45 episodes

That's My JAMstack! is an interview podcast outlining various developers' methods of utilizing the JAMstack

That's my JAMstack Bryan Robinson

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    • 5.0 • 8 Ratings

That's My JAMstack! is an interview podcast outlining various developers' methods of utilizing the JAMstack

    Facundo Giuliani on end-user experiences, NextJS, and Storyblok

    Facundo Giuliani on end-user experiences, NextJS, and Storyblok

    Quick show notes

    Our Guest: Facundo Giuliani (Twitter)
    What he'd like for you to see:
    His musical Jam: The Meters

    Bryan Robinson 0:15
    Welcome back to yet another episode of That's My Jamstack, the podcast where we ask the ever important question, what is your jam in the Jamstack? I'm your host, Bryan Robinson. And this week we had the amazing Facundo Giuliani. Facundo do is a developer relations engineer at story block, and an avid presenter and author about all things Jamstack.

    Bryan Robinson 0:46
    All right, Facundo. Well, thank you so much for joining us on the show today.

    Facundo Giuliani 0:49
    Thank you. Thank you very much for the invitation and the opportunity. Awesome. So

    Bryan Robinson 0:53
    tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do for work? And what do you do for fun?

    Facundo Giuliani 0:57
    Cool. So Well, I started working as a developer when I was 18. While I was studying at college, because I finished high school on on a school that had a career that was like programming oriented, let's say so I, I learned how to program during the high school, I started to work with all programming languages that people don't know what they are about, like Visual Basic six, or those things that are like, I mean, I talk to people that this 20 years old, and they look at me, like what are you talking about? Right.

    Bryan Robinson 1:38
    But luckily, I at least dabbled in those super early on. So I'm with you. That's fine.

    Facundo Giuliani 1:43
    Okay, okay. So, um, yeah, I mean, I started working with Visual Basic seats. After that, while I was studying, I was also working as a developer, it was like, almost 1414 years, probably that I worked as a developer. And during the last couple of years, after working on on different companies on different positions, but all of them mainly related to the development, like, full stack back and, and etc. I started to, to be more involved with the community started to generate content to share starting to talk to other people and and meet other people. And I really enjoyed doing doing that. I did that during my free time. During these last couple of years, like after work, I started to generate content, engage with the community, like being involved in a Ambassadors Program in in different organizations and companies. And this opening a new door for me, because I started to learn about developer relations, developer advocacy, developer experience, some terms that probably I've read in the past, but I didn't know what they were about. And, and I started to get interested on that, like I, I mean, I felt like I was enjoying more the fact of generating content, or sharing content with the community, or communicating with the community, I really like to talk to other people. And I enjoy talking. And I felt like I was enjoying more doing that, instead of doing my daily job of developer, let's say, I mean, it's not that I don't like to, to develop, but I was enjoying more generating content, sharing content with the community engaging with other people. And well, I took like this, I made a decision, I started to read about developer relations and etc. I saw this opportunity on serverless, that they were looking for a developer relations engineer, I applied for the, for the job, and I was selected. I mean, I had a portfolio because in the past, I presented some talks, or events or conferences, I had some articles that I wrote before applying for the for the job, working with different technologies, and etc. So that was my, my presentation letter, let's say, and well, I had the chance to apply and to be and to be accepted for the position, let's say. And since June, I'm working as a developer relations engineer at serverless, my first developer relations position and experience, and I'm really enjoying it. So that's a little bit about me.

    Bryan Robinson 4:38
    Sure, yeah. So So you're a developer relations engineer at storyblocks. So you're doing all that kind of cont

    • 28 min
    REMIX! Tamas Piros on islands architecture, Astro and media usage

    REMIX! Tamas Piros on islands architecture, Astro and media usage

    Bryan Robinson 0:13
    Hello, everyone, welcome to another stacked episode of That's My Jamstack. The podcast where we ask that best-of-all question, what's your jam in the Jamstack. I'm your host, Bryan Robinson . And this week, we've got another. That's My Jamstack REMIX.

    Bryan Robinson 0:32
    We welcome back to the show Tamas Piros. Tamas Piro is a developer experience engineer at Cloudinary, and the founder and educator at Jamstack.training. Let's go ahead and dive in.

    Bryan Robinson 0:54
    All right, well, Tamas. Thanks so much for coming on the show again, how are you doing today? I'm doing well. Thank you very much for for having me. It's good to be back. Yeah, as I say so. So this is another one of our remix episodes where we're having a guest that was previously on two seasons ago, two years ago, almost to the day on this recording. We talked in 2019. Now, this will probably come out in January, and it's December right now, but it's almost two years. So I guess give us give us an update. What are you doing nowadays for work and for fun, and all that good stuff.

    Tamas Piros 1:26
    Okay, so work didn't change that much. So if people listen to that episode, or people know who I am, then I still work at Cloudinary. The only thing that changed is that I am no longer a developer evangelist, but I am now a developer experience engineer, which is more, you know, esoteric, so to speak. It's a it's a fancy term describing pretty much the same stuff, in my opinion. But I like that now. I'm, I'm recognized as an engineer, which I am, as opposed to just, you know, someone thought that I was a priest, because I'm an eventually.

    Bryan Robinson 1:58
    So evangelist was always a weird title in general.

    Tamas Piros 2:01
    Yeah. Yeah. And and yeah, so it's just more described what I do. But yeah, in terms of that, you know, no, no real, real changes.

    Tamas Piros 2:09
    What I do for fun, I still do, you know, Jamstack, I see lots of stuff for Jamstack, I started to sort of look into what I label emerging technologies, which is, you know, not necessarily relevant to the Jamstack, you know, kind of things like rust or WebAssembly, that kind of stuff. In fact, I've done a lot of talks on web assembly in the past, you know, two years. And it's, it seems to be a very popular topic. But that's, you know, that's not related to jumps. So let's talk about that. Now.

    Bryan Robinson 2:37
    I feel like there's a lot of those emerging technologies play a role in the Jamstack. But it's not actually what a Jamstack person is going to be worrying about. It's just it's happening on the backend, like some of the systems get built in Rust for speed and some other stuff and WebAssembly, maybe one day, because like, that'll can compile down to JavaScript in the end, right.

    Tamas Piros 2:56
    Yeah, I mean, you know, WebAssembly, is what I like to say. And this was the title of my talk as well, which is supercharge your JavaScript into web assembly, right? So JavaScript has API's very similar to you know, you have a Fetch API, you have all these these browser API's. And so there's an API specifically for web assembly. And then you can just have a C++ project or projecting rust compiler down to WebAssembly. And then just to consume it using JavaScript within your browser. And in all these modern, all the modern browsers that are out there today can not only compile and work with JavaScript, but they can also do the same with WebAssembly. Right. So you get this built into every browser that that's out there today, which is pretty cool.

    Bryan Robinson 3:40
    Yeah. And so, so Cloudinary, so Cloudinary. And if I remember correctly, two years ago, you had just started a side project called Jamstack.training, right? How's that been going?

    Tamas Piros 3:50
    That's, that's, that's right. So yeah, I think when we first thought I had one course on there, which was a very generic sort of introduction to the Jamstack. You know, no tech involved, just just me explaining

    • 28 min
    Raymond Camden (REMIX) on the amazing expansion of the Jamstack ecosystem and how far we've come

    Raymond Camden (REMIX) on the amazing expansion of the Jamstack ecosystem and how far we've come

    Quick show notes

    Our Guest: Raymond Camden
    What he'd like for you to see: His New Jamstack book with Brian Rinaldi
    His musical Jam: Pink Martini

    Bryan Robinson 0:14
    Welcome, everyone to another episode of That's My Jamstack the podcast where we ask that amazingly complex question. What's your jam and the Jamstack? This week, we've got another That's My Jamstack REMIX! Going all the way back to season one, episode two, we're catching up with the amazingly prolific Jamstack author Raymond Camden. Raymond is a senior DevRel at Adobe, a Star Wars nerd, and a web and serverless hacker.

    Bryan Robinson 0:55
    Hey, Raymond, thanks for joining us today on the podcast.

    Raymond Camden 0:57
    Thank you so much for having me.

    Bryan Robinson 0:59
    All right. So for longtime listeners of the show, I mean, like the longest time listeners of the show, they might recognize that Raymond has been on before, but it was legitimately two years ago, more than two years ago, and it was the second episode. And I think we're both older and wiser since then. And there might be folks that haven't listened to the entire archive of That's My Jamstack. So why don't you give everyone a refresher on who you are, what you do for work and what you do for fun?

    Raymond Camden 1:26
    Absolutely. So yeah, first off, I'm definitely older. I'm not quite sure about Weiser. Give me 30 or 40 more years from that. So hi, everyone. I am Raymond Camden. I'm actually not sure what company I was at two years ago, probably two or three different ones.

    Bryan Robinson 1:45
    You weren't allowed to say is actually what you had yet people go to your LinkedIn.

    Raymond Camden 1:49
    yeah. That was American Express. They were antsy about, you can't see where you work. Yeah, I was American Express. And I'm not there anymore. So yes, I am currently at Adobe, I am a developer evangelist, I am working on the document services team. So we have API's that work in PDS. So like a concrete example of that is you let people upload PDFs and you want a consistent way to render it in the browser. And we have a free tool for that. You want to do some stuff on the server side. So you want to like OCR to PDF, or maybe cut it in half, or add something to finance, slice and dice PDFs, basically. So we have sort of API's that work with PDF, but that work with PDFs, and we have a PDF viewer for the web as well. And that's the team that I'm on. That's what I do for work. And it's got to find as well. But for fun. I am a big video game player, so as my wife so. And even better. She's a big PC Gamer, so she'll game on her laptop while I take away the TV from my console. So again, like that works

    Bryan Robinson 3:00
    Best of both worlds. What? What games are you playing right now?

    Raymond Camden 3:06
    When I'm not playing with my friends, every Friday night, we call it bowling league, we hang out and play Call of Duty. We just switched to Vanguard. But outside of that, and when I'm by playing solo, I currently am playing Far Cry six, which is pretty cool. I pretty much like only do multiplayer stuff on Friday nights. Because when you have kids, it's hard to do anything multiplayer, because there's no pause that all

    Bryan Robinson 3:35
    that pause button is so important with kids.

    Raymond Camden 3:37
    Oh, yeah.

    Bryan Robinson 3:38
    Yeah. So cool. So you're doing some cool PDF stuff with with Adobe. But you're also probably one of the more prolific writers in at least in the Jamstack space, but like you do quite a bit of writing too, right?

    Raymond Camden 3:52
    I do too much writing. been blogging since 2003 or so. And I try to blog about once a week. I did a lot more in the early days. But I also started before Twitter, you know, and so Twitter as bad as it is, you know, Twitter's great for short things like, Hey, you wrote a cool article, here's the link. And the old days, you know, there wasn't that. So on my blog, I would just quickly share stuff like that. So I look at my stat

    Salma Alam-Naylor on shipping, learning, and rendering in the Jamstack

    Salma Alam-Naylor on shipping, learning, and rendering in the Jamstack

    Our Guest: Salma Alam-Naylor
    What she'd like for you to see: Unbreak.tech
    Her JAMstack Jams: All the amazing rendering options!
    Her musical Jam: Move On by Emily Vaughn Grant (pay special attention at 1:47 in the track for the double tracked bass!)

    Bryan Robinson 0:14
    Hello Hello everyone. Welcome to another JAM PACKED Jamstack episode. This is That's My Jamstack the podcast where we ask the best question since sliced bread. What is your jam in the Jamstack? I'm your host Brian Robinson and this week, we have a very special guest. I'm pleased to introduce the winner of the Jamstack community creator award from Jamstack Conf 2021 Salma Alam-Naylor. Salma helps developers build stuff, learn things and love what they do. She does that via her Twitch streams, YouTube channel and blog. One quick update for the episode, we recorded this prior to Salma joining the Netlify team. So while we mentioned Contentful, in various parts of the episode, Sam is now on the DX team at Netlify.

    Bryan Robinson 1:04
    Alright, Salma, well, thanks for joining us on the show today.

    Salma Alam-Naylor 1:06
    Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

    Bryan Robinson 1:08
    Awesome. So tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do for work? What do you do for fun,

    Salma Alam-Naylor 1:13
    I am currently a developer advocate for Contentful. I've also got like kind of other stuff that you do. So you might know me on the internet as white Panther. And I help developers build stuff, learn things and love what they do. I write educational blog posts about web development. I do a lot of live streaming on Twitch, I make YouTube content. And I'm an all round Jamstack enthusiast To be honest, for fun, I mean, I kind of do that for fun as well. But if you want to know about non web dev stuff, I actually love interior design. And I'm moving in the next like two months. So hopefully, when people hear this, they would have actually finally moved house. So I can't wait to get my hand stuck in to that little project. I also like to play cerebral puzzle games with my husband on on a computer, most recently, a game called Super liminal, which is all about like perspective and maths and stuff. It's very good.

    Bryan Robinson 2:19
    I'm gonna jump in real fast. I have a six year old and we were playing super limited together. Nothing about it. I was like, this is super fun. And like we were having good time. He that was really cool. And then it gets creepy. I didn't expect they get super creepy. And he's like, I don't want to play this game anymore. Daddy. We never have to play it again. You're fine.

    Salma Alam-Naylor 2:38
    Yeah, it was a good game. It's a good game. I remember this one bit that when you get on like a roof, and there's the moon. And we were like on the roof thinking this you have to we have to get above the roof because of the weird glitch thing when you turn the light on and off. But it wasn't it was an Easter egg. It wasn't a thing. It was fun. And I'm also, you know, my background is in music. I did a music degree. I was a music teacher. I was a musician. So I still try to play music for fun with my family. And I do want to get back into making music. Actually, I missed that a lot. But so when I move into my new house, I'll have a proper studio purposely for the music. So I think I'm looking forward to that a lot.

    Bryan Robinson 3:21
    That's amazing. So what's your instrument of choice or musical talent of choice, I suppose.

    Salma Alam-Naylor 3:27
    So when I was growing up, and when I was a teacher, my main instruments were piano and flute, but and singing, but I also taught kids how to play in rock bands for a few years. So I was a bass player. I don't really do much bass now. And I did some guitar and played some drums and stuff. But making music now I really like making electronic music mainly. I was also a musical comedian for a few years. Interesting. touring the UK, singing weirdly satirical British political song

    • 27 min
    Sean C. Davis on the Jamstack philosophy, NextJS, and more

    Sean C. Davis on the Jamstack philosophy, NextJS, and more

    Bryan Robinson 0:14
    Hello, and welcome back to season three of That's My Jamstack. It's amazing that we've been going this long. I know it's been quite a bit since our last episode, but to jog your memories, That's My Jamstack is the podcast asks that time honored and tested question. What is your jam in the Jamstack? I'm your host, Bryan Robinson and we've got a lot of great guests lined up for this season. So without further ado, let's dive in. On today's episode, we talk with Sean C. Davis. Sean is a passionate tinkerer and teacher. He's currently working as a developer experience engineer at stack bit.

    Bryan Robinson 1:04
    All right, Shawn. Well, thanks so much for coming on the show and talking with us today.

    Sean C. Davis 1:07
    Thanks for having me, Brian. Excited to be here.

    Bryan Robinson 1:09
    Awesome. So first and foremost, tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do for work? And what do you do for fun outside of work

    Sean C. Davis 1:15
    For for work, I am currently the developer experience engineer for stack bit. I've been in the web development space for about a decade or so the first nine years, were all in agency space building agency freelancing, building websites for folks. And just this last year, took a shift into the product space and spending some time with stack bid. And that's that's been so that's super exciting. That's what I've been doing every day. And I'm sure we'll we'll dig into that a bit. For fun on the side. Well, I feel like I'm the I'm the classic developer in the sense that there's always some, there's always some technical thing that's happening on the side. Right now that thing is, it's it's my personal site I've had, I've had a couple of different blogs that I've maintained over the years. And within the last two years or so I've been trying to focus that content, bringing it all into my personal site. But right now, it's still kind of just like a, it's just a, it's a blog, most of most folks who come there, Googled some problem, they get the solution, and it serves those folks really well. But I'm in this transition of trying to make it more of a learning hub. So that's, it's kind of a side project now. But that's but it's still like it's fun, but it's still I don't know, it's where it could still be in a developer. I'm so like, the the other part of me, I've got two little kids at home and like a lot of folks when the pandemic hits kind of focused a lot of energy and attention into the home. So it's various projects around the house or like like many people I am part of the reason you couldn't find flour at the grocery store because I got really into baking for a while and still doing that a little bit to some like some gardening kind of just fun fun stuff around the house.

    Bryan Robinson 3:06
    In your in your baking exploits. Are we talking like bread, baking, pastry baking, but what kind of baking

    Sean C. Davis 3:13
    where I spend most of my time and still doing a little bit today is the classic sourdough loaf. So mostly bread, mostly bread, at least I'm better at the bread. I've done a bit of the Sweet Treats and trying to learn a little bit about the decorating but it's just the presentation isn't my strong suit. So the flavor might be there. I've got a ways to go in the inner desert department.

    Bryan Robinson 3:37
    Yeah, I've got I've got my own sourdough starter and all that. So I definitely feel I actually, I like a time I can be a hipster about something. And so when my son was born, actually so that was six years ago now. So pre pandemic, my wife my birthday that year, two months after he was born he got me a sourdough starter from King Arthur baking and amazing. I lapsed right because obviously like infant and all that and I baked for a little bit but yeah, then started back up during the pandemic as well. Because who, who doesn't want to do that? We're gonna do Yeah, exactly. You got something to focus on. Anyway, I actually love your site. I'm sure that

    Miguel Arias on form handling and lowering the learning curve

    Miguel Arias on form handling and lowering the learning curve

    Quick show notes

    Our Guest: Miguel Arias
    What he'd like for you to see: Kwes Forms
    His JAMstack Jams: Lowering the learning curve, Kwes, and AlpineJS
    His Musical Jams: Drake | Classical (and coding to rainfall)

    Bryan Robinson 0:14
    Hello, everyone, welcome to another episode of That's My Jamstack, the podcast where we ask that simple Kwesion, what's your jam in the jam stack. I'm your host, Bryan Robinson. And this week we have Miguel arias on the show. Miguel is the co founder of Kwes forms. Hi, Miguel, thanks for being on the podcast with us today.

    Miguel Arias 0:42
    Thank you for having me, man. It's a pleasure. Awesome. So

    Bryan Robinson 0:44
    tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do for work? What do you do for fun, that sort of thing.

    Miguel Arias 0:49
    Okay, a little bit about myself. I'm the co founder of Kwes forms, it's a, it's a form service ideal for like the Jamstack community. I like to think of us as like the next evolution of what form service should be. Before we were around, there were a lot of over called, like endpoint services, to kind of handle your, like your submission, storing and whatnot. And then we kind of felt like there was a big gap in the market where, you know, like, it kind of took care of that. But then you had to go on your own and figure out validation and components, like date pickers, multi step, things of that nature. So we kind of felt like it was a perfect opportunity to kind of get in there and that space and put out a product that that we would love to use, you know, and that we felt like maybe other people in that space would like to use as well. So what I do for fun, you know, COVID is kind of killed a lot of it, but when I, what I normally do for fun is play basketball. The weird thing about it, though, is that I actually like to practice more than actually play. Sure, I think it comes with like my perfectionistic nature, I just, I just have this thing that I like to train and just and my wife is the same exact way. So I'm glad that we found each other because we didn't go to the parks when it's empty. And just like practice all day. It's like the weirdest thing, but that's what we like to do. You know,

    Bryan Robinson 2:09
    I can totally get that, like, as soon as you as soon as you introduce other humans into it, then like there's so many ways that like imperfections happen because of that. Some people find beauty in that and then it's like, but no, if you really want to, like compete against yourself, like doing it on your own just makes so much sense.

    Miguel Arias 2:26
    Are you like sports guy, he like we like playing basketball?

    Bryan Robinson 2:30
    I am I am not particularly athletic. I do have sports. Basketball is is up there. I am very when you introduce other human beings, I am very bad when it's just me shooting and like, you know, kind of running around. It's okay. Like I could I can play horse decently. But you get somebody in my face and I fall apart.

    Miguel Arias 2:50
    Yeah, you know, I kind of find it like it's like therapeutic in a way just to kind of compete against yourself. It's cool. It's a good way to kind of exercise patience and stuff. I really like it.

    Bryan Robinson 3:00
    Yeah, it's like, it's like, Alright, you know, you know, free throws, right. And like, it's really funny. My, my mother is actually a huge like NBA fan. And like when she's rooting for her team, she gets so frustrated at the players missing free throws.

    Miguel Arias 3:11

    Bryan Robinson 3:12
    Don't you practice that enough? Like, can't you just make that shot? It's like, Well, yeah, except for when all the variants happen. And you know, you will miss every once in a while. But yeah, you get to kind of practice that. And you get to like, find your form. And I think there's a lot of a lot of cool things that happen in that space.

    Miguel Arias 3:30
    For sure. Yeah. Cool.

    Bryan Robinson 3:31
    So let's talk about the Jamstack a little bit. And I'm

    • 23 min

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So far every episode has been gold. Great interviews with not only interesting information but every time I come away with some new knowledge and something to go learn more about.

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