Take Up Space with Khalida Dubose

Choosing Her Hustle

Episode Topics

  • [01:57] Introducing our guest, Khalida Dubose. 
  • [03:18] How Khalida got into business coaching by accident. 
  • [08:28] The role of our mindset in driving successful Entrepreneurship 
  • [13:56] What was your experience opening up to a community? 
  • [32:12] How to connect with Khalida. 

Episode Summary

Khalida is a business coach for entrepreneurs who are women of color. She loves helping them realize their strength by getting in touch with themselves, without having an exterior shell that isolates them. After working for a Crowdfunding platform for years, Khalida got laid off, which affected her mental health. She later started her crowdfunding business but discovered a stronger interest in business coaching. More often than not, many entrepreneurs do not get it right the first time, they transition in a way that was layered by the people in front of them, in a stepwise manner.

Entrepreneurship challenges us to be great by first unearthing aspects of us that are not great. This grueling process requires a deep sense of commitment to our goals; hence, successful entrepreneurship is largely a factor of our mindset, much more than strategy. 

Due to the preconceived notions that she would be unsafe in any community she joined, Khalida tried unsuccessfully to be a part of one. Questioning her fears, she understood they were mostly unfounded and she started integrating into a community. Very often black women find themselves isolated; without community, they are likely to be taken for granted with no clue how to stand up for themselves. 

Notable Quotes

"You actually have to want to be great, to own your own business" 

"I really love helping people have discoveries that help them move forward"

"When you don't have community, you are really missing out on so much"

"I think that community has been robbed from us as black women"

Resources Mentioned

Connect with | Khalida Dubose

Website - www.khalidadubose.com 

Instagram – @khalida.dubose 

Podcast - The Black Girl Business Bar 








