Super Woo Radio

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Super Woo Radio

These are podcast-style interviews with open dialogue exploring new frontiers of our emerging humanity. The diverse range of topics covered are far beyond ordinary 'woo', they are super woo!

  1. 04/26/2023

    SWR Episode 63 - Humanitarian Projects with George Kavassilas & Norman Vilches

    We kick off this new season of Super Woo Radio for 2023 - with Norman Vilches. Norman is incredibly creative and passionate about life and not only deeply knowledgeable of the inner workings of music but also all things humanitarian. Join us for this adventure into life as we journey into the uniquely different school of hard knocks through to the cultivation of wisdom and the future new world and system. George Kavassilas - Here's a snapshot of some areas of the conversation Norman and I cover in this episode as we delve into what is going on in our world today with this evolutionary leap into humanity.  This knowing of this un-foldment into the humanitarian world; the celebration of our humanity and moving away from a cabal corporate driven infrastructure into this humanitarian world of building and creating the new : + back to the roots of Norman and key moments that triggered a spiritual awakening and turning point in Norman's journey at age 12 + returning to his birth country Chile after studying music in Brazil + the control of the arts by the government and the military regime in Chile + returning to Brazil to follow his passion and the extra-ordinary experiences + Australian Indigenous music + transitioned to pursue creating resources to seeking funding for his own projects + the beginning of a very eclectic group that made connections with shamanic worlds + creation of different experiences with performances + new project opportunities into the financial world 2005-2011 in Europe with a possibly historic energy project in Greece + the corruption of the monetary system and beyond + Gold + humanitarian projects for the new world - why? + harmonising of the evolutionary process + quantum financial system - the reality + no more lack and transformation of society + permission to "DREAM BIG" And so, so much more… Special Guest: Norman Vilches Recorded: April 2023Running Time: 1hr 36minsLanguage: English I trust you will enjoy this episode of  Super Woo Radio, and please share with your friends and family who you think will also appreciate and benefit from hearing this information.  I no longer rely on social media channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco-systems a few years ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and my work. Heartfelt thanks & gratitude. In Love Liberation and Fortitude, George Kavassilas - Super Woo Radio is also on Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts

    1h 36m
  2. 10/16/2022

    Episode 62 - "Earth Heroes TV" with Shay Ryan Douglas

    In  this magnificent episode of Super Woo Radio, George Kavassilas shares a conversation with a soul brother who shares the mutual deep love and caring for humanity.  Hear more about "Earth Heroes TV - Conscious media for change-makers" - a  very interesting project! Here's a snapshot of just a few of the things Shay and I cover in this episode: + Project - Earth Heroes TV is an independent conscious media, non main-stream platform - introduction + Shay's documentary on corporate corruption + Quick growth of Earth Heroes TV + Focus on grounded earthly creators + Media dynamics and conflict of interest + Censorship on many levels + Shays' connection with Dr Bruce Lipton and + Corporate control of media and the narrative + Direction of Earth Heroes TV - human attention & focus + Truth of history + Fear driven platforms and...... so much more. Special Guest: Shay Ryan Douglas Recorded: September 2022 Running Time: 1hr 32mins Language: English SHAY RYAN DOUGLAS is the Creative Director of Earth Heroes TV. A  bit about Shay : "After personal breakthrough in his life through  physical pain, he was guided towards yoga, meditation and plant  medicines to liberate his life. Shay began watching inspiring  documentaries, videos and educational information that shifted his story  from “I’m a victim of my past to I am a creator of my destiny”. To quote Shay, “as human beings, we are all hard wired for stories”

    1h 33m
  3. 06/20/2022

    Episode 61 - Unpacking the Era of Confusion with Marc Peycker

    In his magnificent episode of Super Woo Radio, prepare for a  lighted, big conversation and passionate discussion on a very important topic to unpack with its many tentacles in so many places. Here's a snapshot of just a few of the things Marc and I cover in this episode: + confusion in the human consciousness + Tartaria theory + fear and contradictory messages from the media --> confusion --> mind virus + Planet earth - flat or spherical plain? + viral concept + perception + deeper into Tartarian theory / variations + Mud floods theory? + Tactics of a story from local to global + Giants? + recycling truth + free energy + the controllers + addiction to sensational information + the lies and discernment + the divide + flat earth theory + energy signals + diminishing Mother Earth + the written word + agendas of maximum confusion + psyops + sea of uncertainty + subjugation and control + when to turn inward + be your own authority + Carbon 60 (C60) warning + hope and caution dance + the stories and perception of reality + closing message - detox ourselves to become our own authority And so, so much more… I trust you will enjoy this episode of  Super Woo Radio, and please share with your friends and family who you think will also appreciate and  benefit from hearing this information.  I no longer rely on social media  channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco systems a few years ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and my work. Heartfelt  thanks & gratitude. In Love Liberation and Fortitude, George Special Guest: Marc Peycker Recorded: June 2022 Running Time: 2hrs 13mins Language: English MARC PEYCKER - Marc  is available for transformational coaching sessions, where he holds  space for you, so you can release and transcend the limiting constructs  and programs that stand in the way of your true nature's expression. What  is your true nature ? Well, how about we discover that together ? It  will come as a surprise, as it has never been seen before... In the alchemical crucible of these sessions, Marc functions as a conduit  for energies of grace, and a  catalyst for deconstructing the old. He  has a re-Marc-able ability to point to the heart of the matter – and to  the heart of Mater/Mother. He is also a trained facilitator of  George's powerful and deeply healing closure process, which enables you  to reset the parameters of your relationship with any person, place,  situation or entity. If you have struggled for a long time with any of  those, the closure process can be a big game changer.  You can contact Marc at Super Woo Radio also on Soundcloud, & Apple Podcasts

    2h 13m
  4. 06/07/2022

    Episode 60 - Building the New Paradigm

    In this magnificant episode of Super Woo Radio, prepare for an exciting,  adventurous, full of curiosity, sense of childhood dreams and love as we dive deep into a very big journey; journey into life with an  extra-ordinary Being, Jonathan MacDonald.  Here's a snapshot of just a few of the things Jonathan and I cover in this episode: + Starting off with a bit about Jonathan's unique start in life + Crucial choice at age 16 + Entrepreneurial family + Portfolio career road map + Civil rights and human sovereignty + Biggest life changing moment + Power of forgiving, love and compassion + Comparison - "the ugly sister" + Bankruptcy + Point of happiness + Construct of money + Fields of intention from the void + No need to want..... we are a walking Universe + Ancestral DNA + True empowerment + Natural authority from experience + The lens of technology + True intention of crypto / block chain + Enter Minima + - "no kill switch" + Minima = freedom + School - what is missing? + Minima - natural genius spawning out of the quantum field + IPFS - Inter planetary file system + Next project - Entireity + Inter-stellar community + Future infrastructure + Atom field + Dreaming + Nodes + Akashic fields + Collision of spirituality and science + .com crash + message for the human race moving forward + contextural shift + future of humanity And so, so much more… I  trust you will enjoy this episode of  Super Woo Radio, and please share  with your friends and family who you think will also appreciate and  benefit from hearing this information.  I no longer rely on social media  channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco systems a few years  ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and my work. Heartfelt  thanks & gratitude. In Love Liberation and Fortitude, George Special Guest: Jonathan MacDonald Recorded: May 2022 Running Time: 1hr 53mins Language: English For more on Jonathan and his enterprise - &

    1h 54m
  5. 06/07/2022

    Episode 59 - Spirit of the Round Table with Julia McKeowen

    In this episode of Super Woo Radio George is interviewing a dear friend, work colleague & SiStar in life in a very rich and nutritious experience. In  this special interview, Julia shares her  dance of life to come to a  complete circle where the life struggles and challenges are now behind  her with Grail Leadership being birthed. Here's a little snapshot of some of what is covered in this episode: + Where Julia is today + Grail Leadership Group project - sneak preview + Leadership & creator wounding of humanity + Turning inside out + New reality and natural state of abundance + Ancient memory and returning home + Dreamtime to reality + Remembering your unassuming leadership + The natural wise elder within + Natural born leaders + Our fundamental purpose + The future vision + Shared initiatives + Empower -v- power + Our direct relationship with the land and leadership + Nutritious -v- stimulus based diet + Programmed protocol behaviour + Different keys of Leadership + The Round Table process + Your true natural genius + Connection with the flow of natural life and love + Path of authenticity + Knowing your genius + Breakdowns are breakthroughs + Back to natural university - the path that we walk And so much more… I  trust you will enjoy this episode of  Super Woo Radio, and please share  with your friends and family who you think will also appreciate and  benefit from hearing this information.  I no longer rely on social media  channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco systems a few years  ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and my work. Heartfelt  thanks & gratitude. In Love Liberation and Fortitude, George Special Guest: Julia McKeowen Recorded: April 2022 Running Time: 1hr 43mins Language: English NAME: Julia McKeowen To discover more about Grail Leadership - and specifically more about Julia - Through  her creative expression storytelling her challenges, pains, deep wounds  and health history, Julia imparts her heartfelt, true deep insights and  real genuine wisdom - the game changer for people. For more  storytelling wisdom from Julia,  a solo podcast called "Streaming  Wisdom"  CLICK HERE Super Woo Radio also on Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts To discover more about Grail Leadership - and specifically more about Julia - Through  her creative expression storytelling her challenges, pains, deep wounds  and health history, Julia imparts her heartfelt, true deep insights and  real genuine wisdom - the game changer for people. For more  storytelling wisdom from Julia,  a solo podcast called "Streaming  Wisdom"  CLICK HERE Super Woo Radio also on Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts

    1h 43m
  6. 05/15/2022

    Episode 58 - The Godtrix Against the Matrix

    Enna Reittort is defined as an anthropologist, author, linguist and her self definition, a peasant, which to her means "simply connected to the land".  This  juicy, fat, substantial conversation is a sharing of Enna's book and our aligned views. Here's a little snapshot of some of what Enna and I cover in this episode: + Language & words/logos + Comtemplative -v- meditation +  Her book "Krivda" - The Godtrix Against the Matrix". George was the  spark that ignited this book. (for more book information, scroll to the  bottom on this page) + "the crooked truth" of the Gods - the artificial Gods + The Matrix - true meaning and twist + The poisoning of Mother Earth + The Godtrix - God of the religions + Natural and un-natural Esoteric + Modern medicine on children + Woo and critical thinking + God of Money: Debt invention, original sin and money + Currency reality -v- mimicked money version + Ancient puzzle + Official version and reworked version of the bible + Inaccurate history and loss of heritage + The Anunnaki +  Original co-creative partnership with Earth and the memory of that + What humans emanate or project energetically and the roll of trees + Trees......... + Bridging ancient knowledge and present day + India domain and their Gods/Goddesses + Inter-dimensional Beings in tribes + Ancient patterns and deities + Dharma + Cosmic unity - masculine with the feminine primordial principles + Forms of pain + Duality of male and female in ancient cultures + A Jesus story & correlations + The trick and power of "Krivda" + Irony and contradiction of religions + Enna's book - the why and the woo from anthropology perspective + Reclaiming who we are + Technological Intelligence (TI) God - deeply imbedded now + Next phase in reality 2023-2025 + Next decade - humanity and relationship with the Gods + The Cosmic game being played here + Re-evaluating our relationship with Mother Earth + The roller coaster to come + Enna's closing message - "a gold nugget" + The dance between the masculine and the feminine - an opening to another Super Woo Radio episode. And so much more… I  trust you will injoy this episode of  Super Woo Radio, and please share  with your friends and family who you think will also appreciate and  benefit from hearing this information.  I no longer rely on social media  channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco systems a few years  ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and my work. Heartfelt  thanks & gratitude. In Love Liberation and Fortitude, 1George Special Guest: Enna Reittort Recorded: February 2022 Running Time: 2hrs 42mins Language: English Enna Reittort Enna has written a Book “Krivda - The Godtrix Against the Matrix”. Krivda is Russian for 'the lie' but traditionally means the crooked truth.  This book is juicy, fat and substantial. It  is for those who seek a deeper understanding of how we arrived to this  point through immense trials and tribulations, and a clear sense of  human truth that the challenge irrevocably requires us to recover. Enna’s website - Here you can learn more about Enna, her book and how to purchase it, podcasts, connect and subscribe. Super Woo Radio is also on, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts

    2h 42m
  7. 04/26/2022

    Episode 57 - Navigating Prophesy

    In this episode of Super Woo Radio I am excited to be with an old mate who is a new friend. From the day we met, it was instant recognition! Although we have not known each other long, in this lifetime, there is a definite connection with Steve McDonald. In this special interview, more a jam session, Steve shares his big story of an adventurous life, connection with the land and nature, after connecting with his indigenous family and culture. Here's a snapshot of just a few of the things Steve and I cover in this episode: + His early life in Sydney, military life and post military service and moving to the north + Consultancy business in Melbourne and the spiritual pull + Explains his pursuit of Professor Clare W Grave's Developmental Psychology model in 2003 and explains the modality + The evolution of human consciousness into the future - central to his work + Life experience -v- University + Experiencing the Multi dimensional and the here and now + Depths of his meditation + Plant medicine - ayahuasca experience, which also became central to his work. Also involved in researching medical applications of psychedelics + Discovery of PTSD and working through that process + Psychedelics in main stream medical work + Australia as a key role in the tipping point in the current world situation + His work in human development and as a futurist + Now and the future and between now and then to the tipping point + Galactic perspective and our current solar system + G Cloud + Chiron & EMFs + Between now and 2040 + Transformative changes - homo-sapien to homo-luminous + "It's all coming together because it's all falling apart" - George + Current relationship with technology + Tiers of consciousness according to Dr Clare W Graves described as "Einstein of Psychology" by Steve + Harvesting and the species + Life and paradox- moving beyond the rational mind + Tiers of human energetic structure + Esoteric acupuncture and activating energetic patterns + Prime creative expression of reality- letting go of rigidity into the ebb and flow + New dimensions + Sovereignty at a galactic level + The God model -v- the prime creator + Planet Earth - extraordinary place + Old frequencies and current chaos + ET coming into the picture + Frequencies, the Light body & transition + Beyond TI into the next decade + Natural way of life + From fear to absence of fear phase + Galactic Federation + The big picture of life & transformation + Future technologies working in harmony with Mother Earth + Expect the unexpected + Are you being and doing you? And so much more…  Special Guest: Steve McDonald Recorded: April 2022 Running Time: 2hrs 16mins Language: English Steve McDonald Steve McDonald, amongst many roles, is a co-founder of a non profit organisation "Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine (PRISM), founded in 2011. The first legal phychedelic research trial in Australia, is with St Vincents Hospital in Melbourne, looking at the medical use of psilocybin to treat PTSD. For more information He also has podcasts on Apple Podcast - Future Sense. Worth having a listen. Also can be found at . Steve has some instrumental targets to set up centres for the future evolution. Steve's closing wisdom - look after ourselves, stay grounded, understand that the Earth's energy is shifting and to stay in tune and flow with Earth as it shifts. Build resilient communities. Supporting the emergence of a new energy grid and the emergence of the amazing future coming. Flow naturally with the changes and the emerging paradigm and find the people that you vibe with and physically commune with them. We are all being called to step up! Both Steve and George are stepping up to the call in a mammoth way and are here for humanity. Are you doing you?

    2h 17m
  8. 03/18/2022

    Episode 056 "The Quantum Sphere Approach" - Carla Fox

    Special Guest: Carla Fox  Recorded: January 2022 Running Time: 1hr 48mins Language: English In this episode of Super Woo Radio, I am so  delighted and excited that I get this opportunity to speak to a dear  colleague and cosmically speaking, a friend in life, Carla Fox.  In  this special interview, Carla shares unique wisdom with her "Quantum Sphere Healing" and what she brings to the world.  Carla's work  correlates with my work in similar spaces and places as we engage in co-mastery. Here's a little snapshot of just a few of the areas Carla and I cover in this episode: + Ancestors, past lives and any area that is presented + People not being in their bodies and the impact on our humanity + Earth's vibration and technology earlier and now + Connecting with nature - the remedy + Individuals' consciousness - framework of life + Changes that we allow to happen to us + "Just say no!" + Death Rights - aids the journey + Transcending and going  home - passing over + 4th dimensional matrix and the light + Remote viewing + Mars + Body dis-function & attachments + Entities - different types + Life flow, choice and family programming + Final message And so much more… NOTE:  Card image and definition at end of recording I trust you will enjoy this episode of  Super Woo Radio.  Please share with your friends and family who you think will also  appreciate and benefit from hearing this information.  I no longer rely  on social media channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco  systems a few years ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and  my work. Heartfelt thanks & gratitude. In Love Liberation and Fortitude, George Kavassilas Carla Fox Quantum Stargate - Carla Fox has spent many years as a shamanic practitioner in the  Peruvian traditions.  She has trained other practitioners in the United  States and abroad in shamanic traditions and energy healing and, also  maintains an energy healing practice in Southwest Utah where she  currently lives. In March 2012, while attending a workshop at the Monroe Institute in  Virginia, an exciting new healing protocol was shown to her by her  higher guidance during one of the altered state journeys into the  Quantum Field.  She calls this new protocol, Quantum Sphere Healing  (QSH) , and it has become the main healing modality that she now uses  with her clients.  Carla’s focus of service has shifted into the quantum  realms, higher dimensions and alternate realities, where so much more  can be seen, known and worked with during a healing session.  In  addition to offering QSH sessions, she also performs the Shamanic Death  Rites for a deceased loved one, and can train anyone who would like to  learn this very valuable skill.

    1h 49m

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8 Ratings


These are podcast-style interviews with open dialogue exploring new frontiers of our emerging humanity. The diverse range of topics covered are far beyond ordinary 'woo', they are super woo!

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