Tell Me More - A Southland Christian Church Podcast

Southland Christian Church
Tell Me More - A Southland Christian Church Podcast

Welcome to the Tell Me More podcast hosted by Jessica Mckenney, Lydia Florence, and Sarah Hopkins! This is a place where three women in different seasons of life explore what it looks like to follow Jesus in today's world. Join us as we navigate the beauty and complexity of the Christian life through authentic, relatable, and fun conversations! As you listen to Tell Me More, you'll not only get to know our hosts better but also catch a glimpse of the way we live out our faith. We firmly believe that faith doesn't have to be rigid, and conversations about it should be anything but! That's why we're here to share our laughter, our tears, and our experiences as Christian women. Our podcast will explore topics that matter to you—from deepening your relationship with God to navigating the intricacies of family, career, and self-discovery through the lens of faith. So whether you're in your teens, your prime, or gracefully navigating your golden years, Tell Me More is here to remind you that you're not alone, and we're in this together. Subscribe to our podcast and get ready to dive into meaningful conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and help you grow in your faith! Thank you for choosing to be a part of our community, and we can't wait to share this incredible journey with you.

  1. 2天前

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: Worldliness and Godliness

    In today’s episode of Tell Me More, we’ll dig into James 4:1-12, where James challenges us to confront our pride and exchange it for humility. As women seeking to live out our faith, we’ll discuss the dangers of pride, selfish desires, and worldliness, and how they can lead us away from God's peace. More importantly, we’ll unpack the beauty of God's grace and His invitation to draw near to Him in humility. Tune in as we talk about surrendering our pride, resisting the enemy, and finding true freedom and closeness with God.   Opening Question: Was there a desire that you had as a kid (like wanting a certain toy, or to go somewhere, or have some sort of experience) that you never ended up getting? Read James 4:1-12 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to be transparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more, etc.)                   Did you do any research about those questions? What did you learn? How should this passage affect your prayer life and the things you desire? What does it mean to “have friendship with the world” in the way that James uses that phrase? Why do you think he calls that adultery? Verses 7-10 give us ten (ten!) commands of what we should do, but it also highlights how God responds to us. What does this tell us about ourselves? About God? What is something from this passage that is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience of God’s Word (don’t be afraid to get specific!)? BONUS QUESTION: Did you read the additional resource we linked last week? If not, you can find it here. If so, what did you learn? What helped your understanding of this passage? Action Step: Get ready for episode 9 by reading James 4:13-5:6. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources? Go here.

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  2. 10月7日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: False Wisdom and True Wisdom

    In this episode, we’ll look at James 3:13-18, and explore what it means to live a life marked by true wisdom. Together, we’ll unpack how God calls us as women to cultivate humility, gentleness, and peace, contrasting it with the world's version of wisdom, which often leads to disorder and strife. Whether you’re navigating personal relationships, work, or ministry, this passage offers practical insights on embracing a life that reflects God’s heart. Join us as we discuss how to discern wisdom from above and apply it in our everyday lives.   Opening Question: Share one or two “tidbits” of wisdom that someone passed along to you that have proven true (or handy).   Read James 3:13-18 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to be transparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more, etc.) Did you do any research about those questions? What did you learn? Based on what James teaches here, what are some “red flags” that are a sure sign of false wisdom? Where do you see that playing out around you? Some of the characteristics of God's wisdom that James identifies are: pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. What of these things seems the most counter-intuitive to you? How can you invite God’s wisdom to give you more “good fruit”?According to verse13 how does someone demonstrate wisdom and understanding? What is something from this passage that is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience of God’s Word (don’t be afraid to get specific!)? Action Step (read closely!): Get ready for episode 8 by reading James 4:1-12. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. In addition to reading the Bible verses for next week, HERE is an article that we recommend reading to provide some additional commentary and insight to next week’s passage.

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  3. 9月30日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: Blessing and Cursing

    In today’s episode of Tell Me More, we’ll explore James 3:1-12 and the profound impact our words can have. This passage highlights the power of the tongue—both to build each other up and to tear each other down. How can we learn to control our speech and reflect Christ in what we say? How can we use our speech to edify others and treat them as the image-bearers of Jesus that they are? Join us as we discuss the challenges this scripture issues, the importance of speaking life-giving things, and how our words can be used for good and to honor God. Opening Question: All of us can remember kind things and cruel things that were said to us. Share a time when a single word, phrase, or sentence had a significant impact on your life. Read James 3:1-12 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to be transparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more, etc.)  Did you do any research about those questions? What did you learn? How does our control over our tongues relate to our overall spiritual growth and relationship with God? When is it appropriate to remain silent rather than speak? How can silence be a form of wisdom? James paints six different pictures of the tongue in this passage: the bit, the rudder, the fire, a poisonous animal, a fountain, and a fig tree. Which of these metaphors sticks out to you, and why? How can our words contribute to unity and harmony within the church and our communities? What is something from this passage that is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience of God’s Word (don’t be afraid to get specific!)? Action Step: Get ready for episode 7 by reading James 3:13-18. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources?

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  4. 9月23日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: Faith and Works

    In this episode, we dive deep into James 2:14-26, a passage that challenges us to examine the connection between faith and works. What does it mean for our faith to be alive? How do faith and works intertwine and what do they look like practically in our lives? Join us as we unpack these verses, exploring the balance between belief and behavior, and how our everyday choices can reflect a genuine, active faith.  Opening Questions: What is a non-negotiable part of your morning routine? What is one of the mostselfless acts you’ve everseen or heard ofsomeone doing? Read James 2:14-26 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to betransparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more,etc.) Did you do any research about those questions? What did you learn? These verses from James havelong been controversial because of how they appear to contradict that we are “saved by gracethrough faith” in Eph 2:8. Paul’s major contention is that we are justified by faith, not works. How can wereconcilethese with James’ argument that “faith without works is dead”? If the Bible doesn’t contradict itself...what does this mean? If you need help understanding this, check THIS out.  Which iseasier for you: talking about your faith with others or demonstrating your love toward them? What is something from this passagethat is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience of God’s Word (don’t be afraid to get specific!)? Action Step: Get ready for episode 5 by reading James 3:1-12. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources?

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  5. 9月16日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: Judgment and Mercy

    In today’s episode, we’ll explore James 2:1-13, where James challenges us to confront favoritism and embrace a life marked by mercy and love. We’ll unpack what it means to treat others with the same grace God has shown us, regardless of their social status or appearance. James reminds us that faith and partiality cannot coexist and that true faith is revealed through loving others as ourselves. Join us as we dig deep into this powerful passage and discover how to cultivate a heart that reflects God’s love for all people. ___________________________ Opening Question: Are you more of a rule follower or a rule breaker? Give an example of what you mean. Read James 2:1-13 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to be transparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more, etc.) Did you do any research about those questions? What did you learn? In what ways have you seen favoritism displayed in your life, both personally and in the world around you? What do you think it means to be "rich in faith" as described in verse 5? How does the idea of being judged by the law contrast with being saved by grace? Can you think of a time when you were shown mercy when you deserved judgment? What is something from this passage that is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience of God’s Word (don’t be afraid to get specific!)? Action Step: Get ready for episode 5 by reading James 2:14-26. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources? Go here:

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  6. 9月9日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: Hearing and Doing

    In this episode, we dive into James 1:19-27, where James gives us practical wisdom on how to live out our faith in everyday life. We'll talk about being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger—important keys to living in peace with others. We’ll also explore what it means to be "doers" of the Word, not just hearers, and how living out God’s Word leads to true freedom. From taming our tongues to caring for the vulnerable, James shows us how our faith should be reflected in our actions. Tune in as we discuss aligning our hearts, words, and deeds with God's perfect will! _____________ Opener: Optionally, play the game that Jess and Sarah played at the beginning of the podcast. If that doesn’t fit the vibe of your group, here’s some questions to get conversation flowing! What are the non-negotiable parts of your morning routine? When you get frustrated about something, do you tend to stuff down or speak up? Read James 1:19-27 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to be transparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more, etc.) Did you do any research about those questions? What did you learn? In what areas of your life do you struggle with controlling your tongue? How can you seek God's help to improve? How does the definition of "pure religion" in this passage challenge your understanding of faith/spirituality? This passage really leans into the challenge of not just listening to the Word but applying it to our lives. So, let’s practice that now. What is something from this passage that is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience of God’s Word (don’t be afraid to get specific!)? Action Step: Get ready for episode 4 by reading James 2:1-13. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources? Go Here:

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  7. 9月2日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James: Trials and Temptations

    In today’s episode of the Tell Me More podcast, we’ll be walking through James 1:1-18, where James kicks off his letter with a powerful message about faith, trials, and God's unwavering goodness. We’ll explore how trials and temptations test our faith, the blessings that come from perseverance, and how God never fails to provide wisdom when we ask. Join us as we unpack James’ encouragement to find joy in difficult circumstances and trust in God's perfect timing and provision. Whether you’re facing a challenge or simply seeking to grow in your faith, this episode will inspire and equip you with practical truth straight from the Word. _______________________________ The opening passage of James talks about going through life’s trials, so start out group time by playing this silly game. WOULD YOU RATHER: Get a flat tire or have a cavity? Never be able to listen to music again, or never be able to watch movies/tv again? Never have an empty sink, no matter how often you wash dishes, or never have a clean floor, no matter how often you sweep? Feel 15 years older than you actually are or look 15 years older than you actually are? Have your wallet stolen or a bad haircut? Read James 1:1-18 together and discuss. Was there a phrase or word that stood out to you? What questions does this bring up? (this is an opportunity for us to be transparent about what we don’t understand, or need to dig into some more, etc.) What does this passage teach us about the difference between “trials” and “temptations?” What does this passage teach us about how to respond to those things? What is something from this passage that is hard for you to obey? How can you grow in obedience to what this text teaches us? Time to get real-- share a trial or a temptation that you are currently facing. Close your time together by praying for one another.  Get ready for episode 3 by reading James 1:19-27. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources? Go here.

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  8. 8月26日

    Tell Me More About The Book of James

    Our hosts are back for Season 3 of the Tell Me More podcast, and this season we’re doing things a little differently. Over the next 12 episodes, we’ll be reading through the book of James, a powerful letter in the New Testament that offers timeless wisdom for navigating the challenges of life. In this episode, we’ll talk about the context for this book, who James was, and briefly explore the key themes of the book. Whether you're new to the Bible or a seasoned reader, this episode will provide fresh insights and practical applications for your daily walk with Christ. Grab your Bible and join us this season as we take a deeper look at the teachings of James! ______________________ Share one good thing that’s happened in your life recently! As the Tell Me More podcast is going through the book of James together, we invite you to join along with us. 1. What are your excitements or hesitations about the new approach we’re taking in Season 3?  2. By going through James alongside us, what are you hoping for? In your journey of reading God’s Word, have you ever taken the time to learn the context of what you’re reading to help your study go deeper? 3. If yes, how has that made a difference in your understanding of the Bible? What tools do you use for additional study?  4. If no, what questions do you have? Jess, Lydia, and Sarah talked about various pieces of context to help set us up for studying the book of James (like major themes, the author of the book, the original audience of the book, and even some pieces of historical context). 5. Was there anything that stood out to you about the background of the book of James? What was new information to you? Get ready for episode 2 by reading James 1:1-18. Write down any questions you have or what stands out to you. Want our recommendations for additional Bible Study Resources? Go here.

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Welcome to the Tell Me More podcast hosted by Jessica Mckenney, Lydia Florence, and Sarah Hopkins! This is a place where three women in different seasons of life explore what it looks like to follow Jesus in today's world. Join us as we navigate the beauty and complexity of the Christian life through authentic, relatable, and fun conversations! As you listen to Tell Me More, you'll not only get to know our hosts better but also catch a glimpse of the way we live out our faith. We firmly believe that faith doesn't have to be rigid, and conversations about it should be anything but! That's why we're here to share our laughter, our tears, and our experiences as Christian women. Our podcast will explore topics that matter to you—from deepening your relationship with God to navigating the intricacies of family, career, and self-discovery through the lens of faith. So whether you're in your teens, your prime, or gracefully navigating your golden years, Tell Me More is here to remind you that you're not alone, and we're in this together. Subscribe to our podcast and get ready to dive into meaningful conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and help you grow in your faith! Thank you for choosing to be a part of our community, and we can't wait to share this incredible journey with you.








