In this episode, Dungeon Master Jason Portizo and former co-hosts Josey Diaz and Greg Genovas recount the epic story of 'The Ballad of Edgardo.' Originally aired on 'Curmudgeons and Dragons,' this tale follows the tumultuous journey of Edgardo, a brawler navigating a hostile role-playing game environment. Facing constant opposition from overpowered players and biased moderators, Edgardo forms an alliance with an unlikely companion, a player named Squid, and eventually, Goldenharl—a former enemy. Together, they navigate betrayal, exploit game mechanics, and ultimately challenge the tyrannical player, Zero. Filled with humor, camaraderie, and the triumph of underdogs, this story culminates in the legendary punch into the sun and a dramatic conclusion.
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- Опубликовано3 июня 2024 г., 07:00 UTC
- Длительность44 мин.
- Выпуск34
- ОграниченияС ненормативной лексикой