That Real Estate Tech Guy

Jordan Samuel Fleming
That Real Estate Tech Guy

Welcome to the only weekly podcast dedicated to the Real Estate Investing Tech Stack, hosted by Jordan Samuel Fleming. Jordan has been heavily involved in building technology tools for Real Estate Investors for over a decade, and is the Co-Founder and CEO of smrtPhone, and all-in-one cloud phone system and power dialer. If you're serious about scaling up your Real Estate Investing business then this weekly podcast is for you! You'll learn from the best as each week Jordan speaks with individual investors who have leveraged technology to scale their businesses, as well as technology companies who build the tools you use on a daily basis. That Real Estate Tech Guy brings together expert insights, advice and the latest technology tips for any investor looking to build their Real Estate Investing business.

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2개의 평가


Welcome to the only weekly podcast dedicated to the Real Estate Investing Tech Stack, hosted by Jordan Samuel Fleming. Jordan has been heavily involved in building technology tools for Real Estate Investors for over a decade, and is the Co-Founder and CEO of smrtPhone, and all-in-one cloud phone system and power dialer. If you're serious about scaling up your Real Estate Investing business then this weekly podcast is for you! You'll learn from the best as each week Jordan speaks with individual investors who have leveraged technology to scale their businesses, as well as technology companies who build the tools you use on a daily basis. That Real Estate Tech Guy brings together expert insights, advice and the latest technology tips for any investor looking to build their Real Estate Investing business.

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