the 135 PLAYLIST

The WesWes Network
the 135 PLAYLIST

From the WesWes Network Linda, Cyn and Pani bring you the 135 PLAYLIST podcast where each episode the ladies and their guests try build the ultimate playlist on the 135 Bus. They will review songs from the past covering everything in the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s across a wide range of genres from a Polynesian Perspective. Hear the conversation about the chosen songs background, recording artist, production, lyrics, feels and much more...


From the WesWes Network Linda, Cyn and Pani bring you the 135 PLAYLIST podcast where each episode the ladies and their guests try build the ultimate playlist on the 135 Bus. They will review songs from the past covering everything in the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s across a wide range of genres from a Polynesian Perspective. Hear the conversation about the chosen songs background, recording artist, production, lyrics, feels and much more...

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