18 min

Taking the Pulse of the Market with Marissa Limsiaco, Co-founder and President of Otso The Journey

    • Business News

Marissa Limsiaco is a West Point grad, an Army veteran, and a multi-time entrepreneur. She’s no novice to business and no stranger to hard work. But she will be the first to tell you that there’s absolutely no fighting the market. No amount of work will turn passion into dollars if the business model isn’t there. The good news? When the market is telling you there is a need, your success is only limited to your imagination.

Marissa Limsiaco is a West Point grad, an Army veteran, and a multi-time entrepreneur. She’s no novice to business and no stranger to hard work. But she will be the first to tell you that there’s absolutely no fighting the market. No amount of work will turn passion into dollars if the business model isn’t there. The good news? When the market is telling you there is a need, your success is only limited to your imagination.

18 min

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