The 26s_Ink Podcast. Episode 1. Tôi đã hiểu gì về chính mình?

The 26s_Ink Podcast

Xin chào các bạn, đây là tập podcast đầu tiên của mình để nói về quá trình mình quay về với bản thân để chữa lành. Mình vẫn đang trên hành trình này nhưng mong những chia sẻ chân thật theo từng thời điểm có thể tạo cảm hứng đó cho các bạn để chúng ta đồng hành cùng nhau trên hành trình riêng của mỗi người.

ENGSUB: Episode 1: Introduction: What do I understand about myself?Hello everyone, thank you for listening to my podcast channel The 26s_Ink.This is the first episode, so I would like to introduce myself. In this episode, I will discuss what I actually understand about myself.I was born the eldest child in a family of four siblings. My paternal family has a tradition of patriotism. My grandfather participated in the resistance war against France and the US. According to my father, my grandfather joined when he was 16 or 17 years old. At that time, he was active in secret and was warned many times, but he was determined to join, so he moved to a new place to participate. My grandmother cooked for the soldiers. My grandmother was very kind. I still remember when I was young; my grandmother often gave rice to those who asked for it, even though there were times when the family did not have enough rice to eat. When I was little, my grandmother often told me to bring one of the older women a can of rice. So I got used to this feeling and felt that giving would make me happy; I was only 6 or 7 years old at that time. My father joined the army even though he was the youngest son. At that time, the youngest son would not have to join the army, but my father still volunteered to join. My father is like my grandfather; he loves his homeland and country and likes discipline, the army, and serving the nation. On my paternal side, I learned about resilience and indomitability. On my maternal side, I learned about love and solidarity because my maternal grandparents and, aunts and uncles greatly loved each other. I felt lucky to learn good things about both my paternal and maternal families.My passion for music was inspired by my grandfather. My grandfather taught me to sing from a very young age. He would play the guitar. My grandmother taught me to sing revolutionary songs like "With Uncle Ho in Me, rejoicing in the Great Victory", "Who Loves Uncle Ho Chi Minh Like a Young Child," etc. So, I had a natural inclination to love music. As I shared above, I first understood that I love music and like giving or the feeling of giving, having knowledge, giving kind words, and loving anything related to resilience and indomitability. However, I still feel like I am very selfish; I don't know why, but before the age of 27, I always felt selfish. My ego was still high. But I forgive myself, I gradually changed my selfish version. [Full Eng sub at : ] My psychology gradually became more stable, and I began to understand what I needed to do. I am thankful for all the life challenges and obstacles because I would not know what I needed to improve to become a better version of myself without them. Without that, I would not know who I am and what I need to do in this life. This was also the motivation for the birth of my channel, The 26s_Ink. First of all, I hope that the channel is a place where I can freely express my feelings. I hope that one day, my honest sharing can contribute a small part to your life or that you consider my channel a companion on your path and journey.I would like to end episode 1 here. I will see you in episode 2. I wish you all a happy and peaceful day.

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