"Superhuman" Book
"Superhuman" is a captivating sci-fi novel narrated from a third-person perspective. It seamlessly weaves between two time periods – the present and the future – occasionally delving into flashbacks and memories of the protagonist, Rubin. Throughout the story, the author explores scientific themes encompassing quantum physics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, taking readers on an intriguing journey into a potential future. Amidst the imaginative narrative, profound spiritual and philosophical elements are interwoven, adding depth to the tale. "Superhuman" delves into futuristic technology, the existential philosophy of humanity, and the pursuit of becoming more than human. The novel also invites contemplation on the relationship between human desperation and technology.
- 4개의 에피소드
- 제작진Ali Delshad Tehrani
- 에피소드4
- 등급전체 연령 사용가
- 저작권© 2023
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