1 hr 10 min

Well-Sexed Friends: Building Strong, Pleasure-filled, Female Friendships with Taylor Lou Dixon & Adee Cazayoux That Sex Chick

    • Sexuality

Alexa is joined by her two best friends, Taylor Lou Dixon and Adee Cazayoux, to share their friendship journey and how they cultivate and maintain deep, meaningful friendships. The ladies unpack their past struggles with female friendships and how those experiences have allowed them to forge deep, all-in, truly fulfilling connections. They also explore how female friendship impacts their romantic partnerships and leads to better sex lives.

Alexa is joined by her two best friends, Taylor Lou Dixon and Adee Cazayoux, to share their friendship journey and how they cultivate and maintain deep, meaningful friendships. The ladies unpack their past struggles with female friendships and how those experiences have allowed them to forge deep, all-in, truly fulfilling connections. They also explore how female friendship impacts their romantic partnerships and leads to better sex lives.

1 hr 10 min

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