The Aligned Interior

The Aligned Interior

Sonya Randell hosts a podcast that explores how our spaces impact our bodies mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The podcast dives into environmental psychology, biology, physics, metaphysics and ancient spiritual practices to gain a more comprehensive understanding on the many ways the physical world affects us. These intimate conversations with a variety of scientists and experts will explore ways to integrate this knowledge into interior design to better support and promote balance, health and wellness in our lived spaces.


  1. 20 THG 2

    What Is Forest Bathing And How Forest Therapy Is A Practice For Personal Development

    This episode is part one of a two part series on Forest Bathing (translated from Japanese term shinrin-yoku). In part one we explore forest bathing and how forest bathing is an effective practice for personal development, better health, wellbeing and spirituality. Our special guest is Amos Clifford the founder and CEO of the Association of Nature & Forest Therapy (ANFT). Amos is a psychotherapist and leading global advocate for ForestTherapy, he teaches that forest therapy is an effective practice for personal development. Bringing together a multinational group of talented trainers, Amos and his team have now led over 2500 Forest Therapy Guides in 66 countries. He is the author of “Your Guide to Forest Bathing.” Amos teaches that “the forest is the therapist, the guide opens the doors.”  Stay tuned for part two with special guest Dr. Susan Abookie. We dive deep into the science behind the health and wellbeing benefits of forest bathing and forest therapy while providing recommendations on how to incorporate these lessons into your home design. Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction  (1:28) What is your background and what lead you to become a leading global advocate for forest bathing?  (7:01) What is forest bathing? And what is its origin?  (13:35) How does forest therapy relate to spirituality?  (22:00) An exploration of the perspective problem (28:10) An exploration of the sentience of stones  (37:10) If we are mimicking the forest bathing experience in a virtual space, what excites you most about that and are there any guiding principles there that you can apply to your home?  (40:36) If you could snap your fingers and imbue everyone in the world with one piece of knowledge or understanding about forests or forest bathing, what would you want them to know?  Resources:  Association of Nature & Forest Therapy (   Your Guide To Forest Bathing by Amos Clifford found on Amazon + other distributers.  Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Link:  ⁠⁠⁠⁠  Disclaimer: - The Aligned Interior Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice.  - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

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  2. 29 THG 1

    How To Use Colour Psychology To Enhance Authenticity & Wellbeing At Home

    In this episode we explore Colour Psychology in Interior Design to facilitate authenticity, alignment and greater well being. Our special guest is Karen Haller FRSA, a global expert in Behavioural Design and Colour Psychology. She helps businesses and design professionals use colour and design to support mental health, enhance wellbeing, and create positive, nature-aligned change. Karen is the author of The Little Book of Colour as well as being an in-demand media commentator, international speaker and awards judge.  Timestamps:  (0:00) Introduction  (1:52) You have a unique approach to colour and design. I’d love it if you could share a little about your approach to and what you do? (4:25) What role does nature play in your approach to color and design?  (8:48) How can we use colour in a home environment to influence positive behaviour and wellbeing?  (13:23) What are the conditions that would make the colour pink have adverse effects?  (19:05) Is there a difference between how our bodies react to the colour in red in paint or light?  (25:48) How would you approach colour design to help facilitate feelings of relaxation, ease and comfort?  (44:55) Discussion on how our colour personality relates to nature and the seasons  (58:00) What key aspects would you recommend for homeowners to keep in mind when they are choosing colours for their home?  (01:06:11) How would you recommend someone approach the amount of colour they use in a space?  (01:08:31) The colour black phase in fashion and what that may mean from a colour psychology perspective (01:14:09) What are your favorite colours and why?  (01:16:43) If you could snap your fingers and give everyone on earth one fundamental piece of colour knowledge, what would it be?  (01:23:34) Closing thoughts  Resources:  Karen Haller (  Free Design Industry E-Book (  Colour & Design Courses (  The Little Book of Colour ( Free First Chapter of The Little Book of Colour ( Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Link:  ⁠⁠  Disclaimer: - The Aligned Interior Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice.  - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

    1 giờ 25 phút
  3. 9 THG 1

    How To Use Gemstones To Align Your Interior

    In this episode we explore Vedic Gemology and how we can use gemstones to facilitate alignment and greater well being. Our guest is Tiffany April Raines (, a Vedic Gemologist, CEO and co-owner of Astrological Gem. She has a nearly 20-year career at Astrological Gem International and has become one of the most popular Vedic Gemologists in the world.  Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction (1:28) How did you got into Gemology? How did you go from a skeptic to a globally recognized gemologist?  (4:10) As part of your personal experimentation with gemstones. Could you share one of these experiments, where you did a trial and error test on a gemstone?  (7:49) If you wanted to work with Saturn in your chart in a benefic way how would you go about choosing the best gemstone based on someone’s natal chart?   (9:26) The importance of testing out a gemstone, trial and error to ensure it is a good fit (10:18) Why did you choose to do Vedic Astrology over Western and is there a difference between them with Gemology?  (13:50) How would you describe gemstones affect someone’s body and energetic field?  (20:05) Are there any gemstones that are not good for someone, will have detrimental effects and/or not safe?  (23:16) When you look at someone’s chart for an initial gemstone consultation what are the areas of the chart that you look at first?  (26:30) For someone just dabbling in gemstones, what advice would you give them for selecting their starter gemstones?  (29:15) What are the benefits and differences between wearing gemstones and having gemstones in a space?  (33:45) Are there any other gemstones that you like to use in your personal space?  (37:10) Are there any harmful effects of using a lot of different types of crystals in a space within close proximity?  (40:16) Discussing the symbiotic relationship between plants and crystals. (41:57) How do you program a stone? Do you have a ritual for bringing a gemstone into a space and / or wearing it?  (44:30) Discussing how gemstones select the buyer just as much as the buyer selects the gemstone. (47:00) What advice do you have for buyers when purchasing gemstones?  (51:10) Are there certain gemstones you don’t recommend for people?  (54:23) How would you approach recommending a gemstone for a house that someone wants to work on but also has the north node or south node in it?  (57:14) For the people who want to be liberated from the “bad karma”, how do you go about recommending a gemstone for them?  (01:03:37) If you were stranded on a desert island, what one gemstone would you bring with you?   (01:04:33) What are you sun, moon and rising signs in Vedic? (01:06:08) Do you have a favorite fact about gemstones? (01:07:33) Closing Resources:  Tiffany April Raines ( Astrological Gemstones (  Vedic Gemology Blog ( Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Link: Disclaimer: The Aligned Interior Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

    1 giờ 9 phút
  4. 04/07/2024

    Heal Through Astrology; Exploring Asterian Astrology For More Personalized Interior Design With Jade Sol Luna

    In this episode we explore how we can design our spaces to facilitate health and well being through Asterian Astrology. Using our Astrological Blueprint we can create spaces that reflect more of our essence.  Our guest is Jade Luna (⁠⁠), a world-renown Asterian Astrologer. Jade is the first westerner to ever reconstruct Hindu Astrology into a Greco-Roman format. He has an extensive resume as an Astrologer, practicing for nearly 30 years and studying with various teachers, Saints and Sadhu's in Asia. Jade offers lectures and workshops worldwide on Asterian Astrology and Ancient Roman-Greco mysticism. He is the author of several books linked below!  Timestamps: (⁠0:00⁠) Introduction (⁠0:30⁠) Introducing our guest & show details  (⁠1:51⁠) How does Asterian Astrology differ from Western Astrology?  (⁠5:26⁠) How did you get into Astrology and how did it lead to you practicing Asterian Astrology?  (⁠10:24⁠) How does Astrology come into play with geographic locations?  (⁠12:37⁠) How does Astrology come into play for buildings?  (⁠13:14⁠) Have you had clients that you have provided astrological advice for specific buildings in addition to geographic locations?  (⁠14:08⁠) Do people have auspicious numbers that change based on Astrological weather and do they have auspicious numbers that stay the same based on their birth chart?  (⁠15:13⁠) How can people look up on their own their numbers from their birth chart as well as the current year and use it as guidance when selecting an apartment or home?  (⁠18:16⁠) Would your Astrological number be the same for Western Astrology as well as Vedic Astrology? (⁠18:44⁠) From an Asterian Astrology perspective what considerations do you make for your own home?  (⁠27:44⁠) In psychology there are personality types. In Asterian Astrology we have an astrological blueprint of our essence. How can we use this blueprint, astrological personality types of sort to create spaces that reflect and support more of our essence?  (⁠39:10⁠) Are there any resources you recommend for people who are looking to learn more about Asterian Astrology?  (⁠⁠40:37⁠⁠) What is the original element of design in ancient time?  (⁠⁠⁠41:42⁠⁠⁠) What is the astrological numerology behind objects? (⁠⁠⁠⁠44:14⁠⁠⁠⁠) If someone were to buy or be given an object from a company or person that has negative intent or negative energy around it how does that affect you (if at all) from an Astrological perspective?  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠48:01⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) Are there certain Astrological signs that lean more towards certain diets?  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠50:58⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) What sign would be very important to consider when designing your home from an Asterian Astrology perspective?  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠52:04⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) How do Gods and Goddesses play a role in terms of you astrological essence and how can you implement that information into your spaces to reflect both you as well as honor those deities?  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠57:40⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) Closing thoughts Resources:  Jade Sol Luna (⁠⁠) ⁠Asterian Astrology The Lost System of Alexander the Great VOL. 1⁠ by Jade Sol Luna  ⁠27 Stars: Discovering your True Self with Asterian Astrology⁠ by Dr. Michael Santangelo and Jade Sol Luna  ⁠Hecate: Death, Transition and Spiritual Mastery⁠ by Jade Sol Luna ⁠Hecate II: The Awakening of Hydra⁠ by Jade Sol Luna  Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Link: ⁠⁠  Disclaimer:  - The Best Kind Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice.  - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

    59 phút
  5. 06/06/2024

    Heal Through Energy, Exploring Frequency Rebalancing in Spaces with guest Dr. Ondre Seltzer

    In this episode we explore how we can design our spaces to facilitate health and well being through frequency rebalancing. Our guest is Dr. Ondre Seltzer (, a world-renowned energy healer, intuitive, and empowerment coach. As the founder of Frequency Energy Medicine (FEM), a technique that rebalances bio-frequencies to promote natural healing. Ondre travels internationally to consult, lecture, and lead workshops for industry leading organizations and individuals. Dr. Ondre currently serves as the Soho House West Hollywood Healer, and has partnered with leading wellness brands such as Ipsy Beauty, Lululemon, and Alo Yoga Wellness HQ. Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction (0:30) Introducing our guest & show details (1:46) How would you describe to listeners what you do? (2:25) How do you rebalance frequencies in spaces? And can you share how that started? (3:48) When you walk into a new space, what do you sense or feel? How do you experience spaces differently than other people? (8:03) We explore why you feel healthier when you are in love and surrounded by high frequency energy. (9:59) What objects and/or things that you recommend for people to increase the frequency of their spaces? (17:41) What do you feel or see in space in terms of what frequencies are in balance or off balance? (21:18) How would you recommend someone go about clearing out a space where they had negative feelings or experiences? (23:52) What would you recommend to clear spaces that for people with pets? (26:30) How do you experience plants as a frequency rebalancer? And how do you feel about them being in spaces? (30:00) Do plants have auras like people? What do you see and feel with them? (33:15) We explore the idea of plants choosing us, rather than us choosing them. (37:59) In terms of a home of an individual that is healing say from sadness from a divorce or where children have problems. From a frequency rebalancer perspective how would you approach adjusting their space? (40:28) Do you ever collaborate and/or consult with designers? (46:10) Closing thoughts Resources: Dr. Ondre Seltzer ( Music in episode from TELL YOUR STORY music by Ikson Disclaimer: - The Best Kind Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice. - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

    48 phút
  6. 16/05/2024

    Environmental Psychology and Design. Exploring the Psychology of Spaces with guest Dr. Sally Augustin

    In this episode we explore how we can design our spaces to facilitate health and well being through Environmental Psychology. Our guest is Dr. Sally Augustin, an Environmental / Design Psychologist and Principal at Design With Science. She has extensive experience integrating science-based insights to develop recommendations for the design of places, objects, and services that support desired cognitive, emotional, and physical experiences. Dr. Augustin has been discussed in many publications, is an author of several books (linked in resources below) as well as an international keynote speaker. Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction (1:44) Could you share a little about what you do and what type of clients you have? (2:27) How can we use Environmental Psychology in design to facilitate better health and wellbeing? (3:40) If you were to walk into a potential residential client’s home, what are the key things you look for as an Environmental Psychologist? (4:38) In your book Designology you discuss PlaceTypes. Can you give a teaser of what PlaceTypes are and how knowing your PlaceType can help with designing a home that is more suited to your needs/personality? (6:43) If budgets are limited, what aspects of a space would you recommend people prioritize for design for maximum impact from an Environmental Psychologist standpoint? (10:35) In terms of visual complexity. What effect does clutter have on the brain? And the opposite, what effect does a stark environment have on the brain? (12:26) In the U.S. it is estimated that approximately 30% of the population will have an anxiety related disorder at some point in their life. From an Environmental Psychologist perspective how would you recommend creating environments that are stress reducing? (18:30) How would you approach designing a space to facilitate a better mood? (31:56) Are there any other natural materials, other than wood grain, that have positive mental and emotional effects on us? Such as reduced cortisol, a better mood, etc? (37:50) In terms of the future of Environmental Psychology and Design, where do you see the industry going? (40:04) Are there any resources that you recommend for people who would like to learn more about Environmental Psychology and Design? (41:10) What are some differences between men and women and how they experience spaces? (45:29) If you could snap your fingers and change one thing about how people approach the design of spaces globally, what would that be? (49:48) Closing thoughts Resources: Dr. Sally Augustin (click here) Research Design Connections (click here) Designology, How to Find Your PlaceType & Align Your Life with Design (click here) Place Advantage: Applied Psychology for Interior Architecture (click here) The Designer’s Guide to Doing Research: Applying Knowledge to Inform Design (click here) Music in episode from TELL YOUR STORY music by Ikson Disclaimer: - The Best Kind Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice. - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

    50 phút
  7. 25/04/2024

    Heal Through Light, Part 1: Designing for the Eyes' Non-Visual System

    In this episode we explore how we can design our spaces to facilitate health and well being through our sense of sight. Our guest is Steven Lockley. Dr. Steven Lockley is a Neuroscientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is also the Co-founder and chief scientist of Timeshifter. With nearly 30 years of research experience, he is considered an international authority on circadian rhythms and sleep. Dr. Lockley works with clients such as NASA and Formula 1's elite on managing peak performance, shift work, and jet lag. Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction (1:38) What are the differences between the visual system and the non visual system? (4:35) I'd love to hear more about your research and how we know the effects of lighting on the non visual system to be true. (9:00) How would you recommend lighting for our eyes' non visual system for our home environment to help facilitate health and wellbeing (10:47) What are some simple things that you could recommend for someone to do in their home to have the most immediate impact to redesign their lighting to be more effective for the non visual system? (15:39) Does daylight have an effect on the non visual system that is beneficial for health and wellbeing? (18:20) Is there a recommended amount of time that you shut off all lights & devices before bed? (23:11) What are some of the studies done that proves that blue short wave length, 5000K or higher temperature lighting has an alerting effect on the body? (25:45) Could you speak to the mood aspect of the effects of this type of light? (27:47) Has anyone done any brain scans on natural light to see if there's anything different that shows up? (29:07) If someone were to go to their local hardware store to purchase bulbs for their home to have more healthy lighting for their home (visual and non visual system) what would you recommend they look for? (31:54) Is there such as thing of making the body too alert with light? (34:41) What colors do and don't support the lighting design for the non visual system? (41:19) Does a 5000K, short blue wave length light make your space look blue? (46:57) Are there any lighting design tools you recommend for designers or lighting design enthusiasts? (49:48) Is it possible that the sun may offer additional benefits to the human system that is yet to be discovered? (51:34) If you could snap your finger and you could change one fundamental thing about lighting design globally what would it be? (52:43) Closing thoughts Resources: ALFA by Solemma (click here) Timeshifter (click here) Music in episode from TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Disclaimer: - The Best Kind Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice. - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

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  8. 11/04/2024

    Heal Through Sound, Designing for the Ears

    In this episode we explore how we can design our spaces to facilitate health and well being through our sense of hearing. Our guest is Julian Treasure, a sound expert, author and international keynote speaker whose mission is to help people and organizations create healthier and more effective sound. He has 5 Ted Talks with over 150 million views. Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction (0:30) How's the sound where you are today? (1:02) Was there a mundane sound you enjoyed most recently? (3:02) How would you describe a healthy indoor sound environment? (6:40) What are the specific chemical reactions that happen in the body when a person is exposed to nature sounds? Are there specific hormones released? What is going on there exactly? (13:40) In terms of people creating an ideal sound environment. What would be the steps that you would recommend for them to achieve that? (25:15) How important is silence when designing sound for an environment? (33:57) How does having noise in your environment (for example schools or offices) impact your focus and productivity? (41:44) Are there any sounds or frequencies that we are not able to hear that affects our body's? (44:44) Are there any specific sounds that support the circadian system and healthier sleep? (48:46) How would you recommend someone go about designing their home or space so that it is tailored for their individual ears? (52:39) Could you share a success story from Moodsonic? (55:49) What would be your favorite sound in the world? (56:27) Closing thoughts Resources: Mynoise Moodsonic Dr. Sally Augustin BGR Modular Classrooms Music in episode from TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Disclaimer: - The Best Kind Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice. - The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. - The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

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  9. 28/03/2024

    Heal Through Scent, Exploring Scentscaping (Aromatherapy)

    Listen to this on your favorite podcast platform.  In this episode we explore scent with the lovely,⁠ Yasmine ElGhamrawy⁠, an Aromatherapist and founder of ⁠Yatlina⁠. Take a listen to gain a better understanding of how we can design our spaces to facilitate health and well being through our sense of smell. Timestamps: (0:00) Introduction  (0:55) Defining Aromatherapy (9:46) Yasmine's background along with Aromatherapy wisdom nuggets (17:56) Yasmine's approach to Aromatherapy (25:26) A clinic Yasmine provided scentscaping services for and what this entailed  (51:28) How to use Aromatherapy for your home to bring a sense of calmness (59:55) Safety recommendations for Aromatherapy (01:09:02) Recommended Aromatherapy tools for your home  (01:18:04) How memory and scent are related (01:25:23) Cognitive and emotional effects of various scents and essential oils (01:31:15) Yasmine's top essential oil choice if she was stranded on a desert island  (01:34:30) Advice when shopping for essential oils (01:42:29) The one thing that Yasmine would change how people use or understand Aromatherapy globally  (01:43:53) How Yasmine incorporates Aromatherapy in her home  (01:45:48) Closing thoughts with details on Yasmine's company and offerings  Show Highlights: What bespoke Aromatherapy consultations entail  How to scentscape a space How to scentscape your home to feel calm Examples of physiological effects of essential oils Examples of mental and emotional effects of essential oils Recommended essential oils to facilitate mental and emotional states of being  Best tools for essential oils  Advice for someone shopping for essential oils Safety recommendations when using essential oils  Guest: Yasmine ElGhamrawy is an Aromatherapist and founder of ⁠Yatlina⁠, an Aromatherapy Trade Council-approved company.  Music by: @iksontellyourstory Links:  ⁠Encoding fear intensity in human sweat⁠ ⁠Aromatherapy facts and fictions: a scientific analysis of olfactory effects on mood, physiology and behavior⁠ Disclaimer: The Best Kind Podcast is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other health care services, including giving medical advice.  The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk.

    1 giờ 51 phút

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4 Xếp hạng

Giới Thiệu

Sonya Randell hosts a podcast that explores how our spaces impact our bodies mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The podcast dives into environmental psychology, biology, physics, metaphysics and ancient spiritual practices to gain a more comprehensive understanding on the many ways the physical world affects us. These intimate conversations with a variety of scientists and experts will explore ways to integrate this knowledge into interior design to better support and promote balance, health and wellness in our lived spaces.

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