The Astrology Show

iOM Radio Network - OMTimes
The Astrology Show

Each week on The Astrology Show, Kelli will give you access to the current transits that are a valuable tool which provide astrological information to help unlock the potential each of us has through our Sun sign. Understanding the current planetary influences each week can help steer us in the right direction to make better-informed choices. Sometimes, events in your life may seem completely random but there is a pattern to the order of these events – one set in motion in part by you, and in part by the planets and stars in the sky and their influence on your life here on earth. So if you’re wondering what’s going to happen in your week ahead — if you’re going to get that promotion, move to a new city or fall in love – tune into The Astrology Show for guidance. It can help you anticipate problems before they occur, give you tools to cope with changes, and help you look forward to the wonderful days ahead. Kelli Fox is a professional astrologer and internet pioneer who launched – one of the first and most successful astrology web sites. Today, her passion lies with her new site – where she brings a modern day approach to an ancient wisdom. Listen live every Monday at 9PM ET at

  1. The Planets This Month: April 2019


    The Planets This Month: April 2019

    The Planets This Month: April 2019 Aired Monday, 1 April 2019, 9:00 PM ET April promises to be more settled than what we experienced throughout March. Communication planet Mercury will move from Pisces to Aries which offers more of a faster pace and quick thinking from all. We do need to be careful that we are not jumping into situations too quickly without forethought. Love planet Venus will also be moving into Aries so there will be a lot of action and energy in social situations. If you’re single and dating this influence is great for new experiences and beginnings. It doesn’t mean relationships will last it simply means there are a lot of experiences to be had. The Sun will shift from Aries to Taurus so life settles down a little from the hectic and what has oftentimes been chaotic. Taurus is about enjoying life’s simple pleasures and prioritizing quality over quantity. Expansive Jupiter turns retrograde until August which means take care when traveling or starting a class or course. Philosophical ideals may change during this period. Jupiter is currently in Sagittarius where it has been since November 8th, 2018. Sagittarius is where Jupiter expresses itself most purely. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and optimism, and Sagittarius is the sign of travel, higher learning, adventure, and philanthropy. Jupiter in Sagittarius offers a welcomed wave of positive energy and optimism regardless if it’s retrograde, or not. Pluto, planet of change and transformation will turn also turn retrograde in Capricorn until October. Typically, this is not news unless the retrograde happens to trigger a natal planet or point in your birth chart. This means life may unfold in a new direction for many of us during this period. Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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  2. The Planet This Week: March 25, 2019


    The Planet This Week: March 25, 2019

    The Planet This Week: March 25, 2019 Aired Monday, 25 March 2019, 9:00 PM ET The astro headlines of the week are love planet Venus moving into Pisces, communication planet Mercury turning direct while action planet Mars moves into Gemini. Under the influence of Venus in Pisces from March 26th until April 20th and depending on where this ingress transits through your birth chart, you could be an incurable romantic. You might be prone to fantasy when it comes to love, seeing the god or goddess in everyone you meet, and thinking that you’ve met your dream partner. Practicality and discrimination go out the window, and you’re willing to sacrifice it all for your ideal love. Boundaries become more fluid, and it’s harder to tell where you end and your beloved begins. In fact, you probably won’t care, as you long to merge into ecstatic oneness. You might have a tendency to lose yourself in relationship-land and could be quite hedonistic. Illusion and disillusion are the downsides of this dreamy transit. Be sure to get a reality check from a more objective third party before making any long-term commitments. Mercury finally turns direct in Pisces! This means we make decisions based on feelings rather than logic now. You’re also more sensitive to other people’s feelings, and your decisions could be motivated by compassion. You may not be able to explain how you came to a certain conclusion. Words might elude you now, and you long to express yourself in non-verbal ways. Finally, action planet Mars moves into Gemini so you may have trouble maintaining focus on anything for very long. Many of us are speaking at a fast pace, or you could dominate conversations by grabbing the microphone without letting someone else have a chance to talk. You’ll be great at going out to get information, but not so good at processing it or making up your mind. Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm Et to find out more…

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  3. 2019/03/19

    The Planet This Week: March 18, 2019

    The Planet This Week: March 18, 2019 Aired Monday, 18 March 2019, 9:00 PM ET What do the planets have in store for us this week? Happy New Year! Yes, you heard this correctly. One of the headlines of the year is on Wednesday 20th we will be celebrating the Vernal Equinox. This marks the official start of spring, in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the start of autumn. The equinox coincides with the start of the astrological new year and the Sun moving into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Also, this week, there’s a Full Moon in Libra so you will likely notice the quality of your relationships improving thanks to your thoughtful attempts at fairness and compromise. As human beings, we have a strange, but unconscious way of mimicking the behavior of others. When met by a charming smile from a stranger, our faces respond with an equally bright grin. Yawns have the same effect. Try coughing in a large public room full of people – at least a few folks will cough in response. With those you are closest to, they too will mimic the consideration and respect that you’ve shown them. You’re beginning to see the flavor of your relationships take on a sweeter side. Who can resist a person who treats them with utmost respect, trust, and kindness? Power imbalances may begin to level out, as long as you continue to not only be thoughtful, but also clear about your own expectations. If you have been working on redecorating your home or office, continue selecting colors, objects, and textures that produce a tranquil environment. Look through a few more catalogs, visit a few more stores, and soon you will have created a space that is worth all the work you put into it. Tune in on Monday at 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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  4. The Planets This Month: March 2019


    The Planets This Month: March 2019

    The Planets This Month: March 2019 Aired Monday, 25 February 2019, 9:00 PM ET March is already upon us! The main event in March is unpredictable Uranus will move into Taurus for the final time this cycle. We can expect financial shakeups and sudden events. The fixed signs may find life brings some unusual and unexpected happenings and encounters. Uranus moved into Taurus on May 15th, 2018 and gave us a small taste of what to expect for the next seven years. For the first time in 2019, communication planet Mercury will be turning retrograde in the final degree of the zodiac. For many of us, in particular, the mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces there will be confusion and misunderstandings. Redoing, reviewing and anything else that starts with RE will be the best way to utilize this energy. Love planet Venus moves into Aquarius which is a great time for friendships and connecting with like minded people both online and offline. For the air signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius this is a month where your social needs will be met. At the end of March, Venus will then move into sweet and gentle Pisces, a sign it likes. From this time through April romance will be the air. The water signs – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will get a big amp up in the love department. It’s also a great time for boosting friendships and pursuing creative endeavors. The key is to do something you love in a creative way. It’s also a good time for charitable, compassionate and caring causes. Go help out at an animal shelter or old folk’s home. March is a time for giving and reaching out to others. Giving ourselves selflessly. Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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  5. Happy Birthday Pisces


    Happy Birthday Pisces

    Happy Birthday Pisces Aired Monday, 18 February 2019, 9:00 PM ET This show is dedicated to the twelfth sign of the zodiac – Pisces. This week, the Sun moves into Pisces where it will be until March 20th. This is a good time to pursue creative endeavors, performing arts and spiritual pursuits. Pisces is symbolized by the Fish, those two little creatures whose scales glint in the sun as they follow where the stream takes them. And just as that stream can symbolize the subconscious mind or the winding path of life itself, Pisces is like those fish, swimming along in the currents, taking what comes and throwing off rainbows as it goes. During this time, you could find that ‘reality’ is in fact only a small bit of the true larger picture; the spirit world is really where it’s at. Try not to avoid or escape the so-called Real World in order to hang out in that preferable alternate reality. Be very careful that this does not devolve into evasion or avoidance. Also, this week, we have a Full Moon Super Moon in Virgo. During the Virgo Full Moon, you’ll probably feel a sense of achievement as you notice the progress of your efforts to tidy up at home and at work. Things seem to be a lot easier to locate now that you’ve organized your stuff into more manageable piles. Although you may not be completely finished putting things away or tossing them out, you’re beginning to actually see some open space in your environment. In matters of health, you feel the effects of your exercise routine — or lack of one. Give yourself more time to reach the optimal goal that you originally set out to accomplish. Tune in on Monday at 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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  6. The Planets This Week: February 11, 2019


    The Planets This Week: February 11, 2019

    Aired Monday, 11 February 2019, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Week: February 11, 2019 The astro headline of the week is warrior planet Mars moving into gentle Taurus where it will be until March 30th. This will be a welcome reprieve after a hectic six weeks while Mars was in Aries. Mars is usually very happy with Aries but this time not so much as it was forming so very challenging angles to the outer planets. Now, while Mars is in Taurus, we can expect a slower pace, much more methodical, pragmatic and practical. Before Mars moves into Taurus on Thursday, he will be making his final tough aspect when he conjuncts unpredictable Uranus. This is a volatile and rageful energy that brings unexpected situations and encounters. This is especially true if you are born towards the end of any of the cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Also, this week, communication planet Mercury moves into dreamy Pisces. This is an extra long Mercury cycle because it will turn retrograde on March 5th until March 28th. Mercury is the planet that is connected to our thought processes, logic, understanding and of course communication. It isn’t a good fit when it’s with Pisces as this sign is more about emotions and feelings. When the two come together it’s a disjointed energy. Mercury turns retrograde about three times a year for three weeks each time. This Mercury retrograde period promises to be a tough one filled with miscommunication, confusion and misunderstandings. The best way to counter-balance this energy is to be more creative and to use the right side of your brain. Performing arts, intuition, music – anything that’s connected to the sign Pisces. Care and compassion for yourself and others is another way to dissipate potentially fraught situations. Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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  7. The Planets This Week: February 4, 2019


    The Planets This Week: February 4, 2019

    Aired Monday, 4 February 2019, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Week: February 4, 2019 Join host and astrologer Kelli Fox as she talks about the planets this week. With love planet Venus moving into Capricorn you may find yourself rather serious in the realm of love, you may be quite shy and reserved, perhaps afraid to demonstrate your affection and risk unrequited love. There could be a strong sense of restriction in the way you approach your relationships. You may not be quite sure of yourself, or whether the object of your affection will return your feelings; this could make you so nervous, you’d rather say nothing. During this time, you could happily devote yourself to taking care of a partner and your sense of commitment will be very strong. Work to develop your confidence and your relationships which will improve a lot if you set your mind to it. If you’re artistic, you’ll have a special ability to manifest the results of your creativity which will show the serious message that you are trying to convey. When it comes to money, there will be no sense in displaying a poverty consciousness at this time. You will be more successful and attract more money with confidence than you will with reticence. You’re not likely to spend your money on anything frivolous; you want things that are not only practical but also of good quality under this influence. There’s also a New Moon in Aquarius which means it’s time for new beginnings in the realms of science, technology and humanitarianism. Brilliant out-of-the-box thinking and innovative solutions to old problems is a great way to use this energy. New Moons are all about starting a new cycle. Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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  8. The Planets This Month: February 2019


    The Planets This Month: February 2019

    Aired Monday, 28 January 2019, 9:00 PM ET The Planets This Month: February 2019 This month promises to be memorable and not necessarily in a good way. The month starts with a very intense Mars-Pluto square. This destructive energy is about unconscious power plays, manipulations and outright control-grabbing, life can get kinda dicey with this intense and often rageful transit. Hurt feelings can quickly turn into rage so take care as there is more volatile energy mid-month when Mars once again will be wrecking havoc when it conjuncts unpredictable Uranus. We just don’t care what others think right now and our speech and behavior show it. We could say anything — the more shocking, the better. When taken to the extreme this energy can become violent so it’s best to tread lightly at this time. Thankfully, and just in time for Valentine’s Day warrior Mars will move into gentle Taurus so the intensity of earlier in the month begin to settle down. With this transit slow and steady may be our motto. Physically, many of us will be strong and sturdy. A New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th switches attention to innovations, networking and community interests, but this very busy cosmic opening to the month may well have left tempers frayed and confidence ebbing. There are also many fortuitous influences this month too. An auspicious Sun-Jupiter sextile bring hope, joy and optimism on the 7th. What’s important now is the broader vision, the higher principle; don’t bother with the little, troublesome details that can bog us down. On the 19th there’s a Full Moon Supermoon in Virgo. The Virgo Full Moon shows you how to keep things running in top shape. A little more work from you ensures effective results and benefits. Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

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    Each week on The Astrology Show, Kelli will give you access to the current transits that are a valuable tool which provide astrological information to help unlock the potential each of us has through our Sun sign. Understanding the current planetary influences each week can help steer us in the right direction to make better-informed choices. Sometimes, events in your life may seem completely random but there is a pattern to the order of these events – one set in motion in part by you, and in part by the planets and stars in the sky and their influence on your life here on earth. So if you’re wondering what’s going to happen in your week ahead — if you’re going to get that promotion, move to a new city or fall in love – tune into The Astrology Show for guidance. It can help you anticipate problems before they occur, give you tools to cope with changes, and help you look forward to the wonderful days ahead. Kelli Fox is a professional astrologer and internet pioneer who launched – one of the first and most successful astrology web sites. Today, her passion lies with her new site – where she brings a modern day approach to an ancient wisdom. Listen live every Monday at 9PM ET at










