TechDisc (Michael Sizemore & Isaac Heinen)

C1X - A Disc Golf Podcast

In Episode 2 of C1X, hosts Bren Orwig and Scott Smerchek, along with guests Michael Sizemore and Isaac Heinen discuss TechDisc, a disc golf launch monitor that measures detailed throw metrics. Michael details TechDisc's development from conception to product launch and the challenges faced, including early testing with Isaac. TechDisc is revolutionizing disc golf training, with more than 2,100,000 throws recorded in the last six months, potential for advanced simulators, and precise performance tracking, aiding both casual and competitive players in improving their game.

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This episode supported by:

GRIPeq |

BKS Artisan Ales |

TechDisc |

Produced by:

ERO Media Group

Blase Pivovar

Caleb McLellan

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