treatment and are being actively integrated into community oncology practices. To support oncology practices as they introduce BsAbs into their treatment protocols, the Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) has developed a comprehensive blueprint for this process. This resource highlights key strategies, best practices, and considerations for successful implementation. It gives guidance on capacity building, care coordination, and adverse event management, reflecting ACCC’s commitment to providing education and expanding access to this innovative treatment for patients with cancer. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Donald Moore, PharmD, clinical oncology pharmacy manager at Atrium Health Levine Cancer, about the role of bispecific antibodies in oncology care and unique challenges associated with interdisciplinary collaboration. Dr Moore also discusses how the new Blueprint is designed to empower cancer practices to optimize the rollout of these innovative therapies.     “I think that the blueprint really nicely describes and delineates some high-level roles and responsibilities of a community academic partnership and how both sites can collaborate to deliver care to their patients” – Donald Moore   “Ultimately, my hope is that the blueprint, along with some of the additional resources provided with it, will be helpful in bringing these new therapies closer to home for all of our patients... improving the access to care for this emerging drug class.” – Donald Moore   Donald Moore, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP, DPLA, FCCP  Clinical Oncology Pharmacy Manager  Division of Pharmacy   Atrium Health Levine Cancer  Charlotte, NC    Resources:   ACCC Best Practices for Expanding Access to BsAbs  -   ACCC Operational Insights in Delivery of BsAbs -   ASCO Use of BsAbs in Community Practices -   AJMC Obstacles to Optimal Transition Between Academic and Community Centers -   ASH Multidisciplinary Provider Insights for Promotion of BsAbs in the Community -

    13 мин.
  4. 6 ФЕВР.

    Missing Voices: Increasing Black Women’s Engagement in Patient Reported Outcomes in Breast Cancer Treatment

    The imPROVE study aims to bridge the gap in patient-reported outcomes (PRO) data for Black women with breast cancer by enhancing engagement with tailored electronic PROs (ePROs) and partnering with community leaders to address barriers and ensure accessibility and relevance in community cancer care settings. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Manraj Kaur, PhD, investigator and lead faculty for research and innovation at Patient-Reported Outcomes, Value, and Experience (PROVE) center at Mass General Brigham and Andrea Pusic, MD, chief of division of plastic and reconstructive surgery, director of PROVE center at Mass General Brigham, and professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School about the imPROVE study’s efforts to enhance Black women’s engagement in ePROs in breast cancer treatment.  Dr. Kaur sheds light on strategies to improve technology accessibility for Black women in their cancer care center by providing iPads and refined usability features on the imPROVE app. Dr. Pusic highlights imPROVE implementation results at five community cancer centers, including utilizing local champions and equitable access to resources.   “When we make sure Black women are included, we gain a more accurate picture of health, we can design better care, and then we take a real step towards closing the health equity gap.” – Manraj Kaur   “The imPROVE study is all about increasing accessibility of patient-reported outcome measurements to Black breast cancer patients receiving care in community cancer centers.” – Andrea Pusic   Manraj Kaur, PhD   Investigator, Lead Faculty for Research and Innovation Patient-Reported Outcomes Value Experience (PROVE) Center  Brigham and Women’s Hospital  Boston, MA    Andrea Pusic, MD  Chief of Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery  Director, PROVE Center  Brigham and Women’s Hospital  Professor of Surgery  Harvard Medical School  Boston, MA    Resources: ACCC imPROVE Study Blog - Harvard/BWH PROVE Center -

    15 мин.
  5. 30 ЯНВ.

    Consumerism, Cultures of Happiness, and AI in Cancer Care

    In anticipation of the 51st Annual Meeting and Cancer Center Business Summit (AMCCBS), ACCCBuzz spoke with this year’s keynote speaker, Nick Webb, who gave some insight into what AMCCBS attendees can expect from his session. As a health care futurist, Nick’s consulting practice is centered around the future of health care and trends that are both already present and fast-approaching. One trend Nick plans to speak to in his keynote is hyper-consumerism and how it is impacting patients’ experience with health care. Namely, patients today want customization, transparency, and humanity—among other things. They want relationships that are more than just the transaction of health care. Nick will dive into best practices to create experiential value for patients, as well as ways to leverage technological innovations like artificial intelligence to take the pressure off providers and free up their time so they can engage and create meaningful relationships with patients.  Guest:   Nick Webb  Health Care Futurist  Author, Chaotic Change: Embracing Chaos to Drive Innovation and Growth  Quote:   “[Patients today] want humanity. They want the relationship to be more than just the transaction of health care. The best organizations...are going to make the transition from the transaction of health care to the experiential value of health care.”  Register for the 51st AMCCBS and view the full agenda on the ACCC website.   Additional Resources:   ePROs: Lighting the Way to Improved Outcomes Efficiency and Patient Experience -- Oncology Issues   The Future of the Patient Experience — [MINI PODCAST] EP 137  Healthcare Burnout: An Epidemic Among Oncology Nurses  A Toxic Mixture: Burnout in Oncology Pharmacy  2024 Trending Now in Cancer Care Part 2 – Oncology Issues

    6 мин.
  6. 29 ЯНВ.

    Best of ORM

    ACCC’s Oncology Reimbursement Meetings (ORMs) assist members in navigating the frequent changes in oncology reimbursement and regulations through expert-led sessions in different regions across the US. In addition to bringing attendees up to speed on annual updates to the revenue cycle, a wide range of related issues that can impact oncology reimbursement are brought to the table, including navigation reimbursement, expanding existing financial programs, and providing important services for patients. The dates and locations for the Spring 2025 in-person ORMs have been announced, with more information to follow. Guest:  John J. Montville, MBA, FACHE, FACMPE, FACCC, COA Executive Director, Oncology Service Line Mercy Health – Paducah Cancer Center Quote:  “These meetings have true takeaways. It’s not just about networking [although] that is important in this industry...You walk away with pages of notes of things you want to bring back to your program to make it better.” For more information about ACCC’s upcoming Oncology Reimbursement Meetings in 2025, visit the ACCC website. Additional Resources:  Reimbursement Changes Seek to Reduce Disparities in Access to Cancer Care Breaking Down Principal Illness Navigation Services: Helping Oncology Providers and Administrators Document, Code, and Bill for Patient Navigation Services The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Will Pay for Patient Navigation—Now What – Oncology Issues Virtual Fall 2024 Oncology Reimbursement Meeting

    5 мин.
  7. 21 ЯНВ. · ВИДЕО

    Supportive Oncodermatology: Managing Skin, Hair, and Nail Toxicities in Cancer Care

    Synopsis: Adverse reactions involving the skin, nails, and hair are common among patients undergoing treatment for cancer and are often underreported and overlooked. These reactions directly impact patient quality of life and may be the reason for interruptions in lifesaving antineoplastic treatment. To address these toxicities, the Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) is leading an initiative that aims to educate providers and other cancer care team members about the optimal management of dermatologic side effects.     In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Julie Ryan Wolf, PhD, MPH and C.J.G. (Corina) van den Hurk, PhD, the chair and vice chair of the Oncodermatology Study Group at the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) about common oncodermatological toxicities including radiation dermatitis, hair loss, and nail changes unique to EGFR-inhibitors. Also discussed are strategies to increase provider collaboration to intervene at an early stage to improve quality of life for patients receiving cancer treatment.   “If we have symptom monitoring on a regular basis throughout the course of treatment, we’ll be able to intervene sooner… helping improve [patient] quality of life” – Julie Ryan Wolf, PhD, MPH   “In effect, almost each patient has a dermatologic side effect at the end of the treatment, or has experienced that during the treatment, and they are all very interfering.” – CJG (Corina) van den Hurk, PhD                     Julie Ryan Wolf, PhD, MPH   Chair, Oncodermatology Study Group  Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)  Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Department of Radiation Oncology   University of Rochester Medical Center   Rochester, NY      CJG (Corina) van den Hurk, PhD   Vice Chair, Oncodermatology Study Group  Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)  Senior Researcher, Santeon Hospitals   Netherlands         Thank you to Johnson & Johnson for their support of this program.     Additional Reading/Sources     Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) Home  Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) Oncodermatology Study Group   MASCC Study Group Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines   ACCC Supportive Care Strategies for Dermatologic Toxicities Related to Cancer Therapies  Oncology Issues – Supportive Oncodermatology: Addressing dermatologic adverse events associated with oncologic therapies  Dermatologic Adverse Events of Systemic Anticancer Therapies: Cytotoxic Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, and Immunotherapy  Oncodermatology: Advancing the Science and Care of Cancer Patients and Survivors  Supportive oncodermatology-a narrative review of its utility and the way forward =

    10 мин.
  8. 16 ЯНВ.

    Part 7 of a 7 Part Series: Advocating for Patients in Rural Communities

    As a medical oncologist working in a rural private practice in Australia, Dr. Christopher Steer expresses that one of the biggest challenges in cancer care is a limited workforce. Lacking personnel at every level of cancer care makes it difficult to provide high-quality, timely care, especially in a rural region. In this episode, Dr. Steer also mentions the importance of advocacy work in improving patient care. A particularly salient issue in Australia is the lack of coverage for cancer therapeutics by private insurance companies—which affects about 40% of patients with cancer in the country. Dr. Steer emphasizes the need for patients and providers alike to use their voices to make meaningful improvements in cancer care. Guest:  Christopher Steer, MBBS, FRACP Medical Oncologist, Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Associate Professor University of New South Wales Adjunct Professor John Richards Centre for Rural Ageing Research La Trobe University Quote:  “Adequate assessment yields appropriate treatment. Ask the patients. Personalize their care. That will give them the best [outcomes].” Read more global perspectives from the international panelists who spoke at the October ACCC 41st National Oncology Conference in this ACCCBuzz blog. Additional Resources:  NOC Preview: Financial Advocacy Guidelines to Mitigate Financial Toxicity - [MINI PODCAST] Providing Comprehensive Financial Advocacy Services in Rural America Improving Access to Clinical Trials for Rural Populations #ACCCNOC: Financial Advocacy and Building Sustainable Navigation Virtual Infusion Services: Bringing Cancer Therapies Closer to Rural Patients

    7 мин.
из 5
Оценок: 29

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CANCER BUZZ features fresh perspectives on hot topics in oncology care delivery. CANCER BUZZ is where stakeholders from the front lines of care to the C-suite, from research to the registry, from chairside to benchside, talk about top-of-mind questions and real-world impact.

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