Gnostic Insights

Cyd Ropp, Ph.D.
Gnostic Insights

Here you will find podcasts that explain gnosis, as simply as humanly possible. What is gnosis? Gnosis is knowing. Gnosis is not faith, or studying, or imagining. Gnosis is remembering. Remembering who you are, why you are here, what your mission on earth is, and where you will go when you die. Gnosis involves remembering the origin of consciousness and creation. The who, what, when, where, and why of everything.

  1. 28/01/2023

    The Second Pleroma of Logos

    Welcome back to Gnostic Insights. I mentioned on the audio of this podcast that I would post the link to my new interview with Tessa Lena on her substack podcast, Tessa Fights Robots. Hers is a video podcast, so you can watch as well as listen if you would like. Unusual Podcast Episode: A Conversation with Cyd Ropp ( Now on with this week's Gnostic Insights podcast. As you know, I am repeating the Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel episodes that we completed in November of 2022. You can find all 21 episodes of that series at under the Tab labeled A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospels. We're in the process of reviewing that gnosis to give you an opportunity to understand it better this time around. I am also working now on the book version that will be published soon. For new listeners, if you are joining us for the first time you may want to back up 7 episodes to the beginning of this review cycle, or go to that tab I mentioned on the Gnostic Insights website to catch up. The restored pleroma of Logos and the Hierarchy of the Fullness conceive a new fruit called 2nd Order Powers “After he was amazed at the beauty of the ones who had appeared to him, he professed gratitude for this visitation. The Logos performed this activity, through those from whom he had received aid, for the stability of those who had come into being because of him and so that they might receive something good, since he thought to pray for the organization of all those who came forth from him, which is stabilized, so that it might make them established. Therefore, those whom he intentionally produced are in chariots, just as those who came into being, those who have appeared, so that they might pass through every place of things which are below, so that each one might be given the place which is constituted as he is.” This word “chariots” is interesting and often talked about. People wonder who and what came in chariots and what their mission was. This verse says that the Second Order Powers that Logos intentionally produced were sent down in chariots “so that they might pass through every place of things which are below, so that each one might be given the place which is constituted as he is.” Chariots means vessels, which people sometimes interpret as space ships, for example, which would mean that the Second Order Power are ETs. That would be an example of a modern mythological interpretation currently making the rounds. My interpretation of chariots is not mythological, but biological. Every living creature is composed of cells. These cells are contained within their own boundaries called cell walls. I believe the most straight-forward interpretation of the chariots of the Second Order Powers is that the chariots are their own, individual boundaries that contain them and hold the life within: cell walls. Every living organism on the planet begins with a cellular mechanism contained within a vessel wrapped in a cell wall. Cells are small and additive. They fulfill what the verse says: they “pass through every place of things which are below, so that each one might be given the place which is constituted as he is.” In other words, every organism builds itself up through cells that develop into a creature “constituted as he is.” The newly produced offspring of the Logos were patterned after the original Aeons of the Fullness; they are fractals of Aeons and fractal iterations of Logos. The First Order of Powers were the original Aeons of the Fullness. The Second Order of Powers is the fruit of Logos when he remembered his brothers in the Fullness and the Father. Because Logos was within the Boundary as he remembered,

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  2. 04/02/2023

    Lust for Domination

    In the previous episode, we heard how the fallen Aeon named  Logos unexpectedly found himself in a new dimension referred to as the deficiency or the imitation. This dimension resembles the dreams of the Aeons of the Fullness, but in a knock-off type of inferior form. The imitation is all shadows and mirrors without truth or life. Logos was horrified by what had emerged from him as shadows and phantoms of his glorious Pleroma. The manifestation of our universal space and the apparent matter contained within it was caused by the movement of Logos–the Fall. It was the shadows of the Pleroma of Logos that emerged to form this universe. When Logos stopped trying to bully the shadows away, he turned from the presumptuous, egoic thought that had caused it all and began to remember his Self and the Father and his brothers in the Fullness. This remembrance allowed Logos to return home. Logos and the Fullness began to produce a new offspring designed to “upset those who were in the defect.” This fruit is called the Second Order of Powers and it differed from both the original Aeons of the Fullness and the shadows of the deficiency. Whereas those of the deficiency arose from the egoic thought that led Logos to overreach and fall, “those of the remembrance” arose from Logos having the good thought of the Father and the Fullness. Those of the deficiency represent phantoms and confusion, whereas the new fruit, the Second Order Powers, are filled with the Holy Spirit that confers the consciousness and life of the Father. The shadows of the deficiency that emerged from the Fall are small, dead, and ignorant of what came before. The Second Order Powers are emanations of the restored Logos, fitted into the Boundary. They come one by one to populate the cosmos with life. We Second Order Powers come from the Fullness above. Logos emanated us with all of the inherent virtues of the Fullness that arise from “harmony and mutual love.” We have a pre-disposition to seek and pray to the Father and we are born with a thought and idea of the One Consciousness of which we are all a part.  We are designed to work together in “unity and unanimity,” which mirrors the Simple Golden Rule.  And now a strange and tragic thing occurred. It turns out that when those of the remembrance came upon those of the imitation, they attempted to overthrow them out of an inherent sense of self-righteousness because, after all, the Second Order Powers are from “the good thought,” and the deficiency is not. The tragedy of what occurred next in this unfolding gnostic cosmogeny still affects us today, for no sooner did the Second Order of Powers begin manifesting on the material stage, they found themselves in mortal combat with the shadows of the imitation. The Tripartite Tractate says that the Second Order Powers “fought against the order of those of the likeness, while the order of those of the likeness wages war against the representations and acts against it alone, because of its wrath.” “The two orders assaulted one another, fighting for command because of their manner of being. As a result, they were submerged in forces and natures in accord with the condition of mutual assault, having lust for power and all other things of this sort. It is from these that the vain love of glory draws all of them to the desire of the lust for power, while none of them has the exalted thought nor acknowledges it…” We Second Order Powers continually battle the archons of the Fall. We are a mixed creation of life from above and death from below.

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  3. 11/02/2023

    Pleroma of the Christ–3rd Order Powers

    The complete transcript of these episodes is available for reading under the tab "A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel" at, if you prefer reading to listening. We Second Order Powers have a dim remembrance of the Father and the Fullness above. As the fruit of Logos and the Fullness, our Self's orientation is always slightly upward and onward, even though we may continually fall back to egoic behavior. But, when push comes to shove, we Second Order Powers eventually look to the Father for help out of our suffering, as did Logos when he sought to escape the deficiency and return to the Fullness above. “Then from the harmony, in a joyous willingness which had come into being, they brought forth the fruit, which was a begetting from the harmony, a unity, a possession of the Totalities, revealing the countenance of the Father, of whom the aeons thought as they gave glory and prayed for help for their brother with a wish in which the Father counted himself with them. Thus, it was willingly and gladly that they bring forth the fruit.” The Third Order Powers constitute the pleroma of the Christ The Gnostic Gospel calls this new fruit the Christ. The Pleroma of the Christ is the Third Order of Powers, endowed with more capabilities than the First and Second Orders, because the Christ embodies the entirety of the ALL and the particularity of the consciousness of each of the individual Aeons of the Fullness, along with the full power of the Holy Spirit and the Son’s entire knowledge and remembrance of the ethereal and physical planes. This Third Order of Powers is fully equipped to bring remembrance and redemption to the Second Order Powers living in this fallen world and to the Demiurge. The emanation of the Christ brings all of the knowledge, power, and glory of the God Above All Gods through its Son and the Totalities into creation. The Christ is now in the process of bringing this gnosis to all Second Order Powers. There is a Third Order Power for each and every Second Order Power, and a Second Order Power for each and every shadow of the Fall. All we need to do is allow the Third Order Powers to take up residence within our individuated Pleromas. In this manner, the gnosis and love of the Christ will displace the shadows and bring redemption to us and through us. This is the true mission of Christianity. The cross of the Christ bridges above and below, and right and left.

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  4. 18/02/2023

    The Aeons of Salvation

    The Father … “made manifest the agreement of the revelation of his union with them, which is his beloved Son. … the one who is properly called “Savior” and “the Redeemer” and “the Well-Pleasing one” and “the Beloved,” “the one to whom prayers have been offered” and “the Christ” and “the Light of those appointed,” in accordance with the ones from whom he was brought forth, since he has become the names of the positions which were given to him. Yet, what other name may be applied to him except “the Son,” as we previously said, since he is the knowledge of the Father, whom he wanted them to know?” This passage says that the united prayers of the ALL, the Aeons, and Logos manifested the Christ.  The Christ is the Son of the Father made tangible, bringing full knowledge of the Son whom the Father wanted us to know. “Not only did the aeons generate the countenance of the Father to whom they gave praise, … but also they generated their own; for the aeons who give glory generated their countenance and their face. They were produced as an army for him, as for a king, since the beings of the thought have a powerful fellowship and an intermingled harmony. They came forth in a multifaceted form, in order that the one to whom help was to be given might see those to whom he had prayed for help. He also sees the one who gave it to him.” The “army of Christ” was emanated with the face of every single Aeon so that we might each recognize and personally relate to the Christ. Remember, the Logos Who Fell had a little fractal version of every one of the faces of the Aeons within his Pleroma and when he fell his fractal images cast shadows and phantoms of the Aeons that became the inverted, apparent substance of this universe. We living creatures are the Second Order of Powers, sent down to bring life into a dead cosmos. We are caught in a never-ending war with the shadows of the Fall. The Third Order Powers bring us the salvation of the Christ. This diagram shows where we all stand in the Final Economy, after this world is gone. When the Christ was produced, his Pleroma became a true representation of the pre-existent beings of the thought of those who give glory to the Father. Because of this, there is a piece of light for every piece of darkness, a piece of life for every piece of death, and there is redemption for every Second Order Power that dwells on the material plane. There is also redemption for the Demiurge who rules this cosmos. What accepting the Christ now does for you is that it opens the door for the Third Order Powers to enter and redeem your egoic soul. This power makes it possible to live a joyous and virtuous life. It allows the love of the Father to flow through you and out into the world. And it eases your transition after the physical death of your body, so you may enter the afterlife without fear, knowing that you rest in the Pleroma of the Christ.

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  5. 04/03/2023

    Units of Conciousness–Our Aeonic Inheritance

    Our particular pattern of Aeonic traits formed each of our individual personalities and egoic identities from our inception. We are all unique Second Order Powers reflecting our own Aeonic inheritance. This was determined in the Aeonic realm, prior to any physical instantiation. In terms of the often-asked question regarding “nature” or “nurture,”  nature is our Aeonic inheritance, and nurture is our Ego-generated memes, karma, and entanglements. Our personalities reflect our heavenly or Aeonic inheritance, and that includes both our Self and our originating Egos. It is our Egos that go about this world interfacing with others and collecting memes. Our Egos are all different, whereas our Selfs are all the same. My Ego is only concerned with me, because that is the job of Ego—to take care of and serve the needs of my body. This function of Ego is selfish, but not inherently bad, naughty, or evil; it’s the Ego doing its job. Our bodies hold countless units of consciousness, all working together according to the Simple Golden Rule My governing unit of consciousness is identical to the universal unit of consciousness, which in Gnosticism we would call the Son and the Pleroma of the Son. I also hold countless fractals of that perfect originating consciousness within myself and my body. Ego is like a garment that we wear. Ego is a garment that is cast over our Selves. Ego is like a vessel that contains a shadow outlining my Self’s unit of consciousness. Underneath this garment of “me” resides a perfect fractal of the originating units of consciousness, and that is known as my Self–Self with a capital S. Other people often call this Self the Spirit.   My Self is at the center of my consciousness, aligned with the Fullness and the Father. Ego looks inward and outward, not onward and upward. Our bodies are an entire galaxy of units of consciousness at smaller fractal scales. Their activities and their karma aggregate upward in the higher the fewer manner, as they level up to eventually form my body’s karmic record of health and disease. They operate in a parallel world of smaller lives, inside of our bodies. As their messages aggregate upwards to the organ level, we begin to notice their communication and demands for food, sex, and other macro-scale activities. The life of a cell is about as complex as any of our lives. The machinery within a cell is extremely complicated and interactive, and it operates according to the Simple Golden Rule of sharing information, assistance, and love for the betterment of all—in this case, our bodies. There is a marvelous animation on YouTube called “The Inner Life of a Cell.” If you go to the Gnostic Insights dot com website to view the transcript of this episode, you will find the link to the video. (8) Inner Life Of A Cell – Full Version.mkv – YouTube  The “Inner Life of a Cell” video illustrates the incredible complexity and apparent awareness of cells. You just gotta love those motor proteins! Watch the video and you will see what I mean.

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  6. 11/03/2023

    Archetypes–Fractals of the Fullness

    Our universe is populated by fractal echoes of the Father’s primordial consciousness. We are singular expressions of that originating consciousness. Our units of consciousness are made up of two parts--the Self and the Ego. The Self portion of our unit of consciousness is identical to everyone else's, because the Self is a fractal of the Son’s unit of consciousness. So, what makes me different from you?  The difference between us is based on a few simple principles. First and foremost, each of our Selfs is an almost identical fractal of the Fullness of God, and the Fullness of God is an emanation of the Son's consciousness. But, as is the case with DNA, although our master pattern is identical, not every facet is activated to the same extent in everyone, and the facets that are activated are turned on in different relative strengths. These facets of the Fullness are what we call the Aeons of the Fullness. Each Aeon represents a particular talent, name, function, power, and so forth, of the Son. If you imagine that golden pyramid I use to illustrate the Fullness, our unique personality reflects a slightly different pattern overlaid upon those glowing, golden balls. It’s like a stencil overlaid on top of the fractal Fullness—each one of us has a slightly different stencil obscuring the Fullness that allows a unique pattern of lights to show through. The Aeons of the Fullness provide the Master Pattern of our inherited consciousness. Our particular, personalized pattern of Aeonic traits formed each of our individual identities from our inception. We are all unique Second Order Powers reflecting our own Aeonic inheritance. This was determined in the Aeonic realm, prior to any physical instantiation. This individualized pattern and place is the beginning of our Egos. Egos are all different, whereas our Selfs are all the same. You could call this core personality our heavenly or Aeonic inheritance, and that includes our originating Egos. Even the Aeons have Egos, but their Egos are not in the least bit self-centered or narcissistic, whereas our human Egos are self-serving because that is the job of Ego—to take care of and serve needs of the material body. It is the Ego that interacts with others and the with the world. This function of Ego is self-serving but not inherently bad, naughty, or evil. Even Aeons have Egos. The Aeon’s Egos simply identify their names, positions, ranks, and duties in the Hierarchy of the Fullness. It is their Ego, or self-identity, that differentiates the Aeons of the Fullness from the pure beings of thought known as the ALL. In the hierarchy of the Fullness of God and similarly, within the Pleroma of our bodies, we have every single type of unit of consciousness derived from the Hierarchy of the Son, from the cells on up through our governing Self unit of consciousness. Our governing Self sits on the top of our personal hierarchical Pleroma. We are all fractals. Within my body there are countless fractals of the Fullness of God, and each one of them is doing its job to keep me alive and walking around, because they are operating according to the Simple Golden Rule of reaching out and holding hands with their neighbors, and working together with information, with coherence, and with love to work for the betterment of all.  We are fractal pleromas of the Fullness of God. Our personal pleroma contains fractals of all of the Aeons of the Fullness. I appreciate your dedication to gnosis. If you appreciate these messages, please consider donating to Gnostic Insights to help cover its expenses. I do not personally profit from these proceeds. Thank you!

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  7. 18/03/2023

    So What?

    Our worldview, or ideology, is the larger frame through which we view the world. We humans are built to make sense of the world around us. When things don’t make sense, we feel puzzled, lost, even frightened or depressed. We humans all need to believe in something—anything. I would say it’s in the nature of us Second Order Powers, because we were created as reasonable beings. A worldview is the scaffolding upon which we hang our observations and expectations. It is a very big framework because we need to be able to make some sense of the world in order to discern our reason for living. One person will look at a given set of facts and come to a conclusion based upon their ideological memes; while another person may look at the same facts and come to a completely different conclusion and course of action. This is no surprise, because everyone has a worldview that filters incoming and outgoing energy and memes. A fascinating thing about ideologies is that most people are not even aware that there is such a thing as competing ideologies. Their own ideology is what is called “naturalized,” which means that they hold it so deeply that they do not recognize it as an ideology and that there may be other valid points of view. They don’t realize that their own worldview shapes and filters what they see and the options open for their behavior. They think that those who disagree with them are wrong, crazy, or evil. Please feel free to use the Comments form at I love to hear from you with comments and questions. Let's get this gnosis going!

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Giới Thiệu

Here you will find podcasts that explain gnosis, as simply as humanly possible. What is gnosis? Gnosis is knowing. Gnosis is not faith, or studying, or imagining. Gnosis is remembering. Remembering who you are, why you are here, what your mission on earth is, and where you will go when you die. Gnosis involves remembering the origin of consciousness and creation. The who, what, when, where, and why of everything.

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