T.O.P. Church Las Vegas

Tabernacle of Praise
T.O.P. Church Las Vegas 팟캐스트

This is a collection of sermons from Pastor Michael Jackson and others. Tabernacle of Praise Church are here to encourage, equip, and empower the people of the Lord to live victoriously through Jesus Christ.

  1. 2023. 12. 03.

    No Turning Back! He Won’t Let Me Fall - Pastor Michael E. Jackson

    12.03.23 No Turning Back: He Won't Let You Fail - Embracing Faith in Challenging Times In this powerful sermon a profound journey through Luke 9:57-62. This scripture passage reveals the challenges and spiritual journey. Spirititments of following Jesus, emphasizing the unvavering support and guidance He provides in our Pastor Jackson eloquenty unpacks the layers of this passage, highlighting the importance of steadast faith and trust in God's plan, even in the face of adversity. He llustrates how, when we decide to follow Christ, there's no turning back - a commitment that's both demanding and deeply rewarding: Throughout his sermon, Pastor Jackson shares relatable stories and personal insights that bring these biblical truths to life. He reminds us that while the path of discipleship may have its hurdles, God's enduring presence ensures we never walk alone. This message is particularly resonant for anyone facing crossroads in life or struggling with the decision to fully commit to their faith journey. Tune in to this inspiring message to deepen your understanding of Luke 9:57-62 and learn how to navigate life's challenges with faith and courage. Pastor Jackson's heartfelt and insightful interpretation of these verses will leave you encouraged and empowered to walk your path with confidence, knowing that with God, you won't fail. Scripture References: - Luke 9:57-62 Topics Covered: - The challenges of discipleship - Trusting God in times of uncertainty - The journey of faith and commitment - Overcoming life's obstacles with God's guidance


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This is a collection of sermons from Pastor Michael Jackson and others. Tabernacle of Praise Church are here to encourage, equip, and empower the people of the Lord to live victoriously through Jesus Christ.

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