Stealing Superman

It was the most unlikely art heist of all time. Join some improbable detectives and one determined comic book dealer as they investigate the mysterious theft of the most important comic in the world ... a comic stolen from Nicolas Cage.
مقطع ترويجي
المضيفون والضيوف
Engaging, even if you're not into comics (😳)
٢١/٠٨/١٤٤٥ هـ
Confession: I don't even like comics, couldn't care less about collecting them, but still got engaged in this podcast. The storytelling is a bit chaotic at times, but still engaging. I appreciated learning about elements of collecting, and art heists more generally. Don't pass this up just bc you don't care for superheroes.
Half the podcast is commercials
٢٥/٠٣/١٤٤٦ هـ
I loved the Stealing Superman story. I thought then that it was a little heavy in the commercials but it was worth it. I’m now listening to the Swordquest story and half the episodes are commercials. The episodes end with 7-8 minutes left. Those last minutes are commercials. The first 3-4 minutes are commercials, plus 2 commercial breaks during the episode. Makes it tough to want to listen to
١٦/٠٨/١٤٤٥ هـ
An excellent story
Nicolas cage as Superman finally
٠٥/١١/١٤٤٤ هـ
Nic Cage finally got to play superman in the new Flash movie freaking awesome. Hope you make an episode on this
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