The Art Equation: A Now Be Here Podcast

Now Be Here Art
The Art Equation: A Now Be Here Podcast

The Art Equation is a podcast from Now Be Here, where art historian and curator Patricia Ortega-Miranda and contemporary artist Kim Schoenstadt talk with artists, writers, curators, registrars, archivists, and more, about everything that goes into pulling off an exhibition and being part of the art world. Now Be Here is a fiscally sponsored nonprofit, hosting a visual directory of women and nonbinary artists to develop opportunities and promote their work to wider audiences.


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5개의 평가


The Art Equation is a podcast from Now Be Here, where art historian and curator Patricia Ortega-Miranda and contemporary artist Kim Schoenstadt talk with artists, writers, curators, registrars, archivists, and more, about everything that goes into pulling off an exhibition and being part of the art world. Now Be Here is a fiscally sponsored nonprofit, hosting a visual directory of women and nonbinary artists to develop opportunities and promote their work to wider audiences.

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