TfP 006. Starting your own firm and growing the right client base

Transforming: Tales of Business Evolution

Starting your own firm can be tough, but finding the right clients makes all the difference. In this episode, Yuri Kapilovich, CPA, a managing partner of Kapilovich & Associates shares his ideas about the importance of choosing quality clients and building strong relationships, rather than just focusing on quantity,

He also discusses how to balance work, family and personal goals. If you’re thinking about starting your own firm, this episode has helpful tips to guide you.

For more information on starting your own firm, explore the Starting Your CPA Practice - Planning Checklist.

To find out more about transforming your business model, explore our business model transformation resources at You'll also see a link there to all of our previous podcast episodes.

This is a podcast from AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. To enjoy more conversations from our global community of accounting and finance professionals, explore our network of free shows here. Your feedback and comments welcomed at

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