The Bible Speaks

The Bible Speaks
The Bible Speaks

In each episode we discuss a current event through a biblical perspective. The Bible Speaks Podcast aims to understand the Christian response to modern events utilizing Scripture alone. Find us on Social Media! X: Instagram: YouTube:

  1. 2024. 08. 26.

    TBSP#27 Young Women Leaving the Church in droves! How the Church Has Misunderstood Women in Ministry

    In this episode, Brian and Daniel discuss the trend of young women leaving the church, particularly in Generation Z, due to issues such as gender hierarchies, lack of women in leadership roles, expectations of chastity, and the church's positions on reproductive rights and LGBTQ issues. Brian and Daniel make a Biblical case against the concept of a senior pastor and emphasize the importance of following Jesus rather than a human leader. They caution against person worship and encourage self-reflection on the reasons for attending a particular congregation. Brian discusses the role of women in leadership positions in the church. He explains that women are not allowed to take up the position of pastor in conservative churches due to the interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12. Brian refutes the argument that this restriction only applied to a specific church or time period, stating that it is based on the creation order and the actions of Adam and Eve. He emphasizes the need for strong male leadership in the church and suggests that the lack of such leadership may be a reason why women are leaving the church. Brian also briefly addresses the issue of LGBTQ+ individuals leaving the church, stating that if they disagree with the teachings of the church, they should leave rather than trying to change the religion to fit their beliefs. Our aim is for this podcast to shed light and foster understanding in your life, helping you gain a better understanding of our world through God's Word. If you hear about or see any current events or social media posts for which you would like a biblical perspective, we would love to hear from you! Please comment below with your suggestions, or hit us up on Facebook or Instagram. You can also send us links for the posts and stories at Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:


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In each episode we discuss a current event through a biblical perspective. The Bible Speaks Podcast aims to understand the Christian response to modern events utilizing Scripture alone. Find us on Social Media! X: Instagram: YouTube:

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