The 4 Pillars of Success for BIPOC Entrepreneurs

Transcend the Podcast

Does this sound familiar? You're a BIPOC entrepreneur striving for success, but the traditional definition of success feels out of alignment. Perhaps you've been told that working harder and sacrificing everything will lead to your desired outcome, but instead, you're left feeling drained, unfulfilled, and questioning if it's all worth it. It's time to break free from exhaustion and explore the four pillars of success that will cultivate a sense of fulfillment and well-being in your life and business.

In this episode, you will:

  • Learn the four pillars of success and what they could look like in your life
  • Redefine what success looks like for you, especially if you're a BIPOC entrepreneur.
  • Gain insights on how self-awareness can help you identify what's missing
  • Match your decisions, time, and money to the values you live by

"Success feels like keeping my promises to myself - doing the things I say I'm going to do, honoring my boundaries, and taking the actions that align with my values." - Asha Wilkerson

Start redefining success for yourself with the Re-Alignment Roadmap course (formerly the Money-Making Roadmap). CLICK here to learn more.

1:1 Coaching spots with me will open again in September. Be the first to know by joining the waitlist!

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:03 - Introduction,

Asha Wilkerson introduces herself as a business coach helping service-based entrepreneurs align their business goals with their personal goals. She discusses the topic of defining success as a person of color, especially in the context of traditional metrics like money and status.

00:02:17 - Feeling Unfulfilled,

Asha shares her personal experience and conversations with friends who, despite following the traditional path of education and career, felt unfulfilled and unsuccessful. She discusses the pressure to achieve certain milestones like buying property and saving for retirement.

00:04:42 - Pillar 1: Keeping Promises to Yourself,

Asha introduces the first pillar of success: keeping promises to oneself. She emphasizes the importance of honoring boundaries, taking care of oneself, and following through on commitments. She encourages listeners to prioritize their own needs and desires.

00:08:58 - Pillar 2: Doing the Emotional Work,

The second pillar of success is doing the emotional work. Asha explains that material possessions and achievements are not enough if one feels discontent or insecure internally. She emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-soothing, and emotional stability.

00:10:05 - The Importance of Feeling,

Asha discusses the reasons why doing emotional work is crucial. She explains that what we truly seek is a sense of safety, completeness, and worthiness, and material things are often sought as a means to achieve these feelings. She emphasizes the need to feel how we want to feel.

00:14:30 - Pillar 3: Spending Time Well

Time is the most valuable commodity, and having control over how you spend it is a key aspect of feeling successful.

00:17:44 - Pillar 4: Spending in line with your values

Aligning your spending with your values is crucial for feeling successful, as it allows you to prioritize the things that bring you joy and fulfillment rather than following societal norms.

00:22:44 - Marie's Story,

Marie has checked off all the boxes of success but still feels unhappy. Asha would ask Marie four questions related to the four pillars of success to help her find fulfillment and redefine success on her own terms.

00:27:52 - Redefining Success,

If we relate to stories of others who have struggled with their money values, it's time to redefine what success means for us. Asha offers help in








